A/N: Edited at 29.8.2013. Changed the title name. Formerly called as 'Food of Hyrule'. Change done because of the given questions.

Me: I hope you guys will be sending lots of questions into here! Whatever you've wanted to know, now's your chance to find out! =D You can ask the questions from both Dark and Link or just from the other one. You can also, if you want to, ask a question from anyonelse too, like from Princess Zelda. =)

*Dark walks in*

Me: Ah! You're exactly the person I was hoping to come across! =D

Dark: *bit worried but doesn't leave*

Me: I got something for you! =D *gives two boxes and one letter*

Dark: *bit suspicious but opens the boxes* =D COOKIES!

Me: =) Check the labels, Dark.

Dark: *checks the lid* =) Huge thanks to both shadowgirl215 and HaloBramblestar! =D THANK YOU!

Me: One more thing. *hugs Dark* This is from NictarianHero. =)

Dark: *extremely happy* THANK YOU NictarianHero! =D

Me: Now, go and check the letter! And send a reply too! =)

Dark: *nods eagerly while leaving the room, gets Storm and returns back to Hyrule with a happy smile on his face*

Me: So, yeah, keep sending those questions in! =D And cookies. ;-)



CHAPTER 1: Sandwiches

Dark returned back to Hyrule with a happy smile on his face. His short trip had gone easily but he was bit worried about the letter he had gotten. The dark Hylian wasn't fully happy to remember that the Hero of Time had left for a mission but there wasn't really anything he could do about it.

Dark went straight to the room he shared with Link, took his things off before already flopping down to the soft bed. He put the two boxes of cookies to the night table before opening the letter and starting to read it through.

"Hey, Dark. I got a question for you: What do you like in your sandwiches? Also, I'm wondering about the abundance of sandwiches in Hyrule Castle... Is there a special sandwich chef just for you and Link? With best regards, Swamp Dragon Princess."

Dark re-read the short letter few times with a slight frown on his face. He put the letter down for a while and went to get a dictionary. "Abundance... What the heck that means?" The dark Hylian wondered while searching the word out. He blinked at the explanation and chuckled slightly nervously while putting the book away and returning to the bed. "Well, I certainly was waiting for totally different answer..." Dark mumbled and started to think out how to reply to the letter.

The dark Hylian was bit sad for Link to be out of the castle for the day. Yet, it gave him a chance to read through the letter while trying to figure out how to reply to it. He was still bit worried what the letters would hold inside of them but so far he was happy for the given questions and, especially, for the given goods along with them.

After a while he went to fetch few papers, pen and ink. Dark returned with them to the bed and put the things to the night table. He had half bought, half had it for a present just few years ago. And the table had been on full use ever since. After all, the dark Hylian didn't leave the bed too eagerly.

Dark put the end of the pen into his mouth while having that small frown on his face while thinking something through. He was leaning against his hand with the elbow on the night table. Eventually the dark Hylian sighed and started to write his letter.

"Dear Swamp Dragon Princess, Thank you for the question... And for teaching me a new word. Luckily Link bought me a dictionary several years ago and, well, it's been in huge use ever since. It kinda started to look quite worn out inside a year and Link bought me a new one but... I haven't really used that one... Yet... Probably gonna use it once I literaly have the first book thoroughly destoryed. Yeah, I use it quite a lot. *chuckle* Um... Sorry for possible mistakes. Link has taught me to write but I still get mistakes here and there. And, um..."

Dark glanced towards the bookshelf and then back to the letter. The book was bit too big to be on the night table and the dark Hylian wanted to use the table to write short letters and whatnot to improve his writing skills. The book didn't fit into the small shelf on the table either so it was among other few books on the few years back bought bookshelf. The bookshelf was actually mainly for Dark but Link used it too from time to time.

"...So...Um... Getting to the actual question here... The sandwiches kinda differ depending on the season and my mood. If I just wrote a list of all the things (I know the right word but I can't spell it. Not to mention that I'm not eager to fetch the dictionary again), I'd have to use several papers for that. So... I'm just going to tell off few of the sandwiches that I'm doing... Or liking... Or something like that... Um... And your other question... Well...

The kitchen has lots of cooks in there and everyone has their own little jobs to do. Me and Link don't have personal cook for sandwhiches even though there's one or few guys doing that. According to Link the sandwiches are usually meant for people who are working outside of Hyrule's Castle... Um... Like the guys that build stuff (again I know the word but can't write it -.-'), the hunters and people who check the border lines... Like me and Link... Um... I'm not sure what the hunters do but according to Link they get food at winter time and sometimes even during summer. Dunno...

So... Leaving that off and getting to other stuff. Well, about food in overall... According to Link some of our food actually come outside of Hyrule. Dunno how. Never seen. And he even stated something 'bout 'green house'. What the heck's that?! I mean that Link told that its used to grow stuff even during winter. O.o Some magic there or something?! *sigh* Link didn't exactly expain it off. He kinda said that I should see it instead of just hearing 'bout it. Which also brings me to another thing:

Link usually explains the food part only after I've tasted things. I'm not sure I like that way since there's been some of things that I like but don't want to think where it's from... Like chikcens and deers. Fish is something I accept... Kinda...

Um... Sidetracking here... Sorry... So, I think I can finally get to actually to answer to your question... I'm sorry for long letter, though. Um... I think I should start from winter time since then food's prolly bit more scarce... I think...

Uh, yeah... Um... Sandwiches... During Christmas time there's lot of food to have! Well, mainly after it, though. *sigh* But taht's also the best time for different foods and whatnot! And usually, with Link's permission, I can eat anything I want! =D

...Sidetracking... Again... *sigh* Okay, getting the question actually answered now. So, winter... My sandwhiches usually have fish and or meat like chiken... Sometimes deer. Sadly. Um... Sometimes, usually with Link, I'm also up and about for stacked stuff like some fruits that have been put for winter time from the... What was it again... Harvest? I think that was the word Link used... Yeah, but I'm not too brave to actually go and open those bottles without full acceptacne from someone... Usually Link's, that is.

Speaking of which I remembered another thing that is close enough for this. Especially during winter I kinda won't be taking things that are scarce like having few last pieces of it. I'm usually going for something that has lots of it so my work won't be noticed that much. *nervous chuckle* Also, according to Link, there are marked foods too... Like for someone who can't eat some specific foods and whatnot... But I don't really understand that part...

So, moving forward... Um, during spring, summer and autumn it's easier to do sandwhiches. Mainly because of there being so much to eat! My main favorite is... Well, sandwich with stuff like chocolate and berries like strawberries and blueberries. Also lots of fruits like apples, pear, kiwi and whatnot. *licks slightly at lips* But these are usually when I'm either feeling sad or just wanting something nice.

So... Going for actual sandwiches that I do. Um... Mainly when me and Link are out of castle to check places or doing a mission or something. Usually I put off stuff like chicken, salad, cucumber, tomato, pickle and cheese (few different kinds). I kinda do few different kind of sandwhiches for the trips. *slight chuckle* But, yeah... According to Link I eat quite healthily. *shrugs* Oh, well, I just put what I like into them. I don't really care whether or not its actually 'healthy'. Though, Link's sandwhiches mostly consist of chicken and some stuff that he calls 'mayonaise' or something... I'm more for the salad side's of, oddly enough, salad dressing... I sometimes can't belive the words I hear. *sigh*

Um... Long letter for actually shorthly explained thing. Sorry for it. Oh, and someitmes just sneaking into the kitchen to do sandwhiches and whatnot is actually more fun than the food itself. Oh, and one more thing. I'm not sure if I said this already but sandwhiches are actually easier to have along than soup or such. Its also faster to be done and stashed. Not to mention that it actually is good for longer while than other stuff... Plus, I can, without Link's notion, sometimes feed the close by animals with my food. *laughs slightly and grins* So... I hope this was good enough answer. With best regards, Dark."

The dark Hylian checked the letter few times and sighed slightly at the mistakes. "I just seem not to get that one word written right." He mumbled before folding the paper and finding an envelope for it. After that Dark wrote Swamp Dragon Princess into the envelope before putting the letter inside and shutting the envelope. Once this was done, the dropped the envelope into another one and wrote down the author's address. He knew that the one writing his life story out could easily send the letter forward since he didn't know where to actually send the letter.

Dark sighed bit sadly. He really wasn't eager to leave the bed and the room but he needed to get the letter on the way. After checking the place and hiding the letter from Swamp Dragon Princess into his drawer, the dark Hylian left the room and to find the postbox. He was grateful not to crash up with anyone on his way. Once that little thing was handled, Dark returned to his room to wait for Link's return. He was eager to hear out how the Hero's mission had gone.


A/N: So, yeah, more questions if you want a letter from Dark! =) Oh, and I have to say I had no idea of what 'abundance' meant. XD Thought it to have something to do with word 'absence' but it ended up being thoroughly opposite. XD

Also, flames are accepted but those shall be for Axel's entertainment or for Demyx's practice! =P

IN CASE YOU'RE INTERESTED: I'm really wishing for pictures of my story. I don't care what your drawing skills are (you can check my DevArt page to know how crappy I am while drawing) but I really would love it if you drew a picture of your favorite part of my story. I accept from stick people pictures to works worthy of being shown in a museoum and everything in between! For everyone who tells that they'll draw a picture, I shall write a story. All I need is your fave charactes and bit of info. Also, if you don't want to come up with an idea for it but you have a picture that you have drawn and like it, I can write a story for the picture!
So, in short: Your picture of one part of my story = a story from me with your ideas.
There is no deadline for this and the more pictures you do, the more stories I'll write for you. Simple, right? I really hope for lots of pictures! =)
NOTE! Write me either a PM or by doing a review reply. DON'T tell me what part you're drawing, just that you do draw a picture. I have DevianArt account, so if you do have such too, it'll be easy to send a link once it is done and uploaded. On other time, send me link by e-mail (can be found on my profile page) and I will send you review of it by here or by e-mail if you leave me your e-mail. In DA I can fave your work, on other sites I'll put the picture to my bookmaks. THANK YOU!