Well here's the sequel everyone was waiting for! I'm sorry if the characters are oc and I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as the first one. I start college so bear with the slow update. I own nothing…. :D


Chapter 1

Levy was pissed. Angry Natsu breathing pissed. She walked, more like stomped her way towards then guild. She was late, like really late because of that douche of a Dragon Slayer. Mira was going to kill her. The short girl signed sadly. 'He stood me up.' She thought, feeling tear prick at her eyes. 'Then again what can I expect?' Shaking her head from negative thoughts, she thought about tonight's party. Levy was hoping that it'll be just as fun as last month's.


Looking behind her, she saw her blond best friend coming up beside her in a… Super Girl costume. "Lu-chan! I thought you were going to be Wonder Woman." Levy said with a raised eyebrow as the taller woman stood beside her.

Lucy sweat dropped, laughing airily. "Yeah… someone else is doing that." She said before she wiggled her eyebrows. "So you're Cat woman huh? Pretty sexy."

Levy blushed looking down at her own costume. It was a sexy hug fitting black body suit that clung to her curves like a second skin. Her feet was adorn in sexy black heels. Her kitty mask was on, hiding half of her face. "I-it's nothing." She murmured.

Lucy smirked. "Oh really? What's Gajeel's going to say when he sees you in this?"

When she heard his name, she scowled darkly. "Who cares what he thinks." She growled.

The blond widened her eyes. "Is… everything alright?" Lucy asked slowly.

A sad expression crossed her face before it turned back to anger. "He's a jerk! Standing me up without a word and now look! I'm late and Mira's going to kill me." She ended with a whine.

"Start at the beginning Levy-chan. I'm lost." The blond said.

The blue haired mage took a deep breath before releasing it. "Well we made plans to go to the party together. I've been waiting for two hours at the park being whistle at and receiving crude comments and not a word from him. Now Mira's probably wondering where I am." Signing she looked at the blond. "What's your excuse for being late?"

IT was like a switch went off as Lucy's expression went dark. "Natsu forgot about buying a costume for the party." She said. "Nine times at a ten we're not matching."

Now it was Levy's turned to sweat drop. "But Lu-chan… me and Gajeel isn't matching." She pointed out.

Lucy grabbed Levy's shoulders, staring into her eyes intensely. "But I want to win the grand prize! I need that money for rent." She said.

Levy shook her head. "I… see. Well let's go." She murmured walking towards the guild.

"Yeah, let's take the punishment together." Lucy agreed.

Mira wanted them at the guild an hour ago to help set up for the main event tonight. The girls couldn't help but feel that tonight event was going to be a bit better for their nerves then the last one.

Well at least they hope so.

As they neared the guild people were already off their butts drunk. Heck someone even flew out the entrance door. When they entered Mira was on them at once.

"There you two are. I was wondering when you guys were going to show up." She said smiling, holding out a tray.

It was like déjà all over again.

"S-sorry." They murmured.

She waved away their apologies away. "Don't worry. I had some help. Nice costumes by the way." She winked.

But they were in awe of the Take-over mage. She was dressed as Harley Quinn. A red and black top with the diamond symbols on each breasts, black and red pants that hugged her long legs. Sexy black boots with a 6-inch heel on her feet. Her hair was in pony tails and her face was painted like a clown.

"You're the one with the awesome costume Mira." Levy said.

The barmaid chuckled. "Why thank you Levy. Now then girls go enjoy yourself, find a partner for the night and get ready for the main event." She started walking away.

"W-wait. What is the main event?" Lucy asked to the retreating mage.

"People are going to vote which team has the best costume for that grand prize I told you about. Good luuuuk!" she called as she took the tray to a waiting customer.

"Well at least it's not bidding." Levy said, relieved.

Lucy nodded. "True. But I want that prize money." She said, a fire burning in her eye.

Levy sweat dropped. "Lu-chan…"

Clutching her fist, Lucy turned to her bookworm best friend. "I'm going to go find a partner. Levy best of luck to you."

The script mage nodded smiling. "Alright. Good luck to you as well."

They went their separate ways in the pack guild.

Levy wasn't sure how she was going to find a partner. Originally she would instantly went to go find Gajeel, but not this time. Oh no, this time the Dragon Slayer was going to follow her. Walking towards the bar, she spotted Cana drinking from her fifth barrel. "Cana!" Levy greeted, sitting down at the empty bar stool.

The brunette smiled at the shorter woman, wiggling her eyebrows. "Well, well, well, look at you. Sexy Cat woman." She said smirking.

Levy blushed. "I-it's nothing. Though I like your outfit. No wonder Lu-chan didn't dress as Wonder Woman." She said looking at the Card mage costume.

She was dressed as Wonder Woman obviously. Her long hair was in a pony tail with the head piece on her forehead. The suit molded to her body like a second skin. All in all she made a great Wonder Woman.

"So who is your partner Cana?" the bookworm asked.

"Psh… Laxus." She said annoyed as she took a sip of her drink. "I wanted to be partners with Hibiki, but he's so jealous he doesn't want me with anyone but him." She pouted.

Levy chuckled. "Well that shows that he really cares. It's better than no emotion at all." She said bitterly.

Cana raised an eyebrow. "Trouble in paradise?" she asked.

Levy signed.

"Aah… the usual." The brunette put a hand on her shoulder in a comforting manner. "Sometimes you need to give those Dragon Slayers a swift kiss to the ass, and then let them crawl." She winked.

The script mage chuckled. "Maybe I should do that."

Suddenly a loud noise broke out behind them. Both turned to see Gray and Natsu fighting, yelling nonsense and cursing at each other. Gray was covered in ice looking like Ice Man and Natsu… Levy didn't know what the hell the Dragon Slayer was!

He was wearing his regular white pants and over them was red underwear. His vest was gone, in place a red cape was tied around his neck.

"That's not a superhero dumbass!" Gray growled upper cutting the Fire Dragon Slayer.

Natsu landed a kick to the Ice mage stomach. "If I say it's a superhero than it's a superhero ice princess." He growled.

They were fighting… as usually.

'Lu-chan was right. Natsu isn't matching with her.' She thought sweat dropping. 'He looks like a boot leg version of Superman.' Signing she turned back to see that Cana disappeared somewhere. 'I wonder where she went.' She thought before shrugging. Probably off to find Laxus, or make him jealous.

She chuckled, shaking her head. Feeling someone tap her shoulder, she turned her head and connected with red eyes. She widened her eyes, recognizing Rogue, behind the mask.

"Hello Levy-san." He greeted quietly.

"U-uh hi…" she murmured softly blushing. She still remember last month's party when he bided for her against Gajeel.

"Do you happen to know where Gajeel-san is?" he asked.

She shook her head. "No sorry." She answered.

"I see." He murmured looking at her costume with an arched eyebrow. "Very ironic isn't?" he asked.

She cocked her head to the side, confusion written on her face.

"You're Cat woman and I'm Batman." He explained with a small smile.

She smiled. "That is ironic."

A small comfortable silence past before she broke it. "Come sit with me. I need the company." She said patting the seat next to her.

Surprise flickered across his face before he sat down next to her at the bar.

"So why are you looking for Gajeel if you don't mind me asking."

He shrugged. "Just wanted to greet him. Maybe ask for a sparring match." He answered as Lisanna came up in front of them behind the bar.

"Hey guys. Want anything?" she asked looking at both of them. She was dressed as Storm.

Both decline.

"Okay. Call me if you guys change your mind." She said smiling as she walked away. Suddenly she stopped and turned to Levy. "I forgot to ask you, did you find a partner yet?"

The script mage shook her head in a negative fashion.

Lisanna smiled a smile that looked just like her older sister's that Levy knew whatever she was going to say was something embarrassing.

"Well why don't you ask Rogue to be your partner. He's Batman and you're Cat woman. It's a perfect."

Levy flushed. "But-but-"

"Besides Gajeel won't match with you. It's not like you're cheating him or anything so it works out." There was a sly look in her eye. "What do you say Rogue?" she asked looking at the Shadow Dragon slayer.

There was a faint blush on his face as he looked at the shorter woman. "If you want too." He murmured.

Levy thought about it. She was really wanted that prize money to buy herself a new shelf for her books and pay the rent of her apartment in Fairy Hills. That and the fact she was really pissed at Gajeel. She smiled at the ebony haired Dragon Slayer. "Sure I would love to be your partner."

He smiled softly. "Same here."

Unknown to them Lisanna grinned like a cat as she locked eyes with her sister, signaling her that everything was going fine so far in the plan.

Mira smiled back from across the room.


What the heck is Mira planning? Lol anyway plz review and sorry if it's not that great.