I'm still here everyone. Just very busy with life.
Chapter 19
"Oh yes. I think I'm going to enjoy this." Demetri said as he circled around Edward.
"I think you've relied on your mind reading for far too long and I don't like the way you keep eyeing my beautiful mate." Demetri told him as he waved Carlisle and Esme off to the side. Bella sat forward and watch as Demetri's eyes darkened in anger and she felt a shiver on anticipation.
"First part of your punishment. We're going to fight and if you win and can kill me your free to go. But when I win you will get part 2 of your punishment and you will know that the better man has won her heart." Demetri told him and he sighed but reluctantly nodded. Not that he'd have a choice in the matter.
Watching them fight was something Bella will never forget. She'd give Edward credit that he did try his best but she knew Demetri was toying with him. Demetri was by far one of the most dangerous Vampires alive and when she heard the grinding of Vampire skin and both Edwards Arms were removed she knew Demetri had easily won. Edward screamed out in pain as he laid on the floor without both his arms panting, his face also cracked due to the right hook Demetri hit him with a moment before.
Chuckling Aro clapped his hands together as Demetri tossed his arms off to the side to be reattached later on.
"Well I guess we know who the better man here is." Aro said and Demetri gave Bella a wink as she chuckled.
Carlisle ad Esme watched in sadness as their son got his ass handed to him by the tracking demon and knew there was no way they were getting out of this. Their time for punishment had come.
"For the rest of your punishment is as followed. The three remaining members that have not been given an invitation to join will spend one year down in the dungeons and fed one human every day and you will eat what is given to you or you will regret it. When the year is up Edward will be given his arms back and you three will spend the next 100 years serving as lower level guards under the command of Demetri. I suggest you don't piss him off anymore. If you survive those 100 years you will be allowed back into Vampire society to which you will be monitored very closely and you will no longer be allowed to live and or work in close proximity of humans ever again." Aro told them and before they could open there mouth to argue Carlisle, Armless Edward and Esme were dragged down to the dungeons and locked away and Bella couldn't keep the smile off her face.
"The rest of you will also be serving under Demetri as all the guard do and I'm sure he will be putting you through the same paces and training as anyone else under his commanded and we do not condone eating fluffy here so I suggest you make peace with that." Caius told the other as Bella snickered at Caius, The Cullen's that agreed to join nodded their approval. At least they weren't spending their time in the dungeons like the others and that was a big plus to them.
Bella quickly forgot about the Cullen's after that. She wouldn't have to be around them as she never went to the training fields with the lower guard so once they were released she still wouldn't have to be burdened with them but she knew Demetri would take immense pleasure in making those 100 years pure hell for her and she was fine with that outcome.
Jasper and Jane were quickly found in the game room a few days later where they had to drag Alec out before he killed Jasper who had his sister against the wall staking his claim but Bella was happy Jane finally got her happy ending.
Rose and Emmett fit in well with the others and Bella actually got to know them on different level once they were properly fed and not under the Cullen standards anymore and she found she liked them more now than she ever had before. Jasper too was whom she had never been allowed to know before.
Rose never was made to join the active members of the guard but Emmett jumped at the chance and after he and Jasper was put though grueling training by Felix and Demetri they were declared ready and got there crest and Bella didn't think she'd ever seen two more proud mates as Rose and Jane when Aro declared them full members of the Volturi.
Bella smiled as Demetri came into their room a few months later with lust on his red eyes that were quickly darkening to match her own. Life may have started out shitty when the Cullen's left her but now. Her life was perfect.