AKA Pokewrite Drabble No. 4. Not too much has changed, just some added details and pronoun-fixing. The prompts used were toothbrush, jeans, and receipt.

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. I have owned quite a few dogs though, which helped for writing this piece.

What Am I Doing Wrong?

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them, and every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -Anonymous

"Flamie! No!"

The little Growlithe whined, giving his Trainer the usual big puppy dog eyes. He didn't understand what his Trainer was so upset about. His Trainer put this toothbrush thing in their mouth too, so it must be a chew toy. Maybe his Trainer wanted to keep its chew toy to himself...?

"Flamie! Gimme that!"

Now what was his Trainer upset about? The pile of clothes was so nice and warm, and the jeans smelled like his Trainer...and his Trainer must not have wanted them anymore, for he took them off to go into that nasty cold water stuff. Oh, maybe his Trainer wanted to play tug-o-war!...

"Flamie! My PokeMart receipt! I need that to return stuff!"

So that was what that little paper thing was? The little Growlithe thought it made a good target for Ember practice. How was some little piece of paper good? He couldn't eat it, or chew on it...

The little Growlithe laid down his head and whimpered. He just couldn't make his Trainer happy today…He really wanted to make his Trainer happy. He must be a horrible Pokemon…

The Trainer sighed, shook his head, and knelt down to pet the little Growlithe. "Oh well, you're still a good boy. I still love you. Now let's go beat Roxie!"

The little Growlithe yipped cheerfully. Finally his Trainer was happy, so he was happy! Everything was right in the world again.


Well, I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to let me know what you think!