Note: I did this chapter like a year ago and completely forgot about it. sorry so long. life is a struggle right now and inspiration has stopped. I thought this chapter was a bit better than that last one. Anyways, hopefully you'll enjoy. Happy Halloween.

I let out a shaky breath as I brought my hand up and gave the big lavish door a knock. The sound of my knuckles against the solid wood could be heard echoing down the long, dark halls of Edward Cullen's mansion. The sound was enough to send a chill down my spine. It felt like a scene from a horror movie and I was the victim about to seal my fate. I let the little tremor run its course down my body as I wait for a response.

I waited for what felt like a century for any sign of life on the other side, a sound, a light, anything. My heart beat started rising in anxiety as I was met with nothing, nothing but the same door that was in my face for the last ten minutes. I looked at it challengingly. I would not be defeated by a door no matter how grand it was.

After a minute of calming my thoughts, I reach a hand out grabbing the door knob giving it a turn. I let out a sigh of relief when there was no sign of resistance on the other side. The door creaked open and I was met with a dark room and a figure sitting on the side of the bed. It was Edward. He was still in his black dress pants and white button down shirt from work. The top three buttons undone and his hair wild and free from the gel hold it he usually sports. He had a bottle of alcohol in his hands. He looked it over half in longing, half in despair as if not sure if he should open it or not, his fingers dancing over the seal.

"Can we talk about the other day?" I asked cautiously making my way over to him, eyeing the bottle in his hands.

"I rather not." He replied, twisting the cap, breaking the seal off the bottle.

I tensed a bit as he grab a glassed off his night stand and pour the hard liquor to the rim of the glass. He set the bottle down and brought the cup to his mouth take a big gulp.

"Well, you can't always get what you want."

Edward smirked amused," That's a first, that's one of the things that intrigued me about you Jasper. You're stubborn yet loyal. You're the first person to turn me down."

"I didn't turn you down." I said, grabbing Edward's drink before he could take another swig.

"No?" He challenged, raising an eyebrow.

I looked at the alcohol in my hands now tempted for some liquor courage myself. However, I shook the thoughts from my head and set the glass down on the nearby nightstand.

"I didn't mean to. I got scared. " I admitted.

"Scared of what, my erection?" Edward joked.

"Can you be serious and real for one minute?"

"Edward sighed, leaning back on the bed. " Fine."

"Why do you like to be called Master?"

"I don't know, it's a sign of respect, puts people in their place and I used to have to call my dad, Master. Rubbed off I guess." He shrugged.

"Fair enough, I have one more question." I said, a bit nervous.

"Edward gave me a little smile as if he got off on my nervousness. "I'm all ears."

"Why me?"

Edward's smile dropped and a serious look came over his face. "What?"

"Why did you choose me? Were you really that bored or just desperate for attention? Were you that lonely Edward?"

"I saw you crying out for help. A true person in pain and ignored by all. I felt something when I heard you talking to the gas station employee. I saw it in your eyes the first time we met."

"What's that?" I asked.

"A connection, I could relate to you and you could relate to me. That's not an easy thing to find.

"No, it's not." I said, feeling more comfortable I took a spot on the bed next to Edward.

"You want to know about me? Even the ugly?" He challenged.


"Ok, I'm a spoiled rich man, who could have anything or anyone I want, except you for some reason. I had no parents growing up, no role models. I did what I wanted and who I wanted. I never felt any emotions towards others, till you. You intrigue me, confuse me, frustrate me and turn me on all at once. I never was afraid to lose anyone, except you. Like I said before I feel connection with you, I'm not sure what it is but I'm sure you feel it too."

"I do." I said with a smile on my face.