It was hot...or was it cold? He couldn't really tell the difference anymore.

Oh no. Oh god! Of course it would be you!

Me? Well who else would it be? Any why did that voice seem so familiar?

Rookie, can you hear me? Ch-Why won't it stop?

What won't stop? The encroaching darkness? The feeling of emptiness?

There's so much blood…

Oh. Right. That wasn't stopping either, was it?

Those bloody Titans! Didn't even bother to finish you quickly.

Titans...Was he still fighting them?

Don't you DARE die on me, Rookie!

Why would you care? Who are you anyway…?

Alfred! Just hold on...ALFRED!


Alfred's head jerked up from his sad excuse for a bed, nearly slamming into the ceiling as, despite the fact he was one of the tallest in his squad, he always managed to get stuck with the top bunk. He sat there, half awake, blinking and rubbing his eyes to chase away what last bits of slumber clung to him. They desperately called him to return to the soft embrace of his pillow, yet the light from the window reminded him that the time for sleeping had ended. The echo of a certain shrieking voice helped too.

"Alfred F. Jones, get your lazy arse out here this instant or so help me I will make you run laps until you drop dead!"

Without a moment to lose, Alfred quickly launched himself from the top bunk and landed effortlessly on the wooden floor. In a flash he was dressed, face washed, and in the middle of struggling to put on his 3-D Maneuver Gear, when a familiar figure burst through the door.

"Geeze, Matie! At least knock first," he reprimanded, snapping the last strap tight across his thigh before looking up at his roommate. "I could have been indecent."

"You'll look a lot worse if you don't get out there before the Corporal comes and drags you to the training ground personally."

Alfred only smiled back confidently. Matthew was the last person in the training corps he would have chosen to room with-despite the fact that the boy looked surprisingly identical to himself. You know, only less handsome. Still, Matt had grown on him over the three years they had shared a room, and with the eve of their graduation fast approaching, he appreciated his companionship when situations like this arose.

"Aww Matt, you worry too much. I've got at least five more minutes before-"

A resounding bang jolted the two young men backwards. Matthew and Alfred clung to each other, expecting the devil himself to come bursting through the door.

They were close.

Instead of coming in kicking and screaming, the door swung open eerily slow, revealing the figure of a messy-haired blonde man, shorter in stature but exuding disdain and authority.

"Co-Corporal! What brings you here?"

Alfred managed to stutter, pushing himself away from Matt's arms to fuss with dismissing the creases in his uniform.

"You know very well what I'm doing here, Rookie." the man answered, raising his steely green eyes and boring them into Alfred's blue ones, piercing his very soul. "Training started over and hour ago. Your Roommate here did a commendable job covering your arse, but there is a limit to how much incompetence I can stand."

He took a few calculated steps forward, Alfred doing everything his power not to flinch.

"And you, Alfred Jones, force me to meet that quota. Every. Day."

The two men stood less than a foot apart now, Alfred gulping as he stared directly into the Corporal's eyes. They were honestly hard to find behind those gigantic eyebrows of his, but now did not seem like a good time to bring them up. Finally, his resolve broke, and he dropped his gaze to the floor.

"S-Sorry, Sir! I assure you, it won't happen again."

A smirk crossed over the other man's lips. That satisfied, overbearing grin clashing with those thick, furrowed brows. He said not a word, turning on his heels and making his way back to the entrance.

"See that it doesn't, Rookie."

This time, the door produced a deafening 'slam', the Corporal's shape disappearing, leaving the roommates in an unhealthy silence. It seemed like an eternity passed until Alfred let out a sigh, allowing his shoulders to sag.

"Well that was close."

"Close?! Corporal Kirkland looked like he was about to bite your head off!"

Alfred lifted his hand quizzically to his head, patting his face as he smiled back at Matt.

"Hmm...Well it feels like it's still there, so I guess I'm alright." Alfred winked at the disgruntled face his friend made.


"Hey now, Matie! Look what you're doing, making me stay later so I can get in even more trouble."

Alfred passed by Matthew's shoulder, placing his hand on it firmly.

"And that man wonders where my delinquent behavior comes from."

Alfred laughed, barely dodging Matthew's left hook when he raced out of the cabin and on to the training grounds.

The two managed to sneak past a few of the other commanding officers as they melted in with their peers. It was to their advantage that they all wore the same outfit. However, both the males' height-and their unusual cowlicks-drew too much attention, and it wasn't long before they were spotted by none-other than the one they wanted to avoid the most.

"So nice of you two to join us today." He addressed them in the same demanding, cold tone of voice as before. Corporal Arthur Kirkland stood at the front lines, hands behind his back and a stern expression on his face. The two sunk lower.

"To those of you gathered here, this day marks the week before your final examination."

"Oh great, just in time for a lecture," Alfred scoffed, "Why did I wake up so early again?"

"Shhh!" Matthew elbowed his companion in the side.

"This is not only a testament to your skills as individuals, but your resolution and resolve as defenders of the entirety of the Human race. Together, we will prevail against the Titan menace! I expect that each and every one of you, " the Corporal's eyes drifted in Alfred's direction, " Will be prepared to put your very lives on the line for Humanity's sake. Do not let years of intense training and instruction by some of the most outstanding militia in the world have been in vain."

Alfred could feel the back of his neck growing hot as he held Corporal Kirkland's gaze for what seemed like an eternity before the man broke away. The Corporal's back straightened, his small fists clenching. Right over the heart, left over the back: a ritual observed daily, if not hourly at this place. Feet together, their leader saluted them as the remainder of the crowd mirrored his actions and responded in unison: "Yes Sir!"

After the morning's announcement, the camp returned to training, some of the recruits doing laps, others practicing their skills on the 3DMG stanchions, and still others in route to the forests for terrain conditioning. Matthew and Alfred had been stationed at the latter, and were now making their way via horse to the location. Alfred rode just a length behind Matthew, his eyes unfocused and mind wandering. Suddenly, he was ware of another pacing beside him.

"Holy cannoli, Alfred! What did you do ta Corporal to make him so mad at you this time, ah?" It was Feliciano: the young man of Italian heritage that wasn't too bright when it came to battle tactics, but was surprisingly good at thinking on his feet.

Alfred returned the inquiry with his usual grace, a cocksure grin slapped on his features. He tightened the grip on his reins ever so slightly.

"Ha-ha! I know, right? That man just has it cut out for me. It's not like I'm the only one who ever sleeps in."

Feliciano blushed beneath his cape. He had a dangerous habit of breaking in the middle of the day to participate in what he called 'seistas'. He had been caught on more than one occasion by a certain Commander, Ms. Louise, whose soft spot for Feliciano's cooking was the only thing that had kept him from being expelled. Feliciano finally chuckled at Alfred's jest and rolled his eyes towards the front of the group.

"But seriously, Alfred, watch how you act around him. He still has the power to eject you from the program. You're too good, and it's too close to graduation for that."

Alfred waved a hand dismissively.

"Well you just proved your own point there-there's nothing to worry about! I'm WAY too good for them to even think of dropping me."

"Ve~," the worry hadn't left his voice, "If you say so."

Feliciano pressed his steed onwards, Alfred following his path until he spotted the Corporal's black stallion. The image of a unicorn was emblazoned on the dark-green cape he wore so proudly, the crest rippling ever-so-slightly with each bounce.

The Military police, Alfred thought, Figures a guy like him would want to cower behind the Walls.

Alfred clicked his teeth, lips pursed. He wasn't lying when he'd boasted about his skill. He was sure that he was among the two ten recruits, which would soon give him the privilege to choose which branch of the military he would join. Although he held much respect for the Stationary troops ever since their valiant efforts to try and save Wall Maria, that wasn't nearly heroic enough for him. All he could ever envision was to be a member of the Survey Corps. He longed for life outside the Walls, to destroy those blasted beast at their very core, to save Humanity, and regain their place in this world. He felt it was his life's calling-no, his life's mission to do so.

Determination on his face, he remained fixed upon the bouncy, untidy blonde hair of his slave-driving Corporal at the head of the pack.

I'll be damned if I let someone like him stop me.