Ok, So this is a re-written version of the first chapter that I hope lives up to expectations. (6/2/14)
Disclaimer: I dont own Naruto
Chapter 1
Under the moon, a blonde haired teenager struggled to keep himself standing on his own two feet. He had reached his limits, and even the great Kyuubi himself had no more strength left to fight.
'Why did it have to end like this? *sniff* It just isn't right! I don't want this to happen; I just wanted to live in peace with everyone… to have everyone be happy… I failed them all…' the young blonde thought as he fell to his knees, in a growing pool of his own blood.
He was barely able to lift his head up to discover a scene like nothing he had never even witnessed before in the darkest of nightmares. Obito, the Juubi's Jinchuuriki and the newly self-proclaimed Rikudou Sennin, was killing the young blonde's friends one by one using some strange black mass surrounding his body to pierce their hearts.
He spared no one, killing everyone from the youngest of Gennin right up to the Kages themselves. It was no longer a battle, it was a one sided massacre. Even those who had attempted to flee were not shown the slightest bit of mercy as they were cut down.
Obito continued to watch as Naruto try and stand up before collapsing back to the ground. While he held no inclination to sympathize with the young shinobi, he felt the boy needed an explanation as to why.
He didn't pity him; he simply wanted to share some of his pain, to have someone else feel as he felt, to live as he lived. He slowly descended towards Naruto, kneeling down to whisper in the boy's ear, "This is the fate of those who would try to stop me. I already told you that you couldn't protect them. I gave you all more than one chance to avoid this bloodshed, but in your ignorance you blindly marched them all to their dooms. Now submit and be reborn in my Infinite Tsukuyomi. All your pain and suffering will…"
Obito was cut short as two kunoichi jumped at him in a last attempt to end his life. He didn't even need to turn around; his Rinnegan allowed him a full field of perfect vision. He knew that the young shinobi with dark purple hair and what looked like the Byakugan would try and use a chakra infused palm strike to shred his heart to bits with an attack to his back.
He couldn't help but shudder at the smell of lavender perforating from the purple-haired shinobi; it was sickening.
He also knew that immediately after the purple-haired girl's attack failed, the other shniobi with pink hair and teal eyes would try to take Naruto and run, a foolish gesture that at best would only delay the inevitable.
"GRAB NARUTO AND RUN, SAKURA!" Hinata screamed as she put every ounce of her chakra into her attack aimed straight at Obito's heart even as Sakura made contact with Naruto.
"Utterly pathetic." Was the only thing Obito said when he morphed the black fluid around him into sharp spikes, simultaneously piercing both their hearts and ending their lives before their brains could even register that they had failed. Both Kunoichi collapsed face first into pools of their own blood, joining the thousands that had met similar fates before them.
Naruto could only stare as the person whom had confessed her love to him had now been killed right in front of him, again. Tears streamed down his face as he jumped to Hinata, but was unable to reach her in time before she fell to the ground. A swift chop to the neck from Obito sent Naruto cascading to the ground, and there he came face to face with the only person who ever truly loved him.
'I guess I was just too weak after all. Everyone was right, I am a failure. I never even got to talk to Naruto-kun again' thought Hinata as she slowly gave into the darkness full of regrets.
Naruto looked around from his position on the ground. He saw the bodies of everyone he ever knew, and some whom he had just met recently. He also saw Sasuke and his team, lying dead by Obito's hands just as he had decided to return to Konoha. His thoughts then trailed to the Biju who had trusted Naruto to defeat the Juubi and restore peace to the world.
"Well, it would seem that there are no other distractions left to deal with. As much fun as this has all been, I must now finish what I started." Obito sneered as he began to raise himself above the ground, confident that the boy would soon bleed out.
Obito clapped his hands together and began to mold all the chakra he could, focusing his attention on the moon now high in the night sky above the barren wasteland where the Fourth Shinobi War had just ended.
Obito felt a tear of happiness fall from his right eye 'Finally after all these years I will finally be able to see Rin… To hold her… To tell her how much she meant, no MEANS to me…'
With his chakra molded he shouted "INFINITE TSUK-"
'NO! I won't let this happen! I can't…' screamed Naruto into his mind.
'I think I might know a way around this. I don't really like the thought of being trapped in an eternal genjutsu for the rest of my life.'
Naruto turned around to find a diminished fox. 'KYUUBI! Thank Kami you're ok! I thought I lost you too.'
Kurama put on a small smile. 'Good Kami Naruto. Calm down. If you don't concentrate now, then we will both be lost forever. Now, if I were to tell you I MIGHT have a way to get us out of this, would you take it?'
Naruto wiped the moisture from his eyes with the back of his sleeve. 'Sorry. Just… whatever it takes, bring things back to the way they were! I don't care what happens to me; just bring everything back to the way it was!'
The fox chuckled. 'Good, we can really use that mentality. Now listen: long before I was sealed inside of you I was a part of the Juubi, a different one than the monster floating up there. I…'
Kurama shook his head once. 'WE, we're intelligent and didn't just mindlessly destroy everything in our path. You must understand Naruto, we were never, and still aren't, evil beings who crave destruction, so naturally it pained us to see the humans kill each other over something as petty as land or wealth.'
Naruto just looked down at the ground as he acknowledged the truth of the fox's words. All throughout his life he had born witness to the vices of humanity; anger, greed, lust, and were lost over small patches of scorched earth, or for the glory of a symbol on a small plate of metal adorned by so many shinobi.
'So when we met with the Rikudou Sennin we all came to the conclusion that we should be sealed inside of the Sage; so he could use our power and create a new world of peace. After the sealing he created all ninjutsu and genjutsu, spreading our knowledge of chakra around the world. This did little to end the wars, and instead fanned the passions of the humans…'
Kurama sighed as a look of forlorn abandonment flashed across his face. 'But that is a story for another day. After the Juubi was split, the knowledge of the Rikudou Sennin was also split proportionally according to our power, so naturally I would hold more memory than the Hachibi and so on and so forth down to the Ichibi. One thing that I did remember was a peculiar jutsu that would allow the ninja to condense the space around a small area. With more chakra added one could theoretically make the small space so incredibly dense that he would create a small rift, a crack if you would, allowing one to travel through that wrinkle and go to the past. Naturally no one would ever have the chakra needed to do such a feat, besides us, the Rikudou Sennin, and that prick up there, though I doubt he would be able to figure the jutsu out without my guidance.'
Kurama then brought his head low so his eye was level with Naruto's gaze. 'So let me ask you this, Naruto, are you willing to exchange everything and try to re-write the future by going to the past?'
The blonde paused for a few seconds as he contemplated his options, but after a few seconds he could only chuckle. 'That sounded cliché as hell Kurama…' this elicited a low growl from a very pissed off fox '…but as I've already said, I would do anything to change this hellhole!'
The fox just grinned and brought a single clawed finger to rest over Naruto's chest. 'Before we start I will use some chakra to stop the bleeding and bring the pieces of your heart together, though this is only a temporary fix, it should be enough for what we have to do…'
After the short span of a few seconds Kurama dropped his claw. 'There, now, let's do this. You will mold as much of our chakra as you can, and I will do my best to direct it to create the rift.'
Still inside of his mind, Naruto strained as hard as he possibly could, feeling Kurama start the jutsu, sucking out more chakra than he ever thought possible. He felt a cold sensation run up his legs and down his arms. His vision began to get cloudy, and in his peripherals he saw darkness creep. His mind began going blank, and he felt an odd, yet peaceful, sensation take ahold of him.
'Hang in there you brat! Don't you dare give in or I swear to Kami I will make it my personal mission to haunt your ass for the rest of eternity!'
Naruto managed a weak chuckle even as his eyelids began to close from exhaustion 'Heh… never thought… you would care about me… that much…' Naruto's voice began to get quieter and he began to slur his words.
Tears began to run down Kurama's fur-lined eyes, barely able to contain his sadness at the thought that he might lose the only host to not hate him for just existing. 'I… don't… you stupid… brat…'
Naruto smiled and rolled his eyes. 'You… never were a good… liar… Kurama'
Suddenly, Kurama sent a jolt of his remaining chakra into Naruto to bring him back from the Shinigami, and they now both now stared at a hole large enough for the two of them to travel through.
After a rather awkward silence, Naruto asked the obvious question. 'Is that…'
Kurama cut his host off. 'Yes, it's our ticket to the past!'
The blonde scratched the back of his head as he stared into the abyss before him. 'But where will we end up?'
'Not even I know that. Like I said, we would have to give up everything and gamble that we would be able to prevent this from ever happening again.'
Naruto sighed. 'Fair enough. LET'S DO THIS!'
'There's the Naruto I know, let's go.'
Alrighty, so you know the deal. Read, Review, and eat the Cake