Being the Uchiha heir and a Prodigy had kept him busy. His career as a ninja had advanced fast but he had always found time to spend with his little brother. They were close. Sasuke admired his brother and Itachi thought of his little brother dearly.
Everything went in a normal routine until Itachi was 10 and his little brother 5. When Sasuke had been born Itachi hadn't minded at all. He had been happy to have a sibling. As they grew up together and were close to each other things had become even better than he thought. At that age, things were meant to change a little. A young beautiful baby with green eyes was born being the heir of her own clan. The baby's parents and his own were good friends. Actually he had seen her parents several times during his whole life. When they had taken him and Sasuke to the hospital to meet the baby, he had sat on the bed against the mother holding the little girl.
"Do you want to see her Itachi kun?" the boy nodded and the woman leaned the baby closer to him. The baby raised his hand to caress the baby. The girl smiled at his touch and he definitely like it.
"She's beautiful" he said softly. Both women smiled tenderly at the boy and the baby.
"Son, we have to talk to you about something" explained Fugaku.
"Itachi you are engage to Sakura" finish Mikoto hoping his son would take the news well, after all he was just a child.
"Yes, mother" he seemed somehow happy with the idea. He kept his hand carefully touching the young girl's cheek.
"Itachi we need you to promise something to us" said Kizashi.
"Promise you'll take care of Sakura always and make her happy" Mebuki watched her daughter with love in her eyes.
"I promise" said Itachi feeling himself connected to the baby. The girl's smile had him hypnotized.
The parents spoke a little more as they watched the young boy carefully. He was playing with her small hands and she had giggled.
Sasuke had fallen asleep on a long sofa in the room. The adults had smiled at the three children.
After her birth, she had become someone important for Itachi Uchiha. The prodigy and his brother visited her house as often as they could. Their parents thought it was excellent for them to be this close.
Sasuke had gone into the Academy the year she had born. As time passed both Uchihas and the Haruno were growing. Itachi had become a very important ANBU at a short age, Sasuke was sweeter than his brother but smart too, Sakura was cute and sweet, both brothers cared for her deeply, specially the older one.
Itachi was just back from a month mission. He went fast home to get a shower. Sasuke hadn't arrived from the academy yet but the older brother couldn't wait any longer. He got dress in comfortable clothes and he left fast towards the Haruno mansion.
At the door he was greeted by two ANBU who immediately allowed him in. He found Mebuki playing with little Sakura and a small ball in the living room.
"Hello Mebuki sama" as soon as they heard his voice both female look at him. Sakura stretched her hands giggling towards him as if asking him to carry her.
"Welcome back Itachi kun, how was the mission?" Itachi touched her small hand with his.
"It was successful."
"I'm glad" the older woman smiled. "Would you like to hold her?"
"If I may" he didn't smile but inside he was happy. Baby Sakura giggled in his arms and held his shirt with her small hands.
"She loves it when you and Sasuke come visit."
"We love to come see her too."
"Itachi kun would you like some tea?"
"No thank you."
"Tachi" the baby said between giggles. The shinobi and the woman looked at her with shocked eyes. Had she really spoke? "Tachi" she repeated with her hands up looking to touch his face.
"She said your name" smiled the older woman. "It's her first word you know?" Itachi looked at his fiancé with fascination. He stayed until it was dinner time playing with the baby.
Five years later…
Sakura was really excited. She had been baking cookies with Mikoto. Her parents were out on a mission so the girl had been staying at the Uchiha mansion. When Sasuke arrived from the academy they would play together. Everybody loved to have her in the house.
That day the person she had been waiting was going to be back from his mission. She really missed Itachi and the decoration of her cookies were mostly for him. She giggled slightly as she cut another cookie as a bear.
Mikoto looked at the young girl tenderly. Everyone in the Uchiha family loved the girl, who wouldn't when she was kind, sweet, intelligent, innocent and pretty? The young girl loved to be at their home, she would stay with them whenever her parents were on mission like right now. Mikoto loved to have Sakura at their house, she loved the girl like a daughter.
"Mom, I'm home" Sakura left what she was doing and run fast towards the door. She threw herself at the teen age in front of her. "Sakura" he smiled for her.
"Itachi Kun welcome home!" she smiled brightly and hug him.
"I didn't know you were visiting" he loved seeing her there at his house.
"Mommy and daddy are on a mission" she explained and took his hand. "Come" she took him to the kitchen where Mikoto stood.
"Hello mother"
"Hello Itachi, welcome home."
"Thank you"
"Look Itachi kun" Sakura wasn't too patient and wanted to share with him what Mikoto and her had been working on to welcome him home. He took one delighted at the taste. Moments later Sasuke had arrived from the academy and all four were eating cookies with milk.
"Do you I'm five now?" Sakura asked.
"I thought you were only four" Itachi teased her. Her cheeks went red with indignation.
"You went to my house to eat for my birthday" she accused him.
"I'm sorry Sakura go on" he smirked, she pouted slightly and then smiled.
"Mommy and daddy said when they came back I could join the Academy like Sasuke kun" she wanted to be as good as he was.
"Congratulations blossom" she blushed.
"Thank you Itachi kun" she looked away. Sasuke smirked at the girl.
The rest of the afternoon they spent it at the Uchiha training grounds. Itachi helped Sakura and Sasuke learn basic technics. Even at her young age, the girl showed talent. The little girl was a fast learner; good controlling her chakra, fast, strong, hard headed, even when Itachi or Sasuke thought it was too much for her she would prove them wrong.
She had so much energy, even as they walked inside from a long training session. Somehow her happiness seemed contagious.
Itachi watched her carefully; this girl had a special spot inside his heart. Sakura smiled towards him as she gave small jumps instead of walking.
The next night Fugaku, Mikoto, Sasuke, Itachi and Sakura were having dinner. They were all happy to have the smiling girl at their house.
At some point they received an unexpected visit. The Hokage himself was there. He had a serious expression. At first they all thought Sarutobi was there to see Itachi but they were mistaken.
"I would rather not be here today to deliver this dreadful news. Sakura san I'm sorry but your parents died in their mission" the girls face became sad and silent tears began falling down her cheeks. All the Uchihas were shocked, Mikoto had to sit down. Itachi rushed to her side. Sakura immediately hugged him.
"Mommy and daddy can't be death" she whispered sadly in his ear.
"Sakura" he did circles with his hands on her back. Itachi felt something he had never before, he felt broken inside watching her cry. He didn't like the feeling, he didn't want her crying, he wanted her smiling, happy.
"Sakura san I'm going to need you to come with me. We need to look for a new home for you" Sakura held herself tightly from Itachi.
"Please Itachi kun, please don't let them take me away!" she was scared. He had never seen her this afraid before.
"Mother, father you can't let them take her" Itachi wouldn't let go of Sakura, the little girl meant everything to him.
"Sarutobi sama as you know Sakura chan is Itachi's fiancé. We will take care of her" said Fugaku firmly. None of the Uchiha liked to see her crying and afraid.
"Are you sure this is what you all want?"
"Yes, Sakura won't be happy with strangers" spoke Mikoto tenderly watching the pink haired crying in her son's arms.
"Sakura chan is already part of our family" said Sasuke.
"Again I'm sorry for your loss Sakura san. Fugaku you can come to my office whenever you have a moment to speak about their will." The Hokage left.
Sakura wouldn't stop crying and she wouldn't let go of Itachi. The older Uchiha didn't want to stop holding her either. He felt so hurt at seeing her like this.
"Sakura chan?" Mikoto spoke softly. The girl wouldn't look at anyone; she was hiding her face against Itachi's chest.
"Sakura" Fugaku tried.
"Sakura chan" Sasuke stepped closer to them and tried touching her but she jumped scared. Itachi had to hold her tightly for her to relax a little while still crying.
"Mom I'll take Sakura to her room. She needs to rest."
"No please don't leave me!" she was terrify. Itachi felt hurt, why would she think he was going to leave her?
"Blossom would you feel better if I take you to my room? I promise to take care of you always" he spoke softly like nobody had ever heard him do, not even with his younger brother. She nodded against his chest not ready to let go. Itachi took her in his arms and carried her to his room. On the way there Sakura held tightly to him and finally fell asleep.
I hope you like. Please review so I know If I should continue.
Mebuki and Kizashi