A/N ~ Don't own Glee or the characters.
Established Faberrittana relationship / Contains adult themes including consensual spanking, domestic discipline, punishment, and sexual feelings regarding spankings. Rated M
Many thanks to stacprit for the inspiration for Britt's punishments she gave me about a million years ago.
Chapter 3 Let the Punishment Fit the Crime
Rachel stood in her shower and gasped when the hot water reignited the fire in her backside. She silently cursed Quinn and her proficiency with her hand, hairbrush, and in this case paddle. She turned around so her front faced the cascade of hot water hoping it would ease the burn. Today was going to be a difficult day trying to sit. She gave pause and thought that missing today as Santana was about to might be a smart idea, but she didn't want to break her perfect attendance streak and in the back of her mind she knew she deserved to feel the aftereffects of her punishment.
Dressing quickly in a loose skirt and sweater, she made her way downstairs to talk to her fathers', "Hi Dad, hi Daddy," she went over and kissed both of them good morning.
Hiram turned from the stove wearing an adorable apron that Rachel had made for him one Father's day when she was 6 years old, "Good morning, princess. How's your headache?"
The diva hated to lie to her parents' but she could never share certain parts of her relationship with them. She was grateful enough that they accepted the foursome after having walked in on her and Brittany engaged in a deep kiss. She had to explain the nature of their relationship to avoid them believing she was cheating on Quinn. Rachel couldn't stand the thought of her fathers' thinking badly of her or Brittany. She knew her fathers' loved and accepted her, but it was not without a small amount of fear of rejection she told them of her polyamorous relationship. They may have reluctantly accepted her relationship with Quinn, Brittany, and Santana but Rachel had no doubt they would never understand the domestic discipline they practiced.
"Still hurts a little, but I'll be just fine, Daddy."
LeRoy looked up from his newspaper, "I'm glad, sweetheart. Make sure you get something to eat before you take more Tylenol."
"I will, Dad," Rachel said softly as she poured some coffee, "I was wondering if I might spend the weekend at Santana's house? Do you mind?" She watched the look that was exchanged between her fathers' and knew it would be fine with them although she wasn't sure she should be excited seeing as she was facing more punishment.
"No pumpkin, we don't mind at all," Hiram smiled, "now sit down and have a bit of breakfast."
Rachel was never happier to hear the sound of Brittany's horn honking. It saved her from having to attempt to sit at the table, "That's Britt, I've gotta run. Love you, Daddies!" she grabbed her backpack and ran out the door grabbing extra toast for Brittany.
The brunette hissed when her bottom made contact with the leather seats of Brittany's car. She slid over on her hip and placed a gentle peck on her blonde girlfriend's lips and handed her the piece of jam covered toast.
Rachel smiled fondly, "Of course, strawberry."
The blonde backed out of the driveway and headed to McKinley High School. She glanced at her tiny girlfriend who was being way too quiet. Rachel was usually a little bit introspective after a spanking but she seemed slightly depressed, "How are you feeling this morning, Rach?"
Rachel shrugged, "I'm alright, a bit sore," she got quiet and looked out the window.
Brittany frowned and reached her hand over and entwined her fingers with Rachel's, "What's wrong, sweetie?"
The tiny singer shrugged her slender shoulders despondently, "It's nothing."
"I don't believe you, and you know lying is a big rule break," Brittany said getting right to the point.
Rachel sighed and whispered softly, "I'm afraid."
Brittany stopped driving and pulled over onto the berm of the road. She took a cleansing breath and turned to look fully at her girlfriend, "Of us?" she asked nervously not sure she wanted to know the answer.
Rachel spun away from the window, her eyes wide and sparkling with unshed tears, "NO, God no. I'm not afraid of any of you, not even Santana in a mood!"
Britt allowed a tiny smile to tug at her lips at the kind way Rachel just described one of Santana's rages, "I'm glad to hear that, babe, but what are you afraid of then?"
"I told you it's really nothing, Britt."
"Rach, I'm worried that you're afraid, and unless you talk to me sweetie all I'm going to do is worry. Please talk to me, please."
"I saw how disappointed you were yesterday, how hurt Santana was, and how tired and upset Quinn was when she dropped me off at my house. What if the three of you decide I'm not worth all the trouble and…." Rachel choked up and broke off her sentence abruptly as the pain in her chest blossomed and her stomach lurched at the thought of her girlfriends' breaking up with her.
"And… what?" Brittany looked perplexed, "break up with you? Go back to it being just the three of us?"
Rachel whimpered at hearing one of her biggest fears spoken out loud, and swallowed the huge lump in her throat and nodded.
"Oh, sweetie," Brittany leaned forward and pulled Rachel into a huge hug, "that's not what's going to happen, I promise you."
"But, but I'm always getting in trouble," Rachel spoke quickly stuttering over her words, "I'm always making Santana angry, I'm always disappointing you, and upsetting Quinn. It always seems like I'm the one getting spanked lately," she finished dramatically.
Brittany chuckled, "Sweetie that's just not true. I would say that Santana is probably in the lead for the most spankings received. Last night's spanking was the first one you or Santana's received in a while," she kissed the top of Rachel's head passionately, "look at me, Rach, please?"
Rachel shook her head no and snuggled deeper into Brittany's chest.
The blonde chuckled and pulled back just a little. She put her finger gently under Rachel's chin and lifted the diva's face so she was eye to eye with Brittany, "Baby, you are NOT and NEVER have been too much trouble for us. We are NOT going to break up with you because you are a bit high maintenance. Do you really believe me, Santana, or Quinn don't have our own issues? You know we do. As for spankings and the number each of us receive? That's not even an issue. We're all in a domestic discipline relationship based on rules and consequences we've agreed on. I think, no, I know it's helped me and if you were having this talk with San or Q they'd agree that it's helped them."
Rachel had tears running down her face, "You're really not breaking up with me?"
"No, Rachel I am not breaking up with you, Quinn is not breaking up with you, and San is not breaking up with you," she said with certainty, "Do you really think we'd go to all this trouble to discipline you only to break up with you? That would be silly, wouldn't it?"
Rachel nodded in agreement, "I just worry that I'm too much trouble."
"And part of why you feel that way is because of how you were treated by all of us," Brittany said sadly, "we love you, Rach and we're not going anywhere. Trust us, please?"
Rachel smiled genuinely, "I'm sorry for yesterday, Britt, genuinely sorry and I want to make things better with San."
"That to me is the best part of our arrangement, we own up to our mistakes, we get punished, we're forgiven and we start all over with a clean slate. It helps ease our own guilt, but it also stops hard feelings from developing. Everything is dealt with right away, and there are no resentments left to build up. So after this weekend, you and San have a completely clean slate, alright?"
Rachel leaned forward and met Brittany's lips half way. They lingered for a few seconds on a loving kiss, "Clean slate, absolutely."
"Let's get to school before we have to explain to Quinn and San that we were late," she chuckled good naturedly at the look of panic in Rachel's wide calf eyes.
Santana rolled over on the couch landing on her sore backside and groaned. She knew last night she was going to be sore for days. Quinn had been motivated before she saw the kitchen, the Latina knew that had just been another nail in her proverbial coffin last night.
She went to get up to go to the bathroom and nearly fell flat on her face when she put weight on her injured ankle. The shooting pain caused her to see black floating spots in front of her eyes, and a few tears to gather in her eyes, "Madre de Dios, queduele!"
Quinn rolled over and jumped to her feet, "San, you were supposed to ask for help if you needed to get up," she scolded gently as she helped her girlfriend sit back down on the couch, "here, get your foot up and let me look at it," she said as she knelt down in front of the couch. She pulled a pillow off the couch and put it on the coffee table, and placed the injured limb on the pillow, "Wow, it's a lot more swollen than last night and it's already turning purple. I think we need an x-ray, San."
The normally fierce and brave brunette just looked at her ankle and started sobbing which totally unnerved her blonde girlfriend.
"Babe, it's probably not broken. I just want to be on the safe side," Quinn was quick to reassure Santana thinking the proposed trip to the hospital was the reason for her girlfriend's uncharacteristic breakdown.
"It's not that," she waved at her ankle dismissively, "what if Rachel can't forgive me? What if she breaks up with us because of me? I made a promise not to ever bully her again, and I broke it yesterday."
Quinn sat back on her heels, "Yes, and then she bullied you right back. She was just as guilty as you were yesterday, and that's why you were both punished," she got up and sat down next to Santana, "Rachel loves us, and she was worried that you wouldn't forgive her last night," she said softly as she gently pushed the flowing raven locks off of her girlfriend's beautiful face.
Santana sniffed loudly, "She was?"
It was childlike and so endearing that Quinn smiled fondly at the emotional teen beside her, "Yes, really babe. Remember, San… clean slate after a punishment."
"I know, and I am worried she won't forgive me but I'm still pissed off how she acts like she's the only person with talent in Glee."
Quinn leaned back into the couch and sighed. It was a dilemma they would have to face and deal with or it would eventually erode the love and trust they all shared, "I know, it pisses me off as well. We have so many talented people in New Directions, including you, and the problem is you both have the potential to be stars but in Rachel's eyes she is the star. She has worked for it practically since birth. Shelby is incredibly talented, so part of it is genetic and her fathers' have treated her like a star and even nicknamed her their little star so it's been drilled into for years that she is going to leave Lima and be a star on Broadway. The rest of us just haven't paid our dues in her eyes," she held a hand up when Santana started to argue, "I didn't say she's completely right, and you know how I feel about her attitude, but she has a point. She spends practically every waking moment working out, taking singing lessons, voice coach appointments, dance lessons, and preparing for all of our competitions. You have to admit she works harder than anyone in New Directions, Mr. Schue included."
"I know," San agreed reluctantly, "that pisses me off too."
Quinn snorted out a laugh, "You're just in a pissy mood like always after a spanking."
"There is that," the Latina agreed with a smirk, "You didn't have to swing that paddle quite so hard either, ya know."
"Yes, I did," Quinn pushed up off the couch, "Want some coffee?"
"Do you have any painkillers lying around anywhere?" Quinn called back over her shoulder.
"Check my mother's medicine cabinet. She's a complete hypochondriac. She's bound to have something in there."
Quinn came back with coffee, a cherry frosted pop tart, two pills, a bag of ice, and a bottle of water. "These aren't too strong but should help with the inflammation in your ankle. Eat a few bites along with the pills, and let's get you settled back down with the ice bag on your ankle. You should try to get some more sleep before Rach and Britt get here. You were tossing and turning all night."
"Ok," Santana agreed without argument which was another way Quinn knew her girlfriend was exhausted physically and emotionally.
"I'm going to lie down for a few hours as well. Wake me up if you need to use the bathroom."
"I actually need to go now, if you wouldn't mind helping me," Santana admitted sheepishly.
Quinn rolled her hazel eyes and smiled, "You're such a big pain in the ass," she teased and winked at her girlfriend.
"Oh God, don't go there," Santana groaned and fidgeted trying to stay off her bottom, "The pain I cause in your ass doesn't even compare to the one you caused in mine."
Quinn smirked, "You have no one to blame but yourself, but no matter how big of a pain you are I will always love you and so will Britt and Rachel," the blonde subtly drove her point home, "so quit worrying and get some rest. Brittany is not going to take pity on you or Rachel this weekend."
"Ugh, don't remind me. Britt's punishments are always on the creative side, but still tough. I don't know how she comes up with some of this stuff."
Quinn chuckled, "Because our baby is a genius, that's how."
Santana smiled and let Quinn help her to the bathroom and back to the couch where she quickly gave in to her exhaustion and fell deeply asleep.
Rachel looked up when the final bell rang and shifted off her hip to stand up. She was so grateful it was Friday. Walking and sitting were both difficult and now she and Britt had Glee practice where she knew she was expected to apologize for her behavior yesterday without being told. It didn't matter if Quinn and Santana weren't present, she knew it was necessary. Rachel was never good at swallowing her pride and eating crow so she just wanted to get it over with.
Just as she was walking into the choir room, Finn was walking out and bumped right into her knocking all her books and music sheets from her arms. She resisted the urge to snap at him and bent down to pick up her things.
"Jeez, I'm sorry Rach," Finn said earnestly, "I shouldn't have been moving so fast."
"Exactly, so just where is the fire, Finn?" Rachel asked sarcastically.
"No, there wasn't a fire, the alarms would be going off," Finn cocked his head like a confused dog causing Rachel to smile fondly at her big, dopey ex-boyfriend, "Mr. Schue cancelled Glee and Puck and I are going to meet at his house and play Call of Duty with Artie and Mike online. I wanted to stop and grab some snacks and soda before we got started. I didn't want to be late," he explained sheepishly.
He stood up and handed her all the books and papers, smiling back at the girl he still loved mistaking her smile for friendliness, "I miss this," he said softly.
Rachel was in her own head and not paying much attention to Finn. She smiled at Finn and nodded wondering where Brittany was when Finn leaned down and kissed her. Rachel was completely shocked. That was just not something she was expecting. She didn't kiss him back but neither did she push him away; she just stood there rigid with her hands tightly closed in fists at her side. Finn took that for consent so he deepened the kiss, shoving his tongue down Rachel's throat. It was of course at that exact moment that Brittany showed up.
"Hey, Rach… I was looking for you, Glee's been cancelled," she called out merrily as she turned the corner only to stop dead in her tracks at the sight before her, "What the FUCK!" she yelled loudly.
Finn backed up blinking at the extremely rare sight of an angry Brittany, and Rachel angrily wiped her mouth and glared at Finn with tears starting to flow. She was in enough trouble without stupid Finn and his stupid hormones.
Brittany charged forward and pushed Finn, "Don't you ever touch my girlfriend again!"
Finn looked confused, "I thought Santana was your girlfriend! So what I do with Rachel is none of your business."
Rachel finally got her wits together, "But it is MY business and I have repeatedly told you that I no longer have those type of feelings for you. This is the second time you've kissed me without my permission. If you cannot control yourself Finn we will be unable to remain friends in any capacity and I will get a restraining order, if necessary. I don't want you to touch me, kiss me, hold my hand, walk me to class, or call me; when you absolutely must speak to me it better be about Glee Club," she finished angrily, "do you understand me, Finn Hudson?"
Finn's jaw was working the way it did when he was upset, angry, or confused, "Fine, Rachel I will leave you alone if that's what you want."
"It is, now go away," she said loudly. Rachel really didn't want to hurt the dopey teen but he just wouldn't take no for an answer and leave her alone. He was lucky it was Brittany who saw him instead of Santana or Quinn. She turned to her still fuming girlfriend, "Britt…"
Brittany put her hand up to stop a diva rant, "Rachel, don't! Not right now, I'm super pissed off and I just need time to calm down. We need to get to Santana's house. We'll talk later," she added in a calmer tone of voice. She was angry with Finn Hudson, not Rachel and her girlfriend was upset enough as it was but she just couldn't talk right now.
Brittany also realized she had just outed herself as Rachel's girlfriend as well without talking to Santana, Quinn, or Rachel about it. Finn might be an idiot but others in Glee were not, and if he brought up what she said someone would figure it all out. She growled under her breath as she and Rachel headed to her car; Santana and Quinn were not going to be very happy about her spilling the beans about their foursome.
'Finn Hudson,' Brittany growled under her breath. If she got in trouble for this she would make his life a living hell.
Brittany led Rachel through the Lopez kitchen as she called out, "Hey, guys! We're home!" Rachel just stared at the destruction that was obviously recent, and felt a surge of renewed guilt. Santana had probably wrecked the kitchen because of her. As of reading her girlfriend's mind, Brittany called back over her shoulder, "San got another so long, here's some money letter from her parents. As you can see it upset her, so don't blame yourself."
The tiny diva felt slightly relieved but knew that Santana wouldn't normally have exploded if she hadn't already been pissed off to start with.
"We're in here," Quinn called out.
The two walked into the living room to see Santana on the couch wearing an air cast on her ankle, and Quinn putting a fresh ice pack on it. The blonde looked up and smiled at her girlfriends', "I took her to the ER to get an x-ray. It was really swollen and bruised when we woke up."
"Oh no," Brittany exclaimed, "What did they say?" She walked over and bent down to get a closer look at Santana's ankle.
"It might be a hairline fracture," Quinn said, "They're going to have the specialist read the x-ray and call us if she needs to come back for a full cast."
Brittany looked up at Santana and hissed in sympathy, "Does it hurt much?"
"Surprisingly not," Santana said softly, a little embarrassed by all the attention being paid to her.
"I'm glad you're not in too much pain," Rachel said softly. She sat down across from the Latina, "I'm sorry for what I said to you in Glee, San. I didn't mean it, and it was a terrible thing to say to you."
"I shouldn't have insulted you first. I'm sorry too."
Britt and Quinn exchanged glances pleased that the two apologized without being prompted.
Rachel stood up abruptly, "I'll be back. I need to brush my teeth and rinse a few times with mouthwash or maybe even bleach."
Quinn waited until Rachel had left the room before turning to Brittany with an eyebrow raised, "What the hell was that about?"
"Yeah, that was random even for her," Santana added.
Brittany grimaced before plopping down cross legged on the floor in front of the couch, "Creepy Finn Hudson."
Quinn glared at Brittany, "What about Finn?"
"He kissed her again."
Santana sat up straight and snarled, "He did what?" She may still have residual angry feelings towards Rachel but she was still her girlfriend and the jolly green giant had no business putting his lips anywhere near her munchkin.
Brittany saw how angry the two looked so she quickly added, "Rach didn't encourage it at all. She was just being polite when he pretty much took that as permission to stick his tongue down her throat."
Santana started swearing in Spanish under her breath, and Quinn bit her lip and shook her head in aggravation, "He just can't take a hint."
Brittany decided she'd better come clean, "I might have overreacted a little."
Quinn looked at the dancer quizzically, "What do you mean?"
"I kinda, sorta told him to stay the fuck away from my girlfriend and might've pushed him away from her," she blushed adorably as she looked away from her girlfriends' stares, guilt written all over her face, "I think I might have accidentally outed our private relationship."
Santana barked out a harsh laugh, "To Hudson? Who gives a fuck? He's a moron! He'll never figure it out."
Quinn sighed heavily. She knew they would not be able to keep things secret forever, but had hoped to at least be out of Lima and in New York City where they could just blend in and be themselves away from the prying judgmental eyes of conservative, small-town Ohio, "He won't, but Kurt will, and Mercedes, and anyone else who can add two plus two. I guess we have a reason to be grateful for the public blowout between you and Rachel yesterday," she stood up and glared at Santana, "people will find it difficult to believe that you two are actually in love from the way you treated each other."
Santana squirmed uncomfortably and stared at her ankle.
"I'm going to go check on Rachel," Quinn turned, "Don't worry about it, B. I would have said the same thing, and San would as well. It wasn't going to stay private forever," she smiled gently at the look of relief that came over Brittany's face.
"I just don't want to make things more difficult for you or Santana. I doubt my parent's would care much either way, and Rachel's already know."
Quinn shrugged clearly unconcerned what her parents thought.
Santana looked sadly at Brittany, "My parents aren't around enough to find out, and we're almost in New York City so we can finally be free. It's sweet of you to worry, B but I'm not worried about my family finding out. My Abuela already disowned me for being gay. I don't really care what ignorant people think about me or my real family; which is you, Q and Rach."
Quinn placed a hand on the jet black locks of her lover's head and tenderly rubbed. She knew Santana was hurting about her Abuela and the thought of losing her parents love and respect, but as usual she refused to show her vulnerability. The blonde was disappointed in the Latina's behavior but never in the woman; her love for Santana was steadfast and would always remain so. She knew San understood that when she looked up quickly in surprise and blinked away the shiny tears in her eyes giving Quinn a watery smile. It was enough; they communicated their love perfectly if only silently.
"I better check on Rachel before she scrubs her taste buds off," Quinn laughed lightening the emotionally pregnant moment.
Brittany jumped up, "I'll be right back, San. I want to talk to Q for a sec." She ran after the smaller blonde catching her at the staircase, "Hey Q?"
Quinn turned around questioningly, "Yeah, B?"
"Is it still alright to still punish them? I mean I'm worried about San's ankle."
"As long as you don't have them running laps for punishment….. I don't see an issue," Quinn shrugged causally.
Britt grinned devilishly, "No worries, I have this punishment planned out perfectly and the ankle situation makes it even more effective. I just wanted to make sure we were still in agreement."
Quinn laughed as her hazel eyes danced teasingly, "Oh this I have to see! I'll go get Rachel."
Quinn stood behind Brittany smirking, Santana's expression flashed between lasciviousness and embarrassment, and Rachel just looked indignant as the tall blonde spun the pair of fuzzy, hot pink handcuffs from her long, slender finger.
"Honestly, I am not some dog or criminal that needs to be chained," Rachel grumbled, "I can follow directions perfectly well without restraints."
Quinn scoffed out loud at that and Santana shook her head, "You didn't have any objection to wearing them last week," she snipped, "If I recall correctly you actually begged for them."
The diva glared at her girlfriend, annoyed at not being supported by the girl she was about to be handcuffed to for Barbra knows how long, "That's different and you know it!" she spat back.
Brittany cleared her throat, "Think of it as a team building exercise, Rach," she was trying to keep things civil between Santana and Rachel. They had apologized so she wasn't fully understanding the lingering irritation between the two, but ever since Rachel had come back downstairs Santana had been baiting her.
Quinn's mood shifted from amused to irritated, "Rachel this is the punishment that Brittany's decided on, if you object I'm sure another spanking, perhaps with the belt, might be more to your liking."
Santana looked up panic stricken and Rachel shifted uncomfortably on the hard kitchen chair, "I wasn't exactly objecting, per se….." she stuck her left hand out quickly having made a decision, "fine, I agreed to Brittany's right to punish us as she saw fit. Go ahead, handcuff me," she cried theatrically causing all three other girls to roll their eyes.
The Latina breathed a sigh of relief and stuck her right hand out. She couldn't help adding her own commentary, "I am not sure that being handcuffed to Rachel doesn't constitute cruel and unusual punishment though."
"As if it's all that much fun for me," Rachel griped back angrily.
Quinn shook her head at her two stubborn girlfriend's, "Keep up the arguing and I'll be happy to add another spanking for both of you before Monday morning. Frankly I'm getting tired of your bickering and Brittany and I aren't going to tolerate it all weekend."
Brittany interjected, "As I was saying, the two of you will wear these all weekend long. I expect you both to help each other and not fight against each other in the cuffs, but that's up to the two of you. It'll be painful and difficult if you don't find a way to work together, especially with Santana's ankle the way it is. You can start sitting at the kitchen table and writing lines. You both know where the paper and pens are, and San will need a pillow to put on the chair so she can keep her ankle elevated. I think 500 lines of 'I will love and respect my girlfriends at all times, even if I don't agree with their choices!'" Brittany said sternly as she adjusted the cuffs so they were not too loose and not too tight.
Her and Quinn turned and left the kitchen. Quinn looked at the blonde lovingly, "I'm not sure if you're a genius or a sadist, baby but those two are either going to learn to trust and depend on each other or kill each other this weekend."
Brittany giggled adorably, "I'm a genius, duh! This is going to work, but they are both so stubborn it might take a while. I'm glad we have the weekend."
"I just hope I don't have to spank them both again. I'm getting sick of the brat and diva attitude from both of them."
Brittany hugged Quinn and kissed her forehead gently, "If it comes to that I'll do it this time. It's my punishment they're fighting over, and it's not fair that you have to do the spanking all the time."
"Let's just see how long it takes for them to get started on the lines. They have to find a way to get to the den together, get the pen and paper, grab a pillow, and get back to the kitchen table in one piece."
"They're going to snarl at each other for a little bit first, hopefully not too long. Should we set a time limit?" Britt asked concerned.
"No, we have all weekend and for this to work they have to find a way to do this together willingly and not be forced under threat of punishment."
"Now who's the genius?" Brittany flopped down on the couch pulled Quinn on her lap and quickly turned on the TV.
To be continued….. I hope to have the next chapter up by next Monday. Let me know what you think. Let's see if Rachel and Santana kill each other!
Please let me know what you think….. There will be 2 more chapters to finish this story. Thanks!