This fanfiction is set six years after the drama with Bombshell and Hit List and Karen was not a part of either of the two shows. I do not speak French so I apologize for any errors as I relied on internet translations. As always I do not own any part of Smash.

It was a warm Saturday morning and Derek along with his son, Theo, prepared to leave their home for the rehearsal studio. He was meeting Julia and Eileen as auditions for the featured role in the show they would be working on were scheduled to start in little over an hour.

"Good luck," his wife offered with a kiss. It had been six years since the director had left New York and looking back it was the best decision he had ever made. After the scandal surrounding him with Hit List; returning home to London had allowed the director to regain perspective and control over his life. The move had also given him the opportunity meet the woman of his dreams.

While attending the premier of a friend's show in the West End, he met and fell in love with the production's leading lady, Karen Cartwright. She was an American actress and from the moment they met she captivated him. Karen was beautiful, intelligent but most important she challenged him. In her company he saw things differently and found himself wanting to be a better man. The feelings she provoked had taken him by surprise but they were exhilarating at the same time. After a year of dating they married and a year later she gave birth to twins, a daughter and son; Jacqueline and Theo, who were now five years old. Derek had never in his life felt so complete.

Away from the notoriety and scrutiny of Broadway, the couple had been able to enjoy the first years of their marriage and parenthood in privacy. Being American, Karen was aware of her husband's past reputation yet she held no judgment. She continuously assured him while dating that his past was just that, the past. Now, with their life as a family established both had decided it was time to return to the States. After years of trying to persuade Karen to be the lead in one of her productions, Eileen Rand was finally getting her wish.

The producer had showed the couple a book written by Julia Houston and informed Derek the writer was no longer partnered with Tom Levitt. Karen didn't know details, but she knew bad blood between her husband and Levitt existed. However, she was ecstatic at the prospect of working with Julia. After they read the book, the young actress met the writer when she visited London on business. The red head had seen one of Karen's performances and pleaded with the actress to accept the role. After talking and getting to know each other, Karen was sold. She was also excited at the prospect of working with her husband. She knew he was a tyrant in the theater but had also been witness to the results. If she was going to make her debut in the States and on Broadway for that matter, she couldn't think of anyone else to she'd rather have direct.

"Be good Theo," Karen requested of her son, "and before you leave please apologize to your sister. You know how much she loved Howard."

"C'était juste un poisson," her son replied in his thick accent.

Karen smiled "I know it was just a fish but to her it was her pet. You wouldn't want someone to call Jasper just a dog would you?"

Her son nodded his head and simply answered "no."

"Alright then, give me a kiss and go to your sister." The young boy did as instructed and went to find his sister, Jacqueline. Karen turned to her husband who had been watching with a smile on his face "What are you grinning at?" She asked walking over to him.

"You," He answered as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You're a wonderful mother and I still can't believe you're my wife."

"I have a ring and two kids to prove it," she teased. "Besides, your son is exactly like you if you needed any more confirmation. I swear I don't know what we would have done if he had flushed Howard."

Derek laughed at memory of the scene Karen and he woke up to that morning. They had heard screaming coming from their children's bathroom and immediately jumped out of bed. When they reached the bathroom door, they found Theo holding an empty fish bowl. Their daughter explained in sobs how he had dumped a very dead Howard, the fish, in the toilet and was about to flush him away. In tears, Jacqueline demanded that her parents scoop Howard out so he could have a proper burial.

"And Jacqueline is ever the bleeding heart like her mother." Derek retorted. "I wouldn't trade any of my family for the world." He kissed his wife one last time as Theo had returned and the two were ready to leave.

Thirty minutes later the father and son were sitting in the audition studio when Julia walked in. She smiled upon seeing the young boy sitting in the corner. She had grown close to the family during her stay in London. She had relocated to London for several months to work with Peter Gilman, her dramaturg from Bombshell. "Hello Theo," she greeted.

"Bonjour tante Julia, the little boy responded as he rose from his seat to give the writer a kiss.

"English Theo, remember," Derek gently reminded his son.

"Yes father," Theo answered in a thick French accent. The young boy was the split image of his father but having grown up in France versus London; he and twin sister, Jacqueline, spoke fluent French with limited English. Derek wanted his son and daughter to start speaking English in order to get accustomed to the language they would speak when they started school in a few weeks.

Julia who had greeted Derek with a kiss on the cheek, turned to the young boy "are you here to keep us company today?"

"I gave Jacqueline hard time." He finished unsure if he had used the right words.

Julia looked to Derek "Vous moquions de Jacqueline," he corrected his son.

"I was making fun of Jacqueline," Theo corrected himself. "Her fish died and I told her to flush him." He grinned. "She got angry when I took the bowl to the loo." Julia couldn't help but laugh. "I had to say sorry." The little boy continued.

"I can see you've had a busy morning already," she commented to Derek.

"Oh yes," he replied. "Luckily Howard, the fish, hadn't been flushed yet and we were able to save him for a proper burial." He shook his head. "The burial will take place when we get home." He stated with a roll of his eyes. "Until then, Karen thought it would be a good idea to give them each space." His accent was considerably heavier since the last time he was in New York.

Just as Derek finished his story the studio door opened and in walked Tom followed closely by Ivy Lynn. "Tom what are you doing here?" Julia questioned in surprise.

"I thought I'd see for myself the return of the great Derek Wills," his words dripped with sarcasm. "Plus, Ivy thought she'd audition so I came to keep her company."

Julia turned to Derek and mouthed an apology. She had no idea Tom or Ivy would show up as the two rarely spoke anymore. After Tom lost the Tony for Best Direction to Derek and Hit List, their partnership ended. He blamed Julia for helping his nemesis.

Tom was about to continue when he noticed the young boy in the corner. Ignoring Derek he walked over to Theo. "Hello, who do we have here?" The composer asked.

Derek's son smiled and extended his hand. "Hello, I'm Theo." He replied.

"Really," Tom and Ivy's eyes both widened in surprise. Neither was aware Derek was involved with anyone much less a father. "Well it's nice to meet you." He accepted the boys hand and was about to make a remark to Derek when the studio door opened again and Eileen entered.

The producer stopped in her tracks when she saw Tom and Ivy standing in the room. She quickly glanced at Derek who was cautiously appraising his son. "Hello Theo, don't I get a hug," she asked. The little boy jumped from his seat and ran to the woman he considered a surrogate grandmother. "Hello Nana Eileen." He greeted with a tight hug.

"Tom, Ivy I wasn't expecting you; is there something I can do?" She asked.

"I'm here for the auditions," Ivy informed. "Tom is here for support." Since Bombshell, despite her Tony; Ivy had been unable to sustain her leading lady status. Her project after her Tony Award failed miserably and she had gained the reputation as a one show hit actress.

"I see, well I believe Steven is outside now handing out forms and I look forward to hearing your piece."

Ivy took the woman's words as her subtle dismal and exited the room. Tom on the other hand remained.

"Why are you really here Tom," Eileen bluntly questioned once Ivy was out of the room.

"I just think it's odd that's all." Tom replied.

"What's odd Tom," Derek's deep voice asked.

"That you disappear for six years and suddenly here you are directing again as though you never left."

"What I've done since you last saw me is really none of your concern; but, if you must know I have been living and working in London and Paris. I lived there with my wife and two children and we came back to the States because Eileen and Julia asked us to be a part of their show."

"Wow so there is actually a poor woman out there naïve enough to marry you? What did you do, knock her up and then feel obligated to marry her?" Derek had tried to remain calm but at the composer's last comment he could no longer refrain himself. Without warning he was out of his seat and standing directly in front of Tom with his hands clenching the composer's jacket. Tom's eyes were wide with fear as he knew Derek was about to hit him. Just as the Brit raised his hand, he was startled out his rage by the small voice of his son.

"Pourquoi est-ce que vous allez lui frapper père?

Immediately the father released Tom from his grip and answered his son "J'ai perdu mon sang froid, j'avais tort. "I was wrong," he repeated looking directly to his son, then turning to the two ladies stated, "I'm sorry, give me five minutes to compose myself and we can begin."

"Come on Theo, let's go outside for a few minutes," he motioned his son to follow. The young boy did as he was told but his piercing green eyes never left Tom. Once the door was closed Julia was the first to speak.

"What the hell was that? You have no business being here right now and you sure as hell have no right to say anything to Derek especially in front of his son. My god, Tom, six years and you still can't let go of losing to him."

"It's not about losing to him. It's about everything he did the way he treated Ivy and the way he treated me. I still don't understand how you can stand up for him."

"Because people make mistakes Tom and I'm sorry but as much as I like Ivy, she was never the victim. She used Derek just as much as he may have used her; you were just too blind to see it. In case you forgot she was the one who lied about being pregnant with his child."

"She had been but miscarried," Tom defended.

"Yes, she miscarried two weeks after finding out and I'm sorry for her loss. But she didn't tell Derek until a month later after she had moved into his apartment. And that was only because the story was leaked by someone who worked in the hospital." Julia seethed. The writer glared at Tom daring him to refute her accusations but he couldn't. Instead he stood there silent and unsure of his next move.

Exiting the elevator, Karen and Jacqueline walked hand in hand down a narrow hallway. The young actress had noticed a line of women waiting outside a studio door and hoped she had found the right audition. The two approached a blonde woman and asked "Excuse me, is the audition for Julia Houston's book?" She asked. Ivy looked the woman up and down and rolled her eyes at the choice of simple attire.

"Yes it is but they don't allow children in the room," she huffed.

"Thank you," Karen replied as she continued to bypass the other women and head straight for the door. Since the morning ordeal, her daughter had calmed down and the pair decided to rescue Theo and go watch a movie together.

"You can't cut in line, where do you think you're going?" Ivy questioned. Karen turned to look at the woman and advised she wasn't there to audition. The young mother than gave a light knock on the door and Ivy watched as she entered the room.

The tension between Tom and Julia was broken by a light knock on the door. "Come in," Eileen called out. The door opened and Tom saw a tall brunette woman and little girl pop their head in.

"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt but we actually came to pick up Theo."

"Karen," the producer greeted with a smile. "No worries, we haven't started yet. Derek took Theo out to get some fresh air before we get started." She informed. "Hello there Ms. Jacqueline," the older woman greeted the little girl.

"Hello Nana Eileen," she responded walking up to the older woman for a hug. "Hello Aunt Julia."

"Hello sweetheart," the writer replied with a hug as well. Karen followed her daughter and warmly greeted each of the two women. When she came to Tom she stopped and offered her hand.

"Hello, I'm Karen Wills and this is my daughter Jacqueline." She smiled.

Just as Tom was about to introduce himself a squeal filled the room "Jacqueline, Mummy!" Theo exclaimed as he ran towards the two.

"We are going to the movies," Jacqulined informed. "You want to come." She asked.

The little boy turned to his father, his eyes dancing with excitement. "Puis-je aller? He asked Derek.

"Yes," Derek replied as he approached Karen.

"Have you met?" he asked.

"We were just about to when you walked in." She smiled.

"Tom Levitt, this is my wife, Karen."

"It's nice to meet you," Karen offered. "I'm a fan of your work, it's a shame we won't be working with you on this project but maybe in the future." She sincerely stated. Turning to her husband she said "I think I've taken enough of everyone's time and I earned a few glares from the women waiting in line who thought I was cutting. So, we should get going. Come on Jacqueline, Theo grab your bag." The two children said their good byes and Derek offered to walk them to the elevator. As the family walked down the hallway Derek placed his hand on the spall of Karen's back while their children walked in front. When they reached the section where Ivy was sitting, Derek noticed the angry look on her face as they passed. This was going to be a long day and suddenly the director missed London.

Reaching the elevator, Karen kissed his lips "hang in there, tiger." She grinned "we love you." The three waved as the doors to the elevator closed.
