Shezow and Shespook took the to the skies preparing for what many expect to be an epic duel! As for everyone else present, they sat comfortably getting ready to enjoy the show. "Whoa, two gorgeous chicks getting ready to duking it out in midair! That is soooo hot!" Johnny 13 drooled with anticipation. His girlfriend Kitty, however not sharing of his enthusiasm, expressed her displeasure by smacking him on the head.
"But you know, it is a lot more enjoyable to watch a fight than to be in one," one of the old ghost vultures said munching on some popcorn. The others all voice their agreement to his statement.
"Not that this is fun, but shouldn't you be helping Shezow?" Sam asked Danny.
"Shush, this is all part of the plan," Danny whispered.
"What plan?" Sam asked, she hated being out of the loop.
"Hey quiet they're about to start!" one of the ghosts yelled.
"Time to get Zowy with it!" Shezow yelled charging straight at Shespook!
"Bring it!" Shespook challenged turning herself intangible! The whole sky shook with incredible force as Shezow's fist made contact with Shespook's face, sending her flying across town! "But, but how?" Shespook coughed expecting Shezow pass through him!
"You mean how is it I can pound your face in when you went all ghostly like?" Shezow taunted. "It's all thanks to these special ghost gloves!" Shezow showing off the glowing black gloves she's now wearing. "That I borrowed from my new pal Valerie. They're perfectly designed to punch ghosts!" Everyone turned to Valerie and saw that she didn't have her gloves on anymore. Leaving them to wonder when did she give them to her.
"Shezow knows my name," Valerie swooned. "And she called me her pal."
"Fan girl," Sam rolling her eyes.
"Oh yeah, well I've got some other tricks up my sleeve!" Shespook said enlarging her hand. "Try this on for size!" Firing a super ecto-beam at Shezow! Unable to dodge it in time, Shezow raised her arms up in a defensive position as the beam engulfed her/him. "See you never!" Shespook laughed the beam exploded on contact. "What the?" Everyone gasped as the smoke cleared revealing Shezow still there, safe, and protected by some kind of energy shield. Even Shezow was startled to see that he got out of that unscathed.
"I didn't know my ghost shield was so powerful," Valerie whispered in astonishment.
"Normally it's not, but Shezow is amplifying it with her powers, making it 1000x stronger." Dudepow explained.
"Sweet! I've got to get me some of these!" Shezow declared admiring the ghost gloves.
"You can have mine!" Valerie offered forgetting that she has no way of getting a replacement.
"Hiding behind a shield? When did you become such a coward?" Shespook charging his fists in an attempt to provoke her. "Why don't you face me like a man!"
"You asked for it!" Shezow lowering her shields and activating the gloves' battle mode causing them to glow with a pink purplish energy. As the two traded blows, it was clear that the fight belonged to Shezow! Shespook was fighting with a 2D mentality as if they were still on the ground. Shezow however, thanks to weeks of combat flying, is more familiar with fighting in the air. Maneuvering up and down as well as side to side, taking full advantage of the 3D battlefield they were in. "Is that all you got!?" Shezow taunted as she dodged another of Shespook's punches by simply dropping down and then flying back up with an uppercut!
"Oh no I still have a plenty more tricks!" Shespook sneered making herself invisible and started pulling some sneak attacks on Shezow. "Yeah I should have done this in the first place," Shespook laughed.
"Hey no fair!" Shezow protested after taking three invisible punches to the face. Shezow tried swinging her arms around hoping to hit Shespook, but ended up just hitting air.
Valerie cringed seeing her hero in trouble, wishing she could help, when she remembered that her ghost radar that is equipped in her gloves! "Shezow! Lift the panel on my right glove, that's my tracking ghost radar!"
Shezow did as she instructed, activating the ghost radar. While it didn't give the exact location, it gave the general direction of where Shespook is. Throwing a punch where the radar pointed; Shezow struck a direct hit at Shespook's stomach, forcing her to become visible again! "Thanks Valerie!" Shezow giving her the thumbs up, almost causing the young ghost hunter to pass out with joy.
Shespook roared in frustration rapidly firing several ectobeams! "Laser Lipstick!" Shezow yelled drawing out her sword to block the incoming beams. Ricocheting the last beam back at Shespook!
"Aah!" Shespook screamed in pain, from being hit by his own beam! She couldn't believe it, Gai thought that his new ghost powers would give him the advantage over Shezow; but with those ghost gloves and being able to fly, they are practically on equal footing again! So she might as well do this the old fashion way! "Killer Iron Curler!" Shespook yelled pulling out her sword.
"Yeah I knew it would come down to this!" Shezow said getting into his fighting stance.
"Ooo, Ahhh," the peanut gallery gawked watching the duel from the ground. With Tucker and Dani commenting on the action like sports news casters.
"So Tucker, what's your opinion on this fight?" Dani asked taking into an ecto-microphone that she materialized.
"Well Shespook is a very aggressive fighter, but she's obviously a novice when it comes to using her ghost powers. Shezow however is fighting more defensively, making Shespook come to her. I don't know if it's because she's being careful, of if it's her strategy. All I can say that it's still anyone's fight!" Tucker responded.
"Thank you for that insightful review, Mr. Tucker." Dani said. "Now let's hear what out audience have to say." Dani went on to interview everyone present. Except for Danny who left to buy more snacks.
"You know when I heard you got ghost powers, I expected more from you SheSPOOF!" Shezow taunted parrying Shespook's attack, then countering with a punch to the face.
"IT'S SHESPOOK!" Shespook yelled unleashing her sonic attack! Shezow countered her Sonic Scream as well! Normally they would be at equal strength, but Shespook is now a super-halfa! Instead of just a Sonic Scream, Shespook had the Screaming Wail, which easily overpowered Shezow's scream sending the hero tumbling to the ground! "How's that for ghost powers!" Shespook laughed. "Now to finish you off!" Everyone gasped as Shespook raised her sword and quickly slashed down on her foe! Only to be shocked as Shespook stopped a few inches from Shezow's head! "What the?" Shespook struggled to move, but was being held back by some invisible force.
"I don't think so!" Danny said as he made himself visible, revealing that he had Shespook trapped in an hammerlock!
"Hey let me go!" Shespook demanded. "And where are my minions?"
"How did Phantom get over there without us knowing?" Johnny wondered. Like everyone else, he was so fixated on the fight that he didn't notice anything else.
"Who cares, I guess we got to help her." Kitty said reluctantly.
"We don't think so," Dani, Belle, and Valerie said jumping in front of the ghosts, preparing to fire their ecto-beams and ecto-blasters.
"Looks like we've got to deal with them first," Kitty reported.
"Incompetence, remind me to blast you all later," Shespook said still struggling to break out of Danny's grip.
"Hey Shezow you better hurry, I don't think I can hold her much longer!" Danny warned.
"Alright I got it!" Shezow said pulling out a what looked like a bubble wand. "The Shezow/Fenton Dream Catcher!" The bubble wand grew larger, becoming the damaged Ghost Dream Catcher from earlier. Shezow took some of the wires protruding from it and plugged them into her ring. The normally ghostly green net of the Dream Catcher became hot pink. "Ready Danny, let her go!" Shezow instructed.
Danny quickly released Shespook, and kicked her into the Dream Catcher! Shespook screamed as she passed through the Dream Catch splitting her ghost and human half apart. Once separated, Shezow pulled out the Fenton Thermos that Danny gave him to suck up Shespook's ghost half! While Danny made his arm intangible, reached deep into Shezap's body. "There that should do it." Danny said after fiddling with his insides.
"What did you do?" Shezow asked.
"Remember when we had the Hero's Tome. I learned the secrets to becoming a halfa and how to undo it. So I just shut off her ability to acquire ghost powers!" Danny explained. "Well never see Shespook ever again."
"Sweet," Shezow said.
"Ah, MINIONS, DESTROY THEM!" Shezap commanded.
"And why should we do anything you say, now that you lost your powers?" Skulker asked in a smug attitude walking up to his former boss.
Shezap responded by punching Skulker in the chest, completely breaking him apart! "I may not have my ghost powers anymore, but I still have my super powers!" Shezap said towering over Skulker's severed robotic head.
"Oh right I forgot about that," Skulker whimpered.
"You know what, I actually enjoyed my time here," Shezap grinned. "Once I finish burning Megadale to the ground I think I'll move here." Shezap turned to her former ghostly minions. "Remember, all of you now work for me now, and I can appear from anywhere there's a shadow." Shezap warned as he sank into a small shadow, causing all the ghost to cower in fear.
"Don't worry, I deal with Shezap," Shezow promised. Though the ghosts remained skeptical. "Thanks for lending me these, I couldn't have done it without your help." Shezow said returning the Ghost Gloves to Valerie.
"My pleasure, so can I please be your sidekick?" Valerie asked as excitedly.
"Sorry but I already have a sidekick," Shezow apologized. At that moment the Spooky Specter ran right passed them still being chased by the Fentons.
"I'm telling you, I'm not a ghost!" Maz insisted.
"Please, we're professionals! We know a ghost when we see one!" Jack claimed as they ran by, completely overlooking or ignoring or not even noticing the all the ghosts just a few feet away from them. As soon as they left, the group just erased what they saw from their minds.
"But here, have one of my Boomerang Brush," Shezow giving Valerie his crime fighting tool.
"Really?" Valerie cried as she held the brush. Eager to try it out, she threw the brush as hard as she could. Valerie tried to catch it on its return, but the force of it knocked her into a nearby wall. "Best day of my life," she said before falling to unconsciousness.
"And that is why we don't give super equipment to normal humans!" Kelly lectured.
"Maybe I'll just take her home," Dani offered lifting Valerie's body and carrying her off.
"Well I've had enough weirdness for one day, I'm going back to the ghost zone!" Johnny said activating the portable portal controls on his bike, and opening up a portal.
"You mean we're not going to fight?" the other ghosts asked.
"If you guys want to fight a team of superheroes by all means, but we're out of here!" Kitty said jumping on Johnny's bike. The ghosts all thought about if for a second, looking at the 2 Phantoms and 2 heroes. Not liking the odds they soon followed him through the portal.
"Um, a little help here," Skulker begged.
"Allow me," Sam said kicking the head into the portal.
"GGGGOOOOOOOAAAAL!" Tucker yelled in his announcer voice.
"Well that takes care of everything," Kelly declared after the portal closed.
"Not quite," Danny said. "Now we need to get these two home." Danny pointed to Dudepow and Inviso-Belle.
"Don't worry about us, I got our ticket back," Belle said pulling out a talisman resembling a old fashion pocket watch with the letters Tp on it. "We just need to use this on the Fenton Portal."
"What's the Tp mean?" Danny asked.
"Timepiece, the Mistress of Time, she sent me here to bring Dudepow back. But it only works on the Fenton Portal." Belle explained.
"That figures," Danny said. He had a sneaky suspicion that the masters of time would have a hand in all of this.
Later at the Fenton Works, after storing the Fenton Thermos containing Shespook's ghost half in the vault, the team gathered at the lab to say their final goodbyes.
"Thanks for your help Gal," Guy said shaking his counterparts hand. "Sorry for getting you mixed up in all this."
"No problem, it was fun," Gal assured him.
"Maybe next time I can come and help save your dimension," Guy said.
"Yeah right, like I'm going to need help from Mr. Pretty and Pink." Gal laughed.
"Says the girl in blue tights who can't fly," Guy shot back.
"Oh just you wait. Not only will I learn how to fly but I'll unlock powers you've never dreamed of!" Gal swore. "Come on Belle, let's hurry back so that I can give you your hero's test!"
"Hero's test?" everyone repeated.
"Yeah, I put in my application to become an official hero," Belle explained. "That's why Dudepow was coming to Amity Park in the first place."
"Why would you want to be an official hero?" Sam asked.
"Well for one thing, I can get my own comic book published, and heroes get a 10% discount in most fast food joints!" Belle said licking her lips.
"Really?" Danny turning to Guy, who nodded showing his membership discount card. "Maybe I should apply for a license." Tucker nodded wanting to share in the discount privileges, but Sam shook her head believing that they would just become part of the system that she hates.
"Come on Belle, times a wasting," Gal called out to her.
"Alright, well I guess this is goodbye," Belle said. Holding up her talisman, the energy released from it turned the Fenton Portal from green to purple. Once the portal stabilized, Gal and Belle walked into the vortex returning to their dimension. After they left, Danny started staring at Guy rather strangely.
"What?" Guy asked feeling rather uncomfortable.
"Nothing, just that you look cute with long hair." Danny joked comparing him to Gal.
"Don't get weird on me," Guy retorted.