Chapter 6

Kim's POV

Garrett had taken me to an old apartment building. It looked like nobody's lived there since the seventies. It was kinda creepy. I didn't fully trust him so he went in first. We walked up the stairs to the second floor when it happened. He turned and grabbed me. I wrestled free and tried to run but Harry, Connor, and James(his younger brothers) blocked the stairs.

"What are you doing Garrett?!" I asked.

"Jack isn't going to leave jail. And there's no way you're going to help him get out, or even visit him. Ever."

"What makes you think I'll listen to you?" I scoffed.

"Because" he said, stepping up to me,"I am in charge of you" he grabbed my shoulders. I tried getting free, but I couldn't. He wouldn't let me go.

Jack's POV

We were speeding down the highway. Milton was a very good driver. He hasn't driven in a few years, at least not with me in the car. I guess it's kinda like riding a bike.

While we were driving down an old, empty back road I was using a bottle of water; and some old cotton gloves I found in the glove compartment(no pun intended!) to clean my stomach wound. It stung A LOT. Milton was lecturing me on how I should get some alcohol on it. I finally got him to shut up by telling him we didn't have an alcohol. The rest of the ride was silent.

When we got there, I got out of the car, then told Milton,"stay in the car. Keep it running. If I'm not out in 30 minutes call the police. Tell them where to find me. And Garrett"

"Sure thing Jack. Be careful" he said

"Don't worry. I will be" I smiled and walked inside. It was very old and very abandoned. I walked slowly up the stairs, trying not to make any noise.

I had checked all the floors and nobody was there. I then wondered if they had a basement. I didn't care anymore. I ran down the stairs. Sure enough, there was an another door in the lobby. I took a deep breath and walked over to it.

I tugged on the nob. It wouldn't budge. They were in there. I took a step back and did a flying side kick into the door. It opened an I ended up doing a summersault into the room. Kim was tied up in the corner with four boys surrounding her. Garret was one of them. Then three boys who looked like him, but maybe about five years younger. I assumed they were his brothers.

"Jack!" Kim said hopefully.

"Jack!" Garrett said in disgust

"Jack?!" The three younger boys seemed surprised. Serves them right. After a long starring contest(that I won), the younger boys came after me. One of them, I flipped over my shoulder. The second, head-butted me in the stomach. I have to admit it hurt A LOT, but I defied every rule of courtesy ever and hit him where it hurt.

"Never out your head down in a fight kiddo" I said as he fell to the ground. The third one, the biggest of the three, went to roundhouse kick Jack in the face. Jack caught his foot, and without saying anything, flipped him to the ground. Then he looked up at Garrett. Garrett looked shocked that I had taken out his brothers.

Then Garrett charged at me. I punched him in the chest. He fell to the ground then quickly got up. I went to kick him again, but he caught my foot and flipped me. I got my feet under him, and thew him across the room. He hit the rotting wooden wall, the collapsed onto the ground.

I ran across the room to untie Kim. As soon as she was untied she hugged me. I hugged her back. Then I heard something.

"What's that?" I asked. Then I recognized the sounds. they were police cars.

"CRAP! Milton you idiot!" I shouted.

"Wait" Kim said, "I have an idea"

We ran out of the building and there were lots of guns pointed at us. Kim shielded me.

"Officers please. Don't hurt him. He saved my life. Garrett is the liar"

"No I'm not!" Garrett had found his way down the stairs.

"Garrett had been the one who kidnapped me all along. I did see a group of THREE boys murder his father WHILE I was with Jack. We were both kidnapped. They made Jack one of them, and he had to play along to keep us both alive. Then when we escaped Garrett found us. He took me while you guys took Jack. Then Jack escaped from where he clearly didn't belong and saved my life"

"Is this true?" the head officer asked. Kim and I nodded while Garrett frantically shook his head.

"Him and his three little brothers who are inside kidnapped me. And Jack saved me. Take them please" Kim clung tightly to my chest. I smiled and hugged her. The officers cleared a path for us, and we both climbed into the car. Milton was driving and Kim and I were in the back.

"Where to?" Milton asked.

"Charlotte. I wanna meet Kim's parents" Jack said as he smiled at Kim. Milton smiled too and started the car. Then they were off.

Now this story is finished. I feel accomplished. In two hours I finished two stories. I'm awesome! Hoped you liked this story! Please check out my other ones! Peace out!