
The thick sent of ale and steaming horker meat invaded their senses as they stumbled into the Bannered Mare. Being what others would consider a "usual" at the inn, Kit paid no mind to those who gave curious glances to the striking male behind her, as well as the seemingly unbreakable ebony chain that hung loosely between them. Alduin gave them practiced and skilled fiery glares as his female leader led him up the creaking wooden steps to the highest and clearly the largest room within the warm inn, a small but cozy indoor balcony standing stiff to look over the large establishment and the crackling fire that reside in the middle, glowing bright and cooking various meats hung along a rusted metal rod above it.

"You own this room I presume?" he asked with a raised brow.

The Dragonborn turned slightly, her eyes sincere and soft. "Yes." She then turned back and continued into the room without a word, her steps slightly off.

He would say she were intoxicated, but she hadn't a sip of ale in two days, or rather before they were in this mess to begin with. Alduin hated the fact that he went to confront her, sneaking past Parthurnax as the elder dragon watched Odahviing circle The Throat of the World with surprising grace. He remembered when he first spotted Kit too, her head hung low, concealed by her ruby curls and her eyes to the small trail of water, few salmon splashing up the rocky stream. Her Nordic armor was battered and bloodied though most of dark blood dripped off into the stone creases beside her boots. At first, he didn't even recognize the woman who thought she had slayed him, then again who wouldn't recognize the great Dovahkiin? His crimson gaze stared in awe as the light rays of the pink sky reflected off of what little porcelain skin he could see, enough to make a mirror image against the damp, smooth Markarth stone her elbows rested against. And that was when he confronted her, the delicate flower in her fingertips falling into a crumpled mess.

"Kit, may I ask you a question?"

Her fingers barely grasped the door handle when he spoke rather politely. Well that's just peachy. "Alright." She paused and gave him a once over, simply checking for a hint of something devious with her pale glare. She found nothing, only his broad shoulder's relaxed and his posture like a gentlemen.

"What was that...Bii Flora you held? Was it of value to you?" he asked slowly, choosing his words carefully. He wasn't sure whether she would be saddened or perhaps angry.

Kit held her breathe, imagining the small moment she had with her small Mountain flower before it's end.

The shouts and cheers of victory faded by as the miners nearby entered their homes, tankards spread across the area as was spilt ale and mead, the thick golden liquid seeping into the dry dirt. She suppressed a small laugh, reaching into her satchel to pull out a small blue mountain flower. Her thumb ran along the stem as she twirled it in her fingers, the petals glittering...

Her eyes looked to her fingers, the crooked surface of the smooth stem imprinted onto to her fingertips. Unfortunately, her delicate flower was all but destroyed; to run along the stream with ripped petals and a broken stem. In truth, she had kept the odd flora as a good luck charm, finding it while she marched out of Bleak Falls Barrow amongst what looked like an ancient shrine with a yellowed and decayed skull seemingly melting into the cold stone it laid on. There were a bundle of mountain flowers, so many shapes and colors, red, scarlet, violet, though only one had caught her eye. Sitting farthest away from the skull was a sky blue mountain flower, the petals lush and soft, the stem crooked like an old staff. She had no choice but to take it for herself. Kit hid her face by looking away from Alduin, her brows furrowed and eyes tightly shut.

"I-it was nothing of importance, lets go-" Her last word barely left her lips when grasped her hand, their chained wrists a deep, enchanting purple as they made slight contact. She studied him quietly as his face grew slightly darker, and his tone lower.

"Dreh Ni Nok Wah Dovah."

He knew she was fibbing? Surely it wasn't that obvious...or maybe she made it obvious? His grip tightened when she didn't answer causing her to squeak in response. "I...it was a good luck charm," she mumbled.

He blinked in surprise. "I...ahem, apologize. It was my confrontation that caused it to be ruined..." he trailed off, releasing her hand, the plum glow fading his wrist into a smooth, unnoticeable scarlet as though his concerning demeanor caused it to change.

"It's nothing to apologize for, Alduin." She tried to emulate his calm expression, but to no avail. Her cheeks faded into their naked color when his grip on her was gone, her own wrist back to a sparkling blue. "Let's just rest until morning," she whispered softly, walking into the room to sit on the plush, soft covers of the bed with him beside her. She cleared her throat to speak, but nothing came out as her lips parted slightly.

He watched her shift uncomfortably, her lips closing quickly with a slight, muffled pop. It was clear to both of them that they shouldn't stay in their armor forever, but removing the chunky metal as they were chained was easier said than done. Rather than face possible embarrassment, they each leaned against the wall at the head of the barbaric themed bed. Alduin knew his body wasn't tired, but when he looked to his female companion, her eyes were closed and her body in a small, curled ball. He couldn't help the look of surprised that painted his face. Perhaps that's why she seemingly wobbled to the room, being as they hadn't slept. With a sigh, the previous Dovah examined the weathered nightstand to the side of the bed, a semi ruined book laying upon the splintered surface. I suppose there's no harm in it.


Crimson eyes fluttered open, a yawn escaping tight lips and a free hand scratching dark stubble, the book he finished within hours open among the floor. As the soft, groggy glaze slid from his eyes, they focused onto a curious looking female specimen mere inches from his face. Unexpectedly he shouted, surprising the Dragonborn as well, her body forced onto his while his hands raised above him in alarm. From what he could gather it was either very late at night or very early in the morning, but at the moment he could care less.

"Bein Volaan!" he hissed.

With quick hands, Kit covered his mouth with her fingertips with a small giggle. "Oh hush up! It's only me you foolish Dovah. You may as well awake the whole inn at this early hour!" So near dawn it is, he thought bitterly. He caught her shining gaze. "Am I so terrifying?"

His eyes narrowed at the girl and nipped at her fingers as a warning to remove them, which she did. It was clear she was in a haze, possibly even intoxicated. But how? "You've been drinking," he deadpanned.

"Maybe," she whispered, her gauntlet free fingers raking through his ebony locks, his head tilting back slightly. How the Nord had managed to remove her gauntlets barely phased him as his eyes narrowed further, his stare demanding an explanation.

"How did you even man-"

His words were cut short when he felt something cold and soft against his lips. His body stiffened and his arms grasped her shoulders. Her free hand was pressed into his chest and her other grasping their ebony chain. She kept her lips parted as her tongue slid over his lips and back into her own mouth, her eyes heavily lidded. "Shut up, Alduin."

The words hit him like a wave of ice as his flaring eyes watched her. Her hair was a frazzled mess of flames that fanned along her throbbing cheeks. His claw-like fingertips squeezed her shoulders harder, enough to send crooked cracks through her armor. The only noise between them were his steady breathes and her small pants, lips parted and auburn brows slightly furrowed. He wasn't one to hesitate, though this female had sent shudders of...something to crawl along his spine like a spider. When his stare left her pale lips, he looked to her eyes; clouded and heavily lidded, clearly indicating her slight arousal. His chest tightened. Arousal? Clearly she is intoxicated, poisoned by lust! Despite his accurate thoughts, he felt a low rumble in his throat which faded into a smooth growl. An unknown heat radiated from his tense body in waves of anger as he forced himself forward. Kit's shoulder's connected to the foot of the bed with a hard thud, a shortened gasp escaping her lips, only to be smashed into his own as he devoured her in pure lust and hatred. His fingers laced with hers tightly to keep her own delicate hands pressed on either side of her head, her fingers twitching in anticipation. Her lips were sweet, tasting of honeyed ale and sweet rolls and yet when his lips were hot against hers she visibly shook, her eyes closed and low moans filling the thick air. He tasted like the most exotic ingredients, juicy venison and the most thickest of wines laced in cinnamon. His tongue grazed over her bottom lip and nipped lightly at it, falling mercy to his toxic ministrations. It was the absence of his addicting taste that open her eyes slightly, a crimson gaze staring at her like a motionless and beautiful bittersweet gargoyle. From her peripheral vision, she noticed the passionate ruby glow of their wrists, dotted in a deep scarlet but ignored it.

"I warn you now Dovahkiin, I will not show mercy."

Her steel eyes glanced to him, a brave demeanor rushing over her. "I wasn't expecting you to," she said in what she thought was proud and loud, but hushed and cracked.

A smirk tugged at his lip as he released her hands and leaned away far enough to examine her. Her lips were bruised and cheeks flushed and slightly puffed. Her arousal had faded, but when he was towering over her, it was clear what her desires were. His smirk widened in mirth. "Let us be rid of this chain, hm?"

The look on her face was of pure surprise that she couldn't possibly hide. Did he not notice the bloody glow that wasn't purple? He must be mad! then again, that was the plan right? She mentally debated with herself for ten agonizing moments before an impish grin spread from ear to ear along her seemingly serene face. Her eyes glittered as she leaned closer. "Why that sounds like an excellent idea!" she squealed in delight, grabbing Alduin's stubble covered cheeks, her smile turning sinister. "And by the way..." she paused, pawing at his face. "I have not been drinking, simply 'acting' to get my way."

He growled. "And what is it you wished to have your way?"

"I'd rather not ruin the surprise," she said, winking so quickly he would've missed it, had he not been staring so intently. Perhaps this adventure would be more eventful ten he thought.


A/N So, what did you guys think? I am severely sorry for such a delayed update but your support drives me to write despite having to work on 3 different writing projects at the moment, but I could never forget you lovely bunch! And if you're still reading this and actually enjoy it, thank you so much! 3


Bii – Blue

Flora – Plantlife, Flower (There is nothing in Dragon Language for plant so I had to improvise!)

Bein Volaan – Foul Intruder

Dreh Ni Nok Wah Dovah – Do Not Lie To Me