Okay, so this was a story I wrote a while back. I was searching my laptop for any unfinished stories, and I found this one! I've edited it a lot, because I kind of rushed it, and I wrote it a year or so ago I think, so eh haha :P

Anyways, I'll try and keep this story long, with lots of chapters. I think I've already finished about 6 chapters as of now, but most of them won't be any good, but I'll figure it out.

Anyways, enjoy~

"Alvin! Hurry up; we'll be late for school!" Simon screamed from downstairs.

Alvin slid down the banister and landed neatly on the floor "Chill dude, we have plenty of time before school starts."

Simon rolled his eyes and thrust his wrist under Alvin's snout. Alvin's eyes went wide.

"Oh no, school starts in 5 minutes" he screamed, tugging at his ears "Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Oh, well we were yelling it all morning!" Simon screamed back at him.

"Guys stop fighting" Theodore stood between them.

"Let's go, come on!"

"What about the girls?"

Simon pushed them out the door. The Chipettes rode out of the garage, almost knocking them over.

"Hey, watch where you're goin-"

"Need a ride?" Jeanette stopped Simon in the middle of his sentence.

Simon looked up at her and blushed "Sure..."

"We don't need a ride. We have our own bikes, guys!" Alvin said.

"Might as well, Alvin" said Brittany, batting her eyelashes at him "and our bikes were the only ones in our garage, Dave is fixing yours... still"

"Fine. Dave is taking forever with my bike... It's like he doesn't even want me to have it back" Alvin groaned. Simon chuckled at how clueless he was. Of course Dave didn't want Alvin to have his bike back, who knew what kinds of trouble he'd get in to.

"Off we go!" Brittany tore ahead; Alvin tightened his grip around her.

"On the road again, I can't wait to get on the road again..." The munks all sang in harmony, on their way to school.

After what seemed like hours, the first lessons of the day were over, and it was time for recess. The classroom was a hustle, with people everywhere putting their books away and lingering in the hallways.

Simon glanced over to Jeanette. She was putting her books away in her locker. It was a bottom locker, so it was closer to the floor. It was the same locker she had been giving when she first started school.

He smiled and walked up to her "Hey. You ready to go get some lunch?"

She was taken by surprise, "Hey... And sure."

Jeanette locked her locker, and walked with Simon to the cafeteria. The menu today was pea and ham soup. They each collected their trays and joined the other four chipmunks on the table they usually sat at.

"What took you so long?" Brittany placed a mouthful of pea and ham soup in her mouth and turned to Simon.

"Oh, just handing in my homework and stuff." he replied blowing on his soup.

"Jeanette, when was our homework actually due in?" Brittany asked.


"You're kidding! I haven't even started!" Brittany face palmed.

Jeanette sipped her soup, thoughtfully "Maybe if you spent more time on it, instead reading your magazines..."

"Hey!"Brittany snapped "Those magazines are educational too..."

"In what?"


"Any school subjects?"

Brittany shook her head, annoyed. Jeanette always managed to beat her in their stupid little arguments. She played with her food, eyes wandering the room. Alvin watched her intently; he loved the way her eyes darted around the room, watching everything that was going on. He found himself lost in his thoughts.

Alvin's heart beat faster as Brittany caught his eyes, but they weren't locked with his for long, Brittany was looking at something behind Alvin. He twitched his ear and turned around, following Brittany's gaze. She was looking at Chase, a new student.

Chase was a chipmunk just like them, although he was a little older. He had dirty blonde fur, and his hair was shaggy but still managed to fall perfectly around his face. His eyes were a sparkling blue colour, and he had a smile that would always manage to melt a girl's heart.

Alvin felt a little hurt. He didn't understand what the big deal about Chase was. He frowned, shaking off the hurt feeling as jealousy that Chase would probably get more girls than he usually did. He looked at Brittany.

"You're looking at Chase, aren't ya?" he asked, a small scowl on his face.

"Yes" Brittany sighed, dreamily "He's gorgeous."

"Pfft" Alvin said, smirking "He's a total player."

"How do you know that, do you know him?" Brittany snapped "And it's not like you aren't a player, Alvin."

Brittany's last comment stung a little bit. Sure, Alvin scored tonnes of girls, and he played off as the tough guy with no feelings, but that didn't mean he was a player. Underneath the tough-guy exterior, Alvin had a heart of gold.

"I can tell just by looking at him." Alvin looked awkwardly at the table.

Chase walked past and smiled at Brittany, "Hey" was all he said before walking off with the football team, his new-found friends.

Brittany let out a sigh, and Alvin felt his jealousy resurfacing.

3 bikes turned back into Dave's driveway, and 6 chipmunks got off them and headed inside.

"Hey Dave!"

"Oh, hi guys" Dave turned around from his place in the kitchen "Just making some snacks... Eleanor, want to help?"


Brittany sighed "I suppose I better do my homework..."

"I suppose you should" Jeanette looked at Alvin "Did you finish your homework?"

"Yep, but I don't think I did any good..." Alvin replied with a shrug.

"At least you did yours" Brittany pouted "Now I have to do all of mine tonight!"

"That's not our fault." Jeanette chuckled.

Brittany scampered up the stairs to get her homework.

"Let's go help Dave in the kitchen." Theo squeaked.

"Ok Theo, I just need to get some things first." Simon said.

"Me too." Jeanette added in.

Ellie and Theodore waddled off to the kitchen. Simon and Jeanette walked into the study and got out their books.

"Simon... what are you studying on?" Jeanette looked over his shoulder.

"Oh" he chuckled awkwardly "Just some science."

"Me too, let's go to the kitchen to study."

"Okay, sure."

Simon and Jeanette wandered into the kitchen, cradling their books. They threw the books onto the table, and clambered up after them.

Brittany and Alvin were already on the table, doing their work. Theodore and Eleanor's books were lying abandoned in a pile waiting to be opened.

Simon opened his Science book, and began to revise it.

"Argh" Brittany groaned, slamming the book shut "I don't get this."

Simon got up and wandered over to Brittany, he explained to her what to do, and she attempted her homework once again.

"Guys, the snacks are ready!"

"Just in time" Simon patted his stomach "I'm starving."

Alvin, Brittany and Jeanette agreed with him, and jumped up onto the bench. Before them lay a tray of chocolate crackles and biscuits.

"Where are the cheese balls?" wailed Alvin, disappointed.

Dave gave him a look which told him to be quiet.

"Looks good!" Simon broke a quarter off a crackle and crunched it up "And it is good!"

"I made the crackles..." Eleanor piped up, taking a single biscuit.

After school the next day, the Chipettes and Chipmunks walked down the street, their little backpacks slung over their little shoulders.

"Let's take a shortcut through that alley" Brittany pointed "All this new homework is wearing out my perfectly formed back and shoulders." she pouted.

"Oh come on, Brit, don't be such a drama queen" Alvin said, trying to show off by looking strong "Here let me carry it for you."

"No Alvin! You'll break your back" Simon reached out and stopped Alvin's arm.

"Brittany's right" Jeanette beckoned for the others to follow her down the alley "Plus this extra homework is weighing me down, I can't wait to get home and dump my bag on the floor. You guys coming?"

Theodore shrugged and followed Jeanette.

"Mreow..." a low meow came out of the dark alley. Brittany clutched Alvin's arm in fear. Eleanor hid behind Theodore. Simon gave Jeanette's hand a squeeze and tried to pull her back with the others, but she was frozen with fear.

A black cat with shaggy fur stepped into the gloom; the others started backing away, terrified. But not Jeanette, she was horrified. Simon tugged her sharply but couldn't budge her. He found his heart pounding so fast he thought it would explode.

"Jeanette slide off your backpack, quick!" Simon whispered in panic. He saw the backpack sliding of her shoulder, very slowly. But with the weight of the extra homework, it made a sudden jerk down and thumped to the ground.

As quick as lightning the cat's claws hooked Jeanette's clothes and dragged her toward him.

"JEANETTE!" Simon screamed in horror. He heard the others gasp.

"What do we do?" whispered Eleanor gulping.

"I don't know..." Simon sounded all choked up.

Jeanette dangled pathetically from the cat's claw.

Brittany let out one of her horrible dramatic screams, which frightened the cat out of its skin. It began to run, Jeanette still on his paw he smashed it to the ground, unhooking his claws and leaving Jeanette screaming in agony. The cat bounded off into the darkness.


Aaand a cliff hanger, sorry :P

I'll probably post the second chapter really soon, since it's already finished.

Thanks for reading ^^