Disclaimer- All hail Bioware!

Human Mage-Daylen Amell

When they come up from the repository to find both the First Enchanter and the Knight-Commander waiting for them, Daylen's heart sinks to the pits of his stomach. Even so he remains smiling, more than ready to lie and joke and excuse their actions as three people seeking a quiet place for an innocent celebratory threesome. If they buy that Lily will be transferred, he'll be punished, and Jowan... Well, Jowan will probably still be made tranquil but two out of three isn't bad odds.

Jowan beats him to the lie with blood and truth.

With Aeonar in his immediate future and the chains that bind his life drawing tighter, Daylen lets free his tongue. As every horrible, ridiculous, and insulting thing he has ever thought about the Knight-Commander's parentage spills from his mouth he realizes he has only one real regret; that he hadn't known before hand how this would turn out. He might have taken the time write down and recite his insults in the form of rhyming couplets.

It doesn't take long before Greagoir backhands him across the face, his steel gauntlet breaking one of Daylen's teeth. With a grin, he maneuvers the piece of tooth onto his tongue and spits it at Greagoir. The little spot of blood and saliva that gleams on the Knight-Commander's cheek gives Daylen a perverse sense pleasure even as he's struck again.

Aeonar is far far worse than he ever imagined, but if there's one thing Daylen prides himself on it's his ability to force light into the darkness. So he jokes and laughs and intentionally irritates the templar guards who shove him through the prison doors and into a cramped cell. He laughs and jokes and plays at madness until they stop feeding him in an attempt to make him stop. He jokes around bites of raw rat when the templars come to see why he hasn't starved to death and he laughs at the demons who permeate his dreams.

Ten years later as the veil rips open all across the face of Thedas making Aeonar less than special, he laughs even louder. He'd stopped toeing the edge of insanity years before and jumped straight in.