
Summary: Bonnie life is turned upside down by Damon and in the process she decides she needs to start over. A dark offer of power and freedom from the pain seduces Bonnie further than she ever imagined. Will Damon be able to bring her back or will she be claimed for the darkness.

AN/ This is my first time story I have been a fan of this site for a while and I wanted to finally post something of my own. I am not sure how people will respond, but honestly it doesn't matter I just want to create something. Please leave comments because I want to grow as a writer. I hope you enjoy and if enough like it I will continue. DO NOT OWN THE VAMPIRE DIARIES.

Chapter 1: Holding on by a thread

The sky was as dark as Bonnie's heart as the wind and rain ran through her hair. She knew her emotions have caused the sudden change in weather but she did not care. The world could shallow her and everyone else in this cursed town and she wouldn't blink twice. Her reason for living was gone and for the first time in her life she felt helpless, because there was no spell or deal that could be made to fix the fact that her grandmother was dead. Bonnie couldn't even bring herself to go to the grave site after the service. She just ran and ran deeper into the woods until her legs and lungs gave out. Now bonnie stood holding onto a tree as if her life depended on it as the rain fell harder.

Grams was everything to Bonnie her moral compass, teacher, family, and most importantly she was like a mother to her and now all of that was gone. Who would be her family now? Elena and Caroline were her best friends, but they had so much drama and boyfriend issues that they could never support Bonnie the way she needed. Bonnie thought that she should accept the fact that she was alone and no one would ever care for her the way her heart longed. As the pain gripped and pulled at her heart, the wind picked up violently as if a tornado could break out at any moment.

"Hey witch, you better get a grip before you blow the whole town off the map." Bonnie did not need to turn around to see who the voice belonged too. She knew it was Damon and he was the last person she wanted to see after all she's been through.

"Maybe, instead of blowing the town away I could just kill you instead," Bonnie said turning around slowly to face Damon.

"Ohhh, it turns me on when you are feisty," Damon moved quickly and was standing in front of Bonnie backing her up against the tree.

"Damon for once in your miserable life show some respect and leave me alone. I been through hell today and I can't deal with you or anything else. Damon could see the pain in her eyes and he felt a glimmer of sorrow for her. He felt responsible for the death of her grandmother because he was the one who pushed for the veil to be removed. All Damon cared about was himself and being reunited with Katherine, and that blow up in his face after finding the empty tomb. Damon and Bonnie were never close friends but he had a silent respect for her, and it bothered him that he was the cause of her losing the closest family she had.

"Bonnie, I am sorry I am a selfish ass and I deserve to be killed….again for what I did to you." His apology took her by surprised and she did not know what to say. In that surprising moment all Bonnie could do was stare into Damon's clear blue eyes amazed. Damon has always been a jerk and caused everyone in the town problems but he never apologizes for anything.

"You must be crazy if you think some apology is going to fix anything. My grandmother is dead because of you and I am beyond crushed. I have never felt so lost and confused." Feeling anger bubbling inside her Bonnie pushed Damon away and started to run. She knew running was pointless because of his speed but she needed to escape. In what felt like second Damon caught up to Bonnie and grabbed her by the waist lifting her off the ground.

"Sorry Bonnie, I won't let you get away that easy." Damon could feel all of her emotions and he could not bear to let her walk away alone. It was hard enough for him to watch her at the funeral because he felt so guilty. And now for some a reason he could not leave her side he owed her that much.

"Damon, put me down or I swear you will regret it!" Bonnie screamed as Damon carried her toward his car with his fast speed.

"Sorry B, you need this as much as I do." As soon as those words escaped Damon mouth he dropped Bonnie to the ground as he felt paralyzing pressure in his head.

"I warned you to put me down." Bonnie said as she got up off the ground.

"Bonnie, please stop I just want to help you," Damon said in a shaky voice as he held tightly to his head. Suddenly Bonnie stopped the pain and started to walk away determined to get away from him.

"Bonnie, please hear me out for once and don't leave." Bonnie could hear the unfamiliar sound of desperation in his voice which made her stop and turn and look straight into Damon's eyes.

"I know I have hurt you so much more than I can even comprehend. I just for once want to do what is right, and I know that the right thing to do is not to allow you to be alone. Be angry and hate me I get that but don't do it alone. For over 100 years I have dealt with the pain and grief of losing Katherine and I have done that alone. I know what it feels like to be surrounded by pain so intense that you breathe it constantly like air. I may be the last person you want to be with tonight, but no one can help you better than me."

A sarcastic laugh escaped Bonnie's mouth. "Really Damon we hate each other, and you expect me to believe that you can help me on the worst day of my life."

"Oh my dear sweet Bonnie, you forget one thing that I am the master of drowning pain. And I may not do much right, but numbing pain is my specialty." A small part of Bonnie felt that she should avoid Damon and his offer and go home, but tonight that voice of reason was buried and Bonnie wanted the pain to stop even if it took spending time with Damon to achieve that.

"Okay, you drive Damon and remember if you try anything I don't like I will not hesitate to end you and that is a promise.