Boy Mets Witches
New Story Idea I know but I'm full of them. As always I do not own any part of strike witches, I only wish to claim Steve as my own.
Anyway the idea for this story first came to me as a question I thought of, what would happen if a young man (late teens early twenties) where to be thrown into their world because he hated his own? This will hopefully not turn into a harem, by the way Steve Clark was originally going to be Chris Edwards, however, I decided to change his name to Steve Clark because of my recent obsession with Def Leppard.
Clinton, Connecticut, United States of America, 2003
Steve Clark came home like he did every day. He walked into his room and sat down and began to watch his favorite anime Strike Witches. He saw a little bit of him self in each of the characters, he had long blonde hair like Elia, he like music like Sanya, he loved to eat Japanese food like Francesca, he had liked to sleep in like Erica, he was strong like Gertrude, he was shy at times like Lynne, he was of part French like Perrine, he was American like Shirley and love to tinker with stuff, he was 18 like Minna, and he wanted to fly like Yoshika. He also shared a birthday with Mio.
He had seen both seasons and the movie. He sometimes wished he could be in their world, even if it was under attack by Neuroi. Anything had to be better than his drunken and abusive father and his drug running mother. They fought almost all the time and they were starting to drive Steve crazy. He took a look around his room on his wall were various Strike Witches posters, he had posters of his favorite bands Black Veil Brides and Def Leppard. He had a black BC Rich Mockingbird with random blood red brush strokes, a white Gibson Les Paul, and a red firebird, and a 1945 acoustic guitar that his grandfather owned and gave him upon his deathbed. He looked at the clock by his bed it read 7:34 p.m. He took his headphones off and heard his parents fighting in the background. He reached for his lighter and cigarettes. He neglected to notice that his computer screen was turning a bright white color. He put his headphone back on and turned up the music on his computer. He looked at the screen just in time to see it suck him in. The warp hole pulled him in. He screamed as he was sucked in. He saw a blinding light and suddenly hit the ground hard, knocking him out cold.
Little did he know, his wish to live among the Strike Witches had been granted and his life behind him had be erased, (his mother's meth lab exploded, incinerating the house. Some items in his room got sucked in with him)
501st JWF "Strike Witches" Base, Britannia, 1944
(Starting at the end episode two, after the nuerio is destroyed)
The 501st were sitting down in the War room. Yoshika was asleep on the couch. Elia's familiar ears and tail suddenly appeared.
"Elia?" Mio questioned
"We have company."
Suddenly a male's scream was heard and loud thud that shook the ground.
"Some ones hurt." Yoshika said getting up, and rushing out.
"Miyafuji!" Mio said. Chasing after her.
The 501st followed her outside and stopped right behind her and gasped. In front of them was a male figure dressed in strange clothing and surrounded by a collection of strange objects. Yoshika upon seeing blood ran forward to the injured male. She started to use her healing spell, while mostly everyone gather around her and watched in amazement. Minna was scanning the skies for any signs of the transport that could have been carrying him. She thought she saw a portal of white light close in the sky. Francesca and Erica were looking around touch and picking up everything. Mio sensed a strong magical aura and it was not Yoshika's. She ordered everyone to step back. A Scream of pain was heard.
Yoshika suddenly stopped. Everyone stopped and looked at the figure. It looked like he was in real pain, his body was squirming around and tossing and turning.
Everyone saw white bird like wings sprout from his back and tail feathers pop out by his tailbone. He opened his eyes for a moment his blue eyes turned bright orange for a moment then it seemed his body went into shock and the familiars disappeared. Yoshika tried again to heal him again put passed out. Mio noticed that where he was hurt his body was glowing orange, and looked like he was healing himself. Mio realized he was indeed the one from Elia's little outburst. She took command.
"Pick up every object and put them in the hanger. Gertrude, help him to Medical wing. I want nothing left out in the open."
"Everything major?" Perrine asked looking a poster and seemed to be blushing.
"Everything." Mio said. She looked down at a set of Dog Tags she had picked up.
They read
Clark, Billy, J.
O1779853 T40-41 A
Jamie Clark
56 River Rd
New York, NY P
Steve awoke to find himself in a hospital bed. He saw a very familiar looking girl looking out the window.
"Glad to see you're awake."
"GAH!" Steve screamed
He looked to see Minna looking at him. And… TALKING to him.
"Mio tells me she sensed a great deal magical powers within you. Is that true?"
Steve was speechless. After a couple of awkward minuets of him acting like a fish outta water, he claimed down and told Mio and Minna his "sad but true" story as all his friends put it.
Minna was near tears upon its conclusion. Seemed like Mio was skeptical. But when he showed her his iTouch with a picture of her and Yoshika, she was sure that he was really WAS from a different world. Once he was done telling his story he asked to see what came with him.
Minna showed him the "collection of strange items". Steve made a mental inventory of all the things he had with him in his new "home".
Acoustic guitar and case
BC Rich Guitar and case
Les Paul and case
Firebird, strings snapped but in case
Marshall Amp no chord
Black Veil Bride poster
Def Leppard poster of Phil and Steve
Strike Witches poster of Mio
Strike Witches poster of Yoshika
Strike Witches poster of Shirley
iTouch and charging station
MacBook and chord
Wallet with driver license
He felt around his neck.
"Oh shit. Shit, shit, SHIT!" He said.
"What's wrong?" Minna asked.
"Where are they?"
"What?" Minna asked
"My grandpa's dog tags, I was wearing them last night. Where they go?"
"These them?" Mio said holding out the set of dog tags she picked up last night.
After looking at them, Steve kissed them and put them around his neck.
"I thought I lost these."
Steve walked over to the window. He looked out over Yoshika and Lynne training.
"So, Mio." He said glancing back at her.
"You care to tell me what I missed."
Oh Cliffhanger…NOT!
In all honesty this is my attempt at trying to get my self to watch the series again, so that I can sort of "rewrite" the story if there was a powerful male magic user. YES I said powerful, and flamers if you have a problem with that you will be deleted, cause believe me when I say, you will not be the only ones pissed off at a male being in the series. Guess Who?