Here we are! The epilogue!
I didn't want you to be mad, so I decided to end the fic on a happy note!
I hope you enjoy :)
Eighteen months later
Clint could feel the tension rolling off Cane in waves.
He placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Don't be nervous," he whispered reassuringly. "You have nothing to worry about."
Just as he finished speaking, the music started up, and Cane stiffened in front of him.
"Then why am I about to freak out?" Cane whispered in a panic. "Why am I so nervous?!"
Cane's best man smiled sympathetically. He'd hardly ever seen the agent anxious or uneasy, apart from that day a couple of months ago – just before he asked Andrea to marry him.
However, since then, Cane had done nothing but worry that his soon-to-be bride would "come to her senses and run for the hills" because of who and what he was. Clint knew that Cane had nothing to worry about, of course. Any person who saw the two together could tell they were made to be.
He'd been told what happened. When Cane had gotten back from France almost two years ago and told her about his profession, she'd laughed at him. When she realised he'd been serious, she'd surprised Cane – she'd stayed with him. They'd been inseparable ever since, and complimented each other perfectly.
Of course, that didn't stop Cane from being terrified of the thought of her backing out.
"Is she… is she there?" Cane asked hesitantly. "Can you see her?"
As Clint looked down the aisle, trying to spot Andrea, the bridesmaids began walking through. One in particular caught his eye.
Natasha was first. She moved slowly, gracefully, the fitted navy bridesmaid dress making her fiery hair stand out. She looked perfect as always, and as they made eye contact she gave him a small grin.
"Is she there? Is she… is she coming?" Cane asked again, without turning. Clint cleared his throat and tore his eyes away from his girlfriend to look further down the aisle. When he saw Cane's fiancée, his eyes widened.
"Yeah, Cane, she's there," Clint replied softly, his eyes on Andrea. "And she looks incredible. You did good, man."
He smiled at the woman he'd come to admire in such a short time. He turned around and gave Cane one more pat on the shoulder as his bride came to stand beside him. Clint turned his head to find Natasha, who had a large smile on her face. When she spotted him looking at her, she raised an eyebrow and nodded toward Cane. He grinned and moved his head back around to listen to the ceremony.
As Natasha watched Cane and Andrea have their first dance, she reminisced over the past year. It had been one of the best years of her life: she and Barton had survived their first year together without a hitch, she'd made a new friend in Andrea, as well as become very close friends with Cane, and now had an even closer relationship with her father and Valentina. But she had a feeling that the following year to come wouldn't be so easy.
After somehow convincing Barton a year and a half ago to let her join the agency, they'd gone straight to her father… who'd said no. And as he'd been appointed the new Director for the CIA, she couldn't really do anything about it.
Then one day the following week, her father had called her from his new office asking to see her. By some miracle, he'd thought it over and changed his mind – although, she had a feeling a certain agent had something to do with it.
There had been conditions though, which was why, a year later, she still wasn't a trained field agent. Her father had approved of her training for the agency, but only if she left it for a year so she could think it over, make sure she was making the right decision. She also had to finish her education in order for her to have something to fall back on, should she choose not to join the agency. That was why a week ago she'd graduated with a degree in criminology. A year later and she was as hungry for it now as she was back then.
She knew it was going to take a while, and it was going to be tough, but she wanted this. Her father, her boyfriend; this was their life, and it was her life now too. And she wanted to make them both proud. She wanted to make herself proud.
A hand moved in front of her face. "Can I have this dance?"
Natasha giggled, taking the hand. As Barton led her out onto the dance floor, she thought of how different her life might have been had she never met him. It would have been a whole lot lonelier, she knew that much.
Barton spun her gently, and then pulled her close, his thumb brushing her knuckles.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked suddenly.
"Why?" Natasha responded, raising her eyebrows. Barton raised one in return.
"You've got your serious face on. What is it?"
Natasha sighed. "I was just thinking how different my life would have been if you hadn't kidnapped me two years ago."
"Kidnapped you? Honey, I didn't kidnap you. It was a matter of-"
"National security," Natasha interrupted, laughing. "I know. But in all seriousness, who knows what we would have been doing. I mean, if we hadn't met, we never would have fallen in love and neither would Cane and Andrea. Dad and Valentina probably wouldn't have been married either."
"Wow," Barton said, amused. "We had a hand in quite a few happy endings - I even set up Davis with a nice girl. We should start a business."
"A matchmaking business?" Natasha asked, amused. "What if in the future we actually went undercover together as a couple of matchmakers? How awesome would that be?"
"I don't know about that happening," Barton admitted, shrugging. "But if it did, we'd be pretty kickass."
"Of course we would," Natasha stated, leaning forward to brush her lips against Barton's. "We're kickass in everything we do. We make a good team."
Barton grinned, spinning her once more, and pulling her closer. "Indeed we do."
Things would be getting a little tough soon, but she didn't want to think about that now; she wanted to enjoy the moment.
Natasha smiled as the man she loved moved her around the room, wishing the dance would never end.
The End.
I hope you liked it!
I hope that was a happy enough ending for everyone. I wanted to give Cane a happily ever after, I hope you agree that he deserves it after being such a good agent and friend haha
Thank you soooooooo much to everybody who endured through my ridiculous dry spells and gave such nice reviews when I finally gave you another chapter! I am so grateful that you enjoy my writing, you are all so sweet and make me want to write.
So... I've decided that because you all enjoyed the story so much... I'm going to write a sequel. It'll be a while away, I only have a basic outline of what's going to happen, so don't get excited yet! But it will eventually happen :)
Again, thank you so much! I couldn't have done it without you all.
:) xx