Bella's POV

"Are you sure you don't want to see her?" Edward asks me and I ignore him, turning my head away.

Edward has been my best friend since we were tiny little kids. He was 3 when I was born and my mom let him hold me when I was just 3 days old. Our moms had been best friends since they were in middle school.

Soon after my 16th birthday our parents went out for dinner like they often did leaving me and Edward at home. A couple of hours after they had left a cop showed up telling us they were in a horrible car accident and they all died before help arrived.

Edward and I were both only children and since he was 19 he didn't have to worry about where he was going to stay. He fought hard for me to be able to live with him until I was 18 and since his family had a lot of money and good lawyers he got custody of me.

Now Edward and I had always been just friends but we were both kind of loners. I bake and read and he plays guitar and sings and writes music. He does perform in local coffee shops and concerts at the parks and stuff when he can but he's a different person on stage and off.

After our parents died I was numb. I didn't want to get out of bed, looking back I was selfish. Edward had to drag me out of bed and feed me and make me shower and it never occurred to me that he was hurting just as much as me.

After I came around a bit I was still so numb. I just wanted to feel so I begged Edward to have sex with me. I read a lot and sex in books is always this amazing, emotional, beautiful thing. Yeah… not so much. It was awkward and I felt guilty for convincing him to do it and he felt guilty that I felt guilty and it was all just so bad. But we were OK.

Then I found out I was pregnant.

Money wasn't the issue. Edward was left enough money to never have to work and not have to worry about it.

The issue was I was still a shell of the person I was before my parents died and Edward had plans. He had been contacted by a record label that wanted to record him. Then he would tour and be busy and gone a lot.

I wanted to travel the country like my parents always wanted me too. We never had a lot of money but they saved all this money for me to go on this tour after I graduated high school. It was something my mom had done after she graduated and it was a huge thing for me to do the same thing. And then I planned on opening a bakery and not raising a baby.

It wasn't that easy for us, we thought about giving up our plans and raising her but in the end we knew she deserved parents that were together and more stable. We wanted her to be someone's miracle.

Edward picked the family; I had nothing to do with it.

And now they're here, in this hospital, with my baby. Their baby. Edward tells me they are a nice couple. Young but stable. Not rich but the husband owns a business and the wife is going to stay home with her. They've tried for a few years to have a baby but doctors tell them the chances are slim.

He sighs and leaves the room telling me he'll be back soon.

They release me the next day and I go on living my life like I am fine. But I feel nothing anymore. I go to school and I hang out with Edward and I'm living but I'm not alive.

Edward sets up therapy for me and it helps. I graduate and take my trip and open my bakery and Edward moves to California. He tries to get me to come but I've lived my whole life here. I'm not leaving.

He visits when he can and we Skype all the time.

Slowly my life seems to be more like a life.