As I stand here over your grave, I somehow still can't believe that you are dead. Yet there it is your grave marker with your name on it:

Here Lies

Anthony 'Tony' Edward Stark

AKA Iron Man

A Friend, a Teammate and an Inventor

I don't know what to do here, I've out lived almost everyone, yet I've never been to a funeral before, much less to a funeral for a friend/teammate. I brought you flowers, though something tells me you would have preferred coffee grinds. I'm still not used to talking about you in the past tense, I probably will never get used to it. I still can't believe that none of us noticed, but you were always good at hiding things. I still can't figure out why you didn't tell me. I've run all of the scenarios in my head and can only guess that if you told me, I would have thought you a liability. Why did you do this then? Why did you allow me to fall in love with you? Why did you have to die? Why did you leave me with everything? Why did you leave me here with all of these unanswered questions? My god Tony, Why? Why did it have to be you? I never even told you that I loved you Tony. So here is my confession over your grave, I LOVE YOU! I love you and I'll miss you for the rest of my life.
