I just wanted to say a big thank you for all those lovely reviews they were so kind, anyway here's chapter 2 and I will try to post every few days. In the meantime enjoy and keep reviewing! :)

Lydia awoke to the sound of crashing waves, she looked around the dark room to find Allison asleep, sighing she got up from her bed and tiptoed over to the wardrobe, she walked into the bathroom, flicked off the light and shut the door; she showered and got changed into jean shorts, a blue and white stripy top and a cream cardi, she brushed her curly hair and left it to fall naturally down her back, she applied some lipgloss and creeped out of the bathroom, she slipped out of her bedroom and tiptoed down the stairs. As she tiptoed down the stairs she heard the soft sound of the T.V playing from the lounge, Lydia walked into the lounge and saw Stiles laying on the couch, eyes shut

"Stiles" she whispered "Stiles" she said louder, walking towards the couch "Wake up" she leaned over him and hit his arm; his eyes fluttered open and stared up at Lydia as she leaned over him "Morning" she grinned down at him

"Morning" he replied groggily and sat up and rubbed at his eyes

"What does you room not have a big enough T.V?" she asked slipping in beside him

"I couldn't sleep so I came down here to watch some T.V" he shrugged "Guess I must of fallen asleep for bit" Lydia studied his face, his eyes had even darker rings under them and he sagged agains the couch, Lydia interlaced her hand with Stiles, he pulls her hand up towards him and kisses it, she blushes and leans into his shoulder. They sit like that until the sun comes up, glorious oranges and bright pinks swirl in the sky, "Hey Lyd can I ask you something?" Stiles inquired playing with a piece of her hair,

"Yeah sure what's up?" Lydia replied looking up at him

"What...ummm...are we...I...uhhh" Stiles babbled

"Spit it out Stiles" she laughed

"I uhh... I just want to know where we stand...you know after la-" Stiles babbled before Lydia cut him off with a kiss, her soft lips met his and and he wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer, she wrapped her legs around him

"I care about you Stiles" she answered

"You do?" he whispered, shocked

"I do" she confirmed and leaned into to kiss him again.

"So I was thinking maybe we could go mini-" Scott began as he walked into the lounge

"Stiles? Lydia?" Scott questioned as his mouth hit the floor, Lydia and Stiles sprung apart

"Scott what is it?" Allison asked from behind him, she side stepped around him and saw Lydia and Stiles (practically in each others lap) with bright red faces and slightly ruffled hair, she grinned
"I knew it" she yelled

"Allison shhh you'll wake the others up" Lydia shouted

"Ohh who cares, I'm much more interested as to what's going on in here" Allison demanded eyeing Lydia

"This" she replied and intertwined her hand with Stiles's, she looked back up at Allison and Scott (who's mouth had now formed a slightly smaller O shape), Allison gave her a reaffirming nod and a big smile, she was proud of her best friend for listening to her advice from the night before; "Well Scott and I were going to go play some mini-golf on the boardwalk, you guys wanna come?" she asked, Lydia looked at Stiles and he nodded

"Sure, sounds fun" Lydia replied. They all went to the kitchen to make breakfast, Scott and Allison decided to make pancakes so Lydia and Stiles went for an early morning stroll on the beach; as the walked down the beach hand in hand Stiles couldn't help but stare at Lydia, who just minutes ago announced to Stiles that she had feelings for him

"What?" she asked smiling

"It's just that well, I've had like the biggest crush on you since like the eight grade" Stiles began
"I've noticed" Lydia interrupted, squeezing his hand

"Don't interrupt me" he grinned "I just never thought that you would ever like me back"

he admitted,

"Well I do so suck it up" Lydia laughed and bent down to flick Stiles with water

"Hey no fair" he cried as he flicked water back on her, she burst out laughing and ran down the beach trying to avoid getting splashed with more water but Stiles was fast, he caught up with her and wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up of the ground, he laughed, properly for the first time in a long while Lydia thought to herself.

"BREAKFAST" Scott yelled, Stiles put her down and wrapped an arm around her shoulder as they made their way back to the house; soon after they sat down Isaac, Cora and Derek came outside

"So what are we all doing today?" Cora asked as she plonked herself down on one of the chairs and stated to fill a plate with blueberry pancakes,

"Well Scott, Allison, Lydia and I are going mini-golfing" Stiles explained "You guys can come if you want to" he added as he ate his pancakes, his arm was still around Lydia's,

"I'll think we'll pass on the mini-golfing" Isaac replied "Derek and I really want to surf some more"

"Yeah it's supposed to rain for the next couple of days so I thought I might get some surf time in" Derek added as he poured maple syrup over his mountain of pancakes, he cut of a hunk and shoveled it into his mouth "Wow these are really good" he exclaimed shoveling another mouthful in

"Thanks" Allison replied "It's like the best thing I can cook well". After breakfast Lydia and Allison went back up to their bedroom to finish getting ready, Lydia was fixing her hair and Allison was doing her makeup whilst asking Lydia a ton of questions

"So are you guys officially together now?" Allison asked with a big smile

"Yip we are" Lydia answered, unable to hide the massive grin that was spreading across her slightly red face,

"Lydia congratulations" Allison squealed hugging her best friend tightly; Lydia missed the moments like these, where she and her best friend could get excited about shoes, clothes and boys, all this werewolf stuff had really gotten in the way of their they made there way down the stairs, Scott and Stiles looked up from their game of pool and grinned with adoration, Lydia blushed and looked over at Allison who had gone slightly red as well; Lydia made her way over to Stiles and wrapped her arms around his waist and bent down to kiss her head "Ready to get your ass whopped at Mini-golf?" He laughed and she unwrapped herself from him and intertwined their hands.

They drove down the sunlit street with the music blaring and the windows down, they were all smiling, laughing and taking ridiculously funny photo's of one and other. Scott went and paid for the game and the rest of them went to pick out golf clubs and balls, Lydia and Allison both chose pink ones whilst Stiles and Scott had red; Scott went first and got the ball in on his fourth try, next was Allison who got hers in after only two shots it was Lydia's turn next, she got up and positioned the ball at the start of the hole, she swung her club back and then she brought it down flinging the ball off into the sky somewhere,
"I suck at this!" she cried as she stormed over to where everyone was sitting

"No you don't" Stiles assured her "You just need to not hit the ball so hard, it is only mini-golf Lyd" he smiled at her but Lydia's stubborn frown still remained upon her face "Fine" he sighed "I'll show you how to do it" Lydia smiled and grabbed another ball from the bucket, she placed on the ground again and turned to Stiles,

"Now what?" Lydia demanded

"Line your ball up with the flat side of your club and swing it back a little bit, then bring it back and tap it, tap it don't smack it" Stiles exclaimed, Lydia stood there with same stubborn frown she had on a minute ago

"God your so stubborn" Stiles said under his breath, he got up and walked over to her and wrapped his arms around Lydia and placed his hands over top of hers

"So all you need to do is swing it lightly like this" Stiles explained as he moved their hands back "And then you bring it forward like this" his hands guided hers as she swung and hit ball, it only moved a couple of inches but Lydia grinned and Stiles unwrapped his arms from her body, she turned to face him

"Thank you" she whispered and reached up to kiss him

"Your welcome" he replied and kissed her forehead "Now hurry up and finish you shot" he teased as he walked back to his seat where both Allison and Scott both sat wrapped in each others arms with the biggest grin Stiles had ever seen the both of them do.

A couple hours later they had finished their game of mini-golf (with Allison whooping all their ass's) and walked along the boardwalk together, Scott had his arm draped around Allison's shoulder and Lydia and Stiles were hand in hand.

"Man it's so hot" Lydia exclaimed, fanning her self with her hand "Can we get some ice-cream?" she asked looking up at Stiles through her sunglasses, he was also wearing sunglasses and had the biggest smile on his face, Lydia couldn't help but smile too and she squeezed his hand,

"Yeah I want some ice-cream to" Allison exclaimed. They sat on the beach watching the waves crash onto the shore while eating their ice-cream,

"I told you I suck at mini-golf" Lydia yelled as she scooped out some more ice-cream from her tub,

"Well you didn't completely suck, I mean at least you managed to hit the ball" Stiles teased as he brought his ice-cream cone up to his mouth, Lydia whacked his hand and ice-cream went all over his face; Lydia, Scott and Allison all burst out laughing as Stiles tried to wipe some of the ice-cream off his face

"Come here you" Stiles yelled, grabbing Lydia and pulling her into a kiss, smearing ice-cream on her face as well,

"Hey!" she yelled as she tried to wiggle out of his grip,

"Fairs fair" Stiles laughed and grabbed some napkins to try and wipe the now dripping ice-cream off if his face, Lydia copied and soon they were both ice-cream free. Scott and Allison sighed at the very affectionate couple, Scott pulled Allison closer and kissed her lightly on the lips. Once they had finished their ice-cream the group walked back to the car and drove home, eager to get there quickly and go for a swim to escape the heat. Lydia got changed into her white bikini and made her way outside, where everyone else was already in the water; as she got outside she saw the piercing blue ocean and she ran into the cool water and dived in, the crisp water was refreshing on her boiling skin; when she resurfaced she swam over to where Stiles was watching Derek and Isaac surf, when he saw her his face lit up and Lydia's heart skipped a beat 'how on earth did this boy make her so nervous now?' Lydia thought to her self. Once she got to him she wrapped her legs around his waist and he wrapped his arm around her neck

"Hi" Lydia said, their faces almost touching, as she looked into his eyes she no longer saw the eyes of a broken boy, she no longer saw his sad eyes instead she saw his bright, vibrant and sparkling eyes just as they had been when they were kids,

"Hi" Stiles replied, and she leaned into to kiss him; their soft, tender lips pressing against each other, she ran her hands through his hair as a wave came crashing over them and they broke apart, laughing and Stiles splashed Lydia.

After dinner and after everybody went to bed Lydia and Stiles decided to watch a movie, both of them were still wide awake and Lydia just wanted to lie on the couch wrapped in Stiles's arms. "What movie should we watch" Stiles asked as he came into the lounge with a bowl of popcorn and a blanket,

"I'm not to su- oh The Notebook" she exclaimed and she pulled it out of the stand

"The Notebook it is" Stiles said as he sat down on the couch

"Really?" Lydia asked, Jackson never wanted to watch The Notebook with her

"Yeah sure, why not?" Stiles shrugged; Lydia put the DVD in the DVD player and hit play and the T.V displayed the opening credits, Lydia walked back to the couch and laid her head down on Stiles's chest, he pulled the blanket over them and turned to kiss her forehead lightly, she grinned and the movie began. Lydia was awoken by the sound of a cry, she sat up and saw Stiles asleep on the couch next to her he mumbling something she couldn't quite understand, his cheeks were lined with tears, he was having a nightmare.

"Stiles" Lydia whispered as she shook his arm "Stiles wake up!" she yelled and shook his arm even harder; his eyes flung open and he gasped "Stiles, shhh it's okay, it was just a bad dream" Lydia said softly rubbing her hand arm and down his arm

"Lydia?" he breathed as he sat up "I'm...I'm sorry... I...I didn't mean to wake you" he dropped his head in his hands

"Stiles look at me" she pleaded "Tell me whats wrong" she pulled his hands away from his face and cupped his face, a tear fell from his eye and she wiped it away with her thumb

"Tell me" she repeated

"I just..." he began breathing heavily "I've been having these really bad nightmares ever since the ritual we did a couple months ago and in my nightmares everyone I care about, everyone I love they die right in front of me, right before my eyes" he shakes as recounts his nightmares "everyone I love my Dad, my Mum, Scott, you..." he pauses "they all die right in front of me and theres nothing I can do about it" his breathing quickens even more and Lydia cradles him, this boy he cares for her, no who loves her broken and distraught in her arms, Stiles who was always the one to keep her strong is broken, and this time she's afraid it's for good,

"Stiles look at me, I'm here I'm right here, I'm safe and unharmed" Lydia whispered,and he looks up at her

"I'm safe and unharmed" she repeats and leans in to kiss him softly, at first he doesn't move and then he kisses her back, his lips taste like tears, tears that are still running down his face; she breaks away and looks him in the eye

"Stiles I love you" Lydia whispers and a goofy grin spreads across his face, snapping him out of his nightmare

"I love you Lydia" Stiles whispers back

"I know" she grins and she kissed him on the cheek; the lay back down on the couch and fall back to sleep, wrapped in the safety of each others arms.