Heyo Fanfiction,

I wanted to write new chapters for my other fics but I wrote about a quarter and felt reaaaalllllyyy lazy so I decided I went up with a new fic. I've been wanting to write this for months now. Yes, months but, I thought I'd finish a fic first but it's taking forever so I'm sorry, they're all hanging.

This is going to be cool though if you like zombies. C:

Standard disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters but the story is fully mine, so are the poems made. (Spoiler there, I've made poems, ahaha.)

Rated K: due to violence and foul language.

"What..." groaned the female cousin of a certain well-known teenage boy. She yanked herself lazily to a sitting position. Her head pounded and her body ached; she felt as if someone had beaten the crap out of her. Her eyes finally fluttered open when she felt comfortable enough to absorb what was going on. Gwendolyn Tennyson found herself sitting on a rusty, dirty steel bed; the mattress she was on was filthy and gory, covered with stale blood and who-knows-what. She flinched at the disgusting bed and stood up quickly, her face scrunched up in disgust as strong smell of iron filled her nostrils. She looked down, it wasn't iron... It was blood. The beaten-up tiled floor was covered up with blood and it was terrible; Gwen thought she was going to hurl soon.

She tried ignoring the fact and it came to her relieve when she found two familiar faces, lying on similar beds as hers. Her dark-headed boyfriend was on the right, eyes still shut. She thought he looked so peaceful and cute like that. And on the other end was none other than her cousin... He looked, well, he looked Ben. Deciding it was best to wake her boyfriend up first, she walked towards where he was. She nudged his body and whispered, "Kevin! Wake up!"

Kevin jolted up immediately, almost falling off the bed. He was already sitting up and was already holding his head; it pounded badly just like Gwen's, "Gwen? What..." His head stopped pounding immediately and he opened his eyes. He glared around; this wasn't his house... He remembered perfectly he was at home the night before his slumber. He had a good meal of instant noodles and was day-dreaming about how his girlfriend would look like giving him a lap dance before dosing off to bed. He should be in his comfy bed right now, who would put him at this dump!? That was so evil. And to top it off, today was suppose to be a good Saturday.

While Kevin got off the bed, he noticed his girlfriend to where a familiar brunette boy was. "Great, Tennyson's here too?" he muttered in disgust when looking down to his shoes, "Fucking blood, fucking place. Who the fuck would do this to me..."

"AH!" Ben screamed as his cousin nudged him, "It's a Saturday mum, why do you-"he stopped when his eyes fluttered open. A red glob appeared in front of him when his eyes finally cleared he noticed it was Gwen. "Gwen? What are you doing in my roo..." he looked around these unfamiliar surroundings. He was also on a similar bed like Gwen's, but the male Tennyson didn't seem to mind. The room, he thought, was totally trashed up. It looked like those kind of abandon hospitals and alyssums, however you see it- it looked like something from a horror movie. Hospital machineries were trashed all over the floor, broken glass, dirt, rusty items... Blood, he noticed, there was a lot of blood on the floor and many other items. It then came to his senses when that iron smell he had been breathing was also blood, it smelt putrefying. "Where are we?" inquired Ben aloud, "Are we lost?"

"No shit, Sherlock." Muttered Kevin while he walked towards his gang, "Gwen woke me up and here we are. In this place."

"This place is starting to creep me out, let's get out of here." Suggested the female quietly, she didn't like the place at all. Who could have blamed her; she was never a fan of horror movies, being in something that looked like one made her sick to the stomach.

"Agreed." Nodded Ben as he jumped off the bed and splotched into the puddle of blood below him. He looked down at his trainers, "Ew..." he muttered, "Why the hell is there so much blood?" He shook of his irritation coolly and headed straight for the double door at the other end of where they stood. It was those hospital types, there were two little translucent windows at the parting but it was splattered with blood so nothing could be seen at all. The door itself was grey and worn out, Ben placed a hand on the handle.

He yanked once, twice, thrice, the forth. He finally gave up, the door didn't budge, "Locked."

"I'm not surprised." Commented Kevin, walking over to his best friend.

"Don't worry, Humungousaur could do the trick." He went over to his watch, pushed a button. The middle of the famous Omnitrix shot up, he flipped through the dial and found what he wanted, he slammed the dial down, expecting to change into one of his cool ass aliens any second. But, nothing happened. A little confused, he repeated what he had did before and the same result came: Nothing. "I... I don't understand," said the bearer of the Omnitrix, fiddling with his watch, "Why isn't this working."

"Lemme try." Said Kevin, touching the metal handle to absorb it's matter. A few second pass and nothing was coating his body, "My powers ain't working too... Gwen?"

Gwen raised her hand to form a ball of mana, it worked, satisfied, she threw the ball onto the door. The mana broke lamely once he came into contact with the wall. Gwen frowned and already felt fatigue, she was surprised that she was panting already. She put her hands to her knees and took in deep breaths. Regretting that she had tried to force all the mana she could take out of her, "It's no use guys, we're all an inept here."

Kevin went up to his girlfriend and supported her to her feet, "Don't use your powers ever again, okay?" She nodded somnolently, grabbing onto his chest. Her legs were already weak and wobbled around like jelly, threatening to collapse any second. He let her hold onto him even though she was getting heavier by the second, he thought she was worth it.

"Hey, what's this?" spoke Ben suddenly; he had spotted a white note. He reached and grabbed it quickly. The writing was forced on, rough and ugly. Ben thought it was pretty creepy. The paper looked like some fossil, this made his History book looked like a brand new car. The note smelt bad, not that he was sniffing it but it smelt like crud and cadavers even though he was holding it. He thought it was made up of those tissue paper that mummies were wrapped it. The ink used was red, it was probably blood since everything was bloody already. It was definitely blood, he confirmed, it looked as if someone cut their finger and use it as a pen to write this out. He shivered slightly at the thought, who would do something like that?

He scanned through the lines and decided to read it out loud,

"May you rest,
May you dream,
The place behold
the thing you seek."

He stared blankly at the note, "What does that suppose to mean?"

After feeling not so shitty anymore, Gwen stood up straight and let herself off Kevin. "Gimme that," she ordered, pulling a hand out to Ben who obediently handed her the note. She glared at it seriously, her eyeballs following each word cautiously. "May you rest... I know," she announced happily and thanked herself for taking English Literature, this was a simple poem with a riddle in it. She smiled, "It says 'rest' and 'dream', now where do you do that?" she asked both the boys. They looked at her confusedly which made her heaved a sigh, "The bed. We rest and dream on a bed. There must be a key there cause it says there would be something we seek."

She walked towards the bed, careful to avoid the blood puddles as much as possible, "And we want to get out now, so it must be a key." She explained some more and stopped in front of the beds. "Well?" the ginger said, turning her head a little to look at the boys, "I'm not touching that disgusting bed."

Both the boys gave her a teasing smile before heading over to help look for the key.

Ben grabbed the pillow of his bed and to his surprise a key was sitting under it; the brunette boy smiled proudly, "Found it." He held up the key to show his friends what he had done as if a little kid was showing his parents what good grades he had gotten for a simple test. Kevin decided to check both his pillow and Gwen's, luckily he did because he found another note. He acted smart and handed it to his girlfriend immediately; no point reading it himself, he wouldn't have understood what he said anyway.

Gwen knew there was no point reading it out loud since the two other boys were pretty much nitwits when it came to English Literature but she did anyway, it felt like it was needed to,

"Dark or bright,
But nothing in sight,
The problem is not there,
Yet, it is still
A single whisper
Might take your soul,
Do not speak or
Wait for thou to find out."

"What does that suppose to mean, again?" asked Ben aloud, this was getting stupid. He looked at his cousin desperately for an answer while Kevin just stood there keeping his cool even though he had no idea what his girlfriend had just said.

"I- I don't know yet... I'll have to think a little more.. But this line 'A single whisper Might take your soul' is creepy. Maybe we're not suppose to make any sound or we'll die or something. I... I don't really know but I'll keep this with me for a while for future preferences." She reached into her pocket and thanked God that he mini notebook and pencil was in there. She slipped the dirty toilet paper note into her notebook and stuffed it back down into her pocket.

"Okay, enough wasting time. Let's get out of here. This place is getting on my nerves." Said Kevin, taking the lead back to the door. "Couldn't agree with you any better." Said Ben.

The bearer of the Omnitrix opened the door easily. It worked, the poem was a riddle to helping them figure out what was going on. The walk outside of the hospital was not welcoming. Everything was trashed and no one was in sight, it took awhile but they made it out of the hospital. The trio thought that was the most creepiest and disturbing thing ever. Why would someone lock them in an abandon hospital, leave them stupid riddles and practically scare the fuck out of them? That wasn't very nice; they swore when they had found out who it was, that person wouldn't see daylight anymore.

Ben spotted a fat lady standing on the road up ahead of them, it was pretty far away but it was still a lady. She was just standing there, her fat back and buttocks facing them. "Hey look, a person. Maybe we could ask where we are?"

"Yeah, good idea." Agreed Gwen, inspecting the lady from the distance.

"Way ahead of you guys," smirked Kevin, walking towards where the lady was. Ben ran after Kevin, "Hey, wait up!" he shouted.

Ben really shouldn't have shouted cause the fat lady turned back and the three let of a silent gasp.

The lady eyes were blood-rimmed and maniacal, it didn't really look like she was looking at something. Her pale albino skin looked decomposed as she moved around to their direction. Her flesh hanging like tatted rags from her fat shoulders as she saliva drooled down from her lips. Some remnants of her pink spongy brain smooshed all over her haggard dull grey face, her appearance gave Ben nightmares; this was even worse than the time he walked in on his cousin and his best friend making out so much that both of them were half naked and he saw his cousin's boobs. Sure he thought her boobs were nice, but he didn't enjoyed it. She was his cousin for crying out loud! That was one of the worst things he had ever witness. She staggered slowly to where they were. Ben looked as if he was going to scream, but luckily Gwen managed to quell him off by placing a hand on his mouth. She glared at him and pressed a finger to her lips as if to tell him to shut up. He nodded quickly in agreement and she removed her hand.

It didn't take a scientist to know what was going on, the trio had watched many different documentation and sci-fi movies of zombies. But they didn't know these actually existed, sure, they've seen some pretty fucked up aliens but this just took them to a new level on their list of weirdest-things-I've-ever-seen.

But apparently smart-ass Levin decided to scream, "RUN!"

The fat lady reacted to Kevin's scream immediate, she charged towards them. Gwen cursed mentally for their stupidity, why couldn't she have gotten a smarter boyfriend? Of course he was smart but sometimes when he was panicking or something, all those knowledge at magically disappeared and Gwen had no idea how to get it back into his head.

They ran.

Where to?

They didn't know, they just ran. They weren't going into the hospital again so, they just ran to the direction of the road the other way. Luckily their footsteps couldn't be heard, and the fat lady zombie was confused with where they have gotten to but she was still wobbling around the area where the trio was standing at.

Gwen glared at Kevin and made big movements at them, trying to tell them to shut up and not make any noise or they'll be fucked. They got the message and nodded quietly. She still glared at them. Gwen then looked around and spotted a Wal-Mart nearby, brightening up she smiled and gestured to the direction of the grocery shop. The trio shared the same expression and decided to walk there. They didn't want to run anymore, they were kind of exhausted by all the running just now. If another zombie came at them, they would need the cardio to run some more.

Maybe they could look for someone who can help them in Wal-Mart or maybe they could find a few items they needed.

On the way to the grocery store, Gwen pulled out her notebook once again, he read through it again when Kevin slipped his fingers into Gwen's hand. She looked up at him a little puzzled, he gave her a soft smile and squeezed her hand. She smiled back and let her hand get intertwined with his.

Ben noticed their gooeyness and made a disturbed expression in front of their faces. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out and made a face with look like he was going to puke. The couple ignored him and continued walking ahead. Ben was just jealous, deep down he was. He just didn't want to admit it. He missed Julie... Where ever she was, Ben hoped she was okay and not turned into one of these damnable zombies.

Gwen then continued on the poem, thinking through what had happen. She read the thing over and over again... Suddenly the poem made sense to the smartest one in the trio,

'Dark or bright,
But nothing in sight,'

These zombies couldn't see them.

'The problem is not there,
Yet, it is still'

Those zombies couldn't see them but they were still there.

'A single whisper
Might take your soul,
Do not speak or
Wait for thou to find out.'

These zombies are sensitive to sound, to make thing's short, if they made any noises, they would be fucked. Hard. In the ass.

And they didn't want that to happen.

Gwen wanted to tell the rest of her team the new information she had found out but thought it was best to keep her mouth shut first in case if there were any more zombies lurking around.

She wondered what was going on, and why did they woke up in that hospital... Something fishy was going on, her senses were tingling. She wanted answers and so does the rest of them.

What is Ben and the gang going to do next?

Do you guys like it? 8'D It's not romancy I know, I like romance the most but I thought of changing the genre abit.

Should I continue this?

Leave a follow, favourite or a review if you like my work.

This is written on 26th August 2013, see you guys soon! Peace, yo!