The classroom was clean for once, the air smelt like a freshly erased white board and the air conditioning had actually been turned on for once...it was like the past year hadn't even happened.

The same went for the man who was standing at his podium, focusing on the sheets of paper in front of him with his glasses perched on his nose carelessly. he shifted, leaning on his forearm as he held the paper closer to his face. I smiled from my spot at the open door, feeling something in me flutter as Ian rubbed his neck in concentration or exasperation.

"Knock, knock."

Ian's head snapped up at my voice, surprised before a warm smile graced his features as I came in. He took his glasses off and held open his arms, that broken laugh breaking though his lips as I walked over and gave him a warm hug.

"Well, well, well look who it is." he smiled and ruffled my hair before stepping back, "It's good to uh, to see you again Angela. You look nice."

"Oh come off of it." I blushed, smacking his hands away as I pulled my bag higher on my shoulder. I smiled, "I'm not a stranger Ian so don't treat me like one...you weren't at graduation."

"I uh...I know, Sarah called and we-"

"Ian." I interrupted him with another smile and his sharp eyes snapped to mine. I took his hand, making a point to tap the silver ring on his finger, "I'm happy for you Ian, you loved Sarah more than anything and Kelly does too. I'm glad you two worked it out."

"Angela we-"

"Were good together too." I cut him off again and dropped our hands, "But after the Park Ian, it was like we could barely stand each other."

Ian sighed but didn't argue, he knew that I was right.

When we touched down back in the states after Jurassic Park, Billy had been flown to UCLA to be treated for his ribs and infections along with Muldoon's injuries. Clark was flown back home for the burial of his brother the Marines had found. I had gone with my dad and Ian to a different hospital before we visited the Murphy's. That had gone down in a screaming match but the Park was now under full control of the government. The Murphy's didn't even own a single grain of sand on that island...they weren't too sad about it in the end. At all.

Even after that though, when I went home with Ian things just changed; we could barely look at each other because all I could remember was our fight in the tree and the unspoken curses that had flown between us along with the lies...It got to the point where I'd be doing my homework at the public library and sleeping there with a change of clothes just so I wouldn't have to go back and face him. Ian changed his schedule and I dropped his class, I took my clothes from his place back to my apartment then...we just stopped.

I never saw him unless I happened to glance up and spot his tall, dark figure walking across campus with professors. I was sad and heartbroken but after a while I understood. Ian couldn't cope by crying, he coped with me nearly dying and him returning to the island by cutting off whatever and whoever had been at that island.

Then I saw him and Sarah in a coffee shop maybe a week before graduation and had felt happy for once to see him again. We had locked eyes and I had waved to the two of them before Billy had attacked me with a hug from behind. We had left and that was it.

Ian had Sarah and I had Billy again, we were both perfectly happy.

"For what it's worth, I-I'm sorry." Ian sighed and leaned against his podium, I shrugged.

"You're the one who came up with the idea that chaos, while destructive, made beautiful things...which is why-"


I turned around to find Sarah coming straight towards me with a sly smile on her lips. she game me a quick hug and I flushed as she laughed.

"I heard the news, I'm so happy for you!" she smiled and Ian regarded us with weary eyes.

"What are you two uh...what are you going on about?"

I smiled as Sarah put her things down and kissed Ian on the cheek. After Ian and I split I told Sarah about our relationship and strangely enough she just accepted it then teased me of being a reverse female cougar...I hated that.

"Billy and I are engaged Ian." I smiled and Ian's eyebrows raised in surprise.


"The ring is beautiful." Sarah gushed, I took the ring from around the necklace on my neck and handed it to her, "You two look great together."

"Thank you. Billy wants it over and done with and I don't really want a traditional wedding so we're heading to Vegas when he comes back from the dig...our party is this weekend, we want you both to come."

"We'll be there." Sarah interrupted Ian before he could object, giving back my ring. Ian shared a look with me, a small smile on his face as Sarah took his hand in her own, "Why didn't we have a big wedding?"

"Because you uh, you wanted it to be fast and quick." Ian laughed, I turned around as Billy came sauntering in with a cheeky smile, "Congratulations Billy on your engagement."

"Thank you Ian, hi Sarah." he smiled and I leaned back in his arms, he nodded to the two before turning us to the entrance, "C'mon your dad is waiting for us."

"You two better be at the party this weekend! Bye Sarah!" I waved back to them, Ian waved as well before giving me a look and smiling himself. I felt something warm spread inside of me as we walked out of the building. The sun hit our faces and Billy wrapped an arm around me as we walked to the parking lot.

"So I hear there's a boat going out to Isle Nublar next year to capture some dinosaurs."

"Oh shut up, no way." I laughed and he grinned, shaking his head, "Haven't people learned by now?"

"Apparently not, people still want to see if the dinosaurs can change and be put in a zoo."

I sighed and looked over the lush green campus as we walked to the empty charcoal lot where my father was waiting patiently. Billy looked over to me and stopped us, smiling as the ring shone on my neck. I twisted the silver ring on his left finger.

"If there's one thing the history of evolution has taught me, it's that life won't be contained. God created the dinosaurs and he ended them Billy, what does that say about us since we re-created them?"

"That we'll go to any lengths to restore the things we love..." he brushed a piece of my hair away from my face and I smiled, "Along with curiosity."

"Now that Billy Brennon...is truly chaos."


Boom! hope you guys liked it, this story was so much fun to write. i missed watching jurassic park. I hope you guys are cool with the ending but my love for alessandro nivola won out over jeff goldblum oddly enough so there you have it.

let me know if you guys are interested in reading an Event Horizon fic, it stars Sam Neill who plays Alan Grant in Jurassic park and he's such a talented actor i can't bear to part with him just yet. the movie was made in the 90s i think and it's great so you should check it out, like seriously go watch it.

hope you guys enjoyed the story again, reviews are wonderful and insightful :D

I own nothing other than the characters and other things you don't recognize.