AN: Derek is still an Alpha in this. Issac, Erica, Boyd and Peter live with him. Peter is trying to make up for the things he did in season 1, so ATM he is a good guy! The power that Natasha has is the power from the movie the Covenant. I couldn't think of anything better, and that fits perfectly. There a few changes with it. But you will find them out. I suck at summaries. But please give this a go! Lots of thank you's, Gawjus!

Derek woke up with a start. He felt it. He felt another magical being in Beacon Hills. The feeling wasn't anything he ever experienced before. It was warm and inviting, but also had a twinge of darkness to it. Grabbing his phone, he messaged the others.

My place 10 minutes.

Getting out of bed, he opened his door. Issac was opening his door at the same time.

"What is it? I heard your heartbeat increase and I can practically drown in the uneasiness that is coming off you."

Derek gave a low growl before sighing and looking at the Beta.

"I don't know Issac, but I know it's not god."


Natasha's whole body felt like it was on fire. Every muscle in her body clenched as the pain got worse. She had no idea what was going on. Slowly the pain became more bearable. Scott knocked on her door and poked his head in.

"Your heartbeat told me you were awake. Derek just texted us, he wants us at his place. Something is wrong. Mum is still at work so can you tell her where I went when she gets back?"

All she could manage was a small yes. She knows Scott heard her because he smiled at left. Natasha got up and walked to the bathroom. Every moved increased the pain. She turned on the bathroom light. Her eyes stung, the light was too bright for her eyes. She quickly turned it off. There was enough light from the moon outside that she could still her herself in the mirror. Her face was extremely red and has tear streaks covering it. Her hair was a mess. She could tell any noticeable differences about her face. Walking to bed didn't hurt as much as it did the first. She climbed back into bed, her mind drifting to theories about what the hell happened. She slowly slid back into sleep.


Scott was the last one to walk in. Typical. Derek thought. Eric was under Boyd's arm trying her best not to fall asleep. Stiles was already falling asleep at the end of the table. Allison was on high alert; she always was at unexpected pack meetings and Issac was staring at the middle of the table. Lydia was nudging Jackson to keep him from falling asleep and Peter was

Scott kicked Stiles chair on his way to the only empty seat left. Stiles jolted awake and looked at Derek. Looking around the table, he knew he had to tell them what was going on. But he had no idea what was going on.

"I know it's late, but you know I wouldn't have dragged you here without a good excuse. Tonight I felt another supernatural being. It's nothing that I have ever felt before. Beacon Hills, being our town, it's our job to protect it. So from now on, everyone has to keep an eye out for anything unusual. We are going into this blind and I'm sorry about that. But we have no idea what it is. Lydia and Stiles, you're going to have to start research tomorrow after school. Alright that is all I can tell you at the moment. Everyone go back home and get some rest before school. Keep on high alert."

There were nods and tired moans in response to what he said. Shaking his head, Derek went into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. He knows that there will be no more sleep for him tonight. He heard the door open and members starting to leave. He heard Stiles mumble under his breath "why do I have to do research, stupid brooding sourwolf." The kitchen door opened and Peter walked in. Peter was concerned about his nephew. He has never seen Derek this worried about something like this before.

"What did it feel like?" Peter wait what seemed like hours before Derek turned and faced him.

"It was nothing like I have ever felt before. It was warm and inviting. But it also had this twinge of darkness to it." Derek looked down at the empty mug. Derek would never say this, but he was also intrigued, the feeling made him forget his past. It made him feel like there was hope for a brighter future for him. Derek shook those thoughts away. There was no such thing as a brighter future for Derek. He had come to terms with that a long time ago.


Natasha woke up with a start. Sunlight was shining through her window onto her face. Her body felt normal again. She got up and went to the floor length mirror in her room. She twisted and turned her body, trying to find any signs of damage. She couldn't risk anyone finding out about what had happened. She didn't even know what had happened. She was about to give up before she noticed something. A pentagram looked like it has been burned into her left hip bone. She slowly touched it. Nothing. There was no pain. Her skin felt soft against. A knock at her door broke her out of the trance that had formed. Melissa's voice rang through the door.

"Tash please tell me your awake and getting ready for school."

"Yeah mum I am. I'll be down in a few."

Natasha had a quick shower and got dressed before practically running downstairs. Scott was already sitting at the breakfast bar, downing what looked like his third helping of breakfast. Melissa put some bacon and eggs onto Natasha's plate before asking Scott what had happened at Derek's place last night. Scott replied to her question with a mouth full of food. Natasha heard bits and pieces of the answer before she heard a honk come from outside. Her ride was here. She quickly gave Melissa a kiss on the head before grabbing her bag and going out the door.