Hey guys!

So finally:

This is the LAST chapter of Maybe There's A Reason!

Before you start reading, I just wanted to thank everyone who read and reviewed and even if you didn't or don't review and your reading this...thank you! (: You guys are so amazing and you keep coming back story after story and you don't get tired of me! Lol so thank you so very much! Especially to my readers who review literally every chapter(:

Also: Look in my profile for the summaries to my upcoming stories and in your review, tell me which story you'd like to read first! Whichever story gets the most votes is the one I'll post first and I'll post the other story after that one is finished, please and thank you!

And so now I present to you:

The LAST chapter of Maybe There's A Reason!


"Nat, come down here!" I called up the stairs.

"Rosalina, did I set the table right?" Alex asked, as I came back into the dining room.

"Yeah, you did fine. Go wash your hands."

Alex nodded and ran to the bathroom as I walked into the kitchen. I checked on the food and stood in the kitchen trying to remember if there was anything else I was supposed to be doing. It had been about a week or so after we saw Charlie for the last time. Things had calmed down, and gone basically back to normal. Alex was still his loud, obnoxious, yet slightly better behaved self. Nat continued writing, and I went back to school, as normal.

Nat and Alex still hadn't gotten back into school yet, but we were working on it. I still brought home work for Nat to do, and occasionally Nat and I would find something online for Alex to try. Despite Alex becoming more open about, well everything, he was still pretty wary about going back to their apartment. I could tell Nat was too. We all knew Charlie was gone, hopefully for good, but it still hasn't really set in yet. But just like everything else, we were working on it.

Suddenly someone's hand covered my eyes and I was about to say something when a familiar voice calmed me, "Relax, it's just me. I want to show you something."

"How am I supposed to see whatever it is if you covered my eyes?" I asked.

"Just keep your eyes closed until I say open them, okay?" Nat said.

"Yeah, okay."

"Ready?" He asked, moving his hand. He moved to stand in front of me and pulled sheets of paper out from behind his back. "Open them."

I looked down at his hands to see what looked like just regular sheets of paper. "What is it?"

"You know how I've been sitting upstairs a lot lately?"

I nodded.

"Well…this is what I've been doing," Nat said, holding the paper out for me to take.

I took them from him, giving him a suspicious look. I looked at the first title. "Your Smile?" I asked, glancing up at him.

"Keep looking!" He urged.

I flipped through the other pages. "Scary World, Yes We Can, I Feel Alone, Curious? You wrote all of these?"

"I have others but I haven't finished them yet."

"So what you're saying is…you're writing again."

He nodded, the smile on his face getting bigger.

"Nat, that's amazing!" I said, smiling and hugging him tightly. "That's so great. I can't wait to hear them!"

"I was thinking of mentioning it to Cooper and maybe we could…"

"Maybe we could what?" I asked.

"Maybe we could…get the band back together?"

"Really?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Really?" Alex asked excitedly, rushing over to us.

Nat smiled. "Yeah, I mean if you guys still want to do it, and if the guys and Cooper are all for it, I'd like to try."

I hugged him again. "I'm so proud of you!" I pulled back and smiled at him.

"This is so awesome! I haven't played drums in forever," Alex said.

"Well dust off those skills bro, because we're getting the band back together!"

Suddenly the back door opened, causing us to look over and see Cooper walk in, followed by all the guys. "Hey guys, what's up?" Cooper greeted.

Ever since Charlie was arrested, things had gone back to being slightly more carefree. Of course, we were still careful but it's not like we had to lock everything up so much. The guys came over regularly again, and today we were having dinner together. (Cheesy, but it's actually a lot of fun, even though I'm the one who has to clean up after the boys who eat like five year olds)

"The band's getting back together!" Alex shouted happily.

"Wait, what?" David asked, looking confused.

"I've been writing some songs recently and I was thinking it'd be really awesome if we could get the band back together," Nat said. "But I'm not going to do it without you guys."

"I'm in!" David shouted immediately.

"Same here," Thomas said, smiling.

"You know I'm in," Qaasim agreed.

"Absolutely," I said, nodding.

"Obviously I'm in too," Alex said excitedly.

We all looked at Cooper. "So Cooper, what do you say?" Nat asked.

"Heck yeah, I'm in!"

"Yes, we're back!" Alex shouted happily.

The guys all walked into the dining room, talking excitedly about what they planned to do now that the band was getting back together. Nat and I stayed behind.

"I'm proud of you," I said, smiling at him as I took his hand. "I'm so very proud of you."

"What for?" He asked.

"You're starting to trust them again. You're starting to open up more. I know it's not easy, but you're doing it. So I'm proud."

"Well hey what about you, huh? After everything that's happened, I wouldn't be surprised if you never stepped foot outside the house again."

"Looks like we both have something to be proud of," I said.

He nodded, smiling. "That we do."

A/N-Guys, I'm getting better at endings, don't you think?!

Thank you thank you thank you for reading and PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review! Oh and don't forget to read the summaries in my profile and leave your pick of which story I should post first in a review or PM me! Please and thank you again! (:
