Summary: What will happen when Kagami, Aomine and Ogiwara meet each other?

Just a silly idea. Besides, everyone seems so crazy about this Ogiwara guy. So, why not?

Disclaimer: Not mine, duh~

Kise couldn't help but gape at the rare sight.

Right before his golden-colored eyes, there stood four teenagers. Well, three of them Kise knew. Kurokocchi, Aominecchi, and Kagamicchi. But, the other one…

What the hell is Kurokocchi's childhood friend doing here?

Yes, it was Ogiwara Shigehiro, Kuroko's moon, alright.

Ridiculously as it sounded, Ogiwara had popped out from nowhere and nonchalantly invited himself to join their conversation.

"Remember how ridiculous Tetsu's bed hair is?" Aomine asked.

"Of course!" Ogiwara hummed happily. A goofy smile etched his face. "I still remember I had to comb his bed hair every morning before. Sweet memory, indeed~"

"And no matter how many times we comb it, it'll become spiky again," Kagami chimed in. His remark received nods from Aomine and Ogiwara. "Oh, how many times Kuroko has caused mini heart attack to you?" a new topic regarding Kuroko's life took place.

Meanwhile, Kuroko had no room to butt in. He wanted to cut in, but their voices were too loud comparing his own. Who thought they'd finally meet each other one day? And apparently that day was today!

Feeling sympathy, Kise threw an arm around Kuroko's shoulder. "It must be hard for Kurokocchi having all his lovers meet each other."

Author's note: Because it's fun to write this trio + Kuroko! XD