Got this chapter churned out pretty quickly. Some cute ralationshippy moments that we all find soppy, but secretly enjoy;)
"Hey Aaron, could you come to the lake with me while I wash some clothes? I don't want to go on my own." Emily asked him quietly. He looked at her quizzically.
"Don't you have enough? We're leaving tomorrow and you still have another shirt after that one." He recalled from when he had to shift all of their stuff around in the tent when Jack lost his torch.
"Yeah, but…" She watched her tug awkwardly on the pale blue shirt she was wearing, "I don't like this one and I want to change." Aaron frowned, not understanding.
"This shirt is fine, why would you want to change it?" He asked her softly, resting his hands on her shoulders. Without the boots she usually sported, she was a couple of inches shorter than normal.
"Well it's not exactly flattering." She mumbled under her breath, but from the way Aaron's arms tensed on her shoulders he'd heard every word.
"Honey," He spoke gently, "You look beautiful in everything you wear." By the way she still studiously avoided his gaze Aaron could tell that she didn't really believe what he was saying.
"Emily." He waited until she looked at him, "You're not listening to what I'm saying. Believe me when I tell you that you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me. I don't care if you're wearing a five hundred dollar dress or a paper bag. Whatever you wear doesn't take away the beauty of you." Emily smiled meekly, her eyes sparkling.
"Thank you, Aaron." She rested her forehead against his chest, so he wrapped his strong arms around her petite frame.
"Anytime sweetheart."
Aaron pulled his roasted marshmallow off of the skewer and held it out to Emily, who quickly devoured the sticky delight. Aaron chuckled when he spotted the marshmallow that was attached to her upper lip, and leaned in, caressing her lips with his own. He could taste the sweetness on her skin as he worked it with his mouth, and she chuckled when he leaned back to inspect his handiwork. There. That took care of it.
Since it was their last night in the great outdoors, they'd decided to finish the monstrous amount of marshmallows Garcia had brought along with her so there would be less to carry back to their SUV's the next day. Well… that was their excuse anyway, it's not like marshmallows weigh much. Unfortunately, they'd ran out of graham crackers and chocolate a few days ago, so Emily and Aaron were content in feeding just the marshmallows to each other on their own, whilst each straddling the fallen log and facing each other.
Aaron saw Emily giggling, and turned to look at whatever was capturing her undivided attention. He quickly spotted Jack attempting to copy Reid at roasting what looked like six marshmallows at once, almost covered up to his elbows in stickiness, not to mention the amount that had covered his face instead of reaching his mouth.
"Oh dear," Aaron laughed, "I am forcing Reid to babysit him while he comes down from his sugar rush." Emily petted his chest lightly.
"Good call." She said through a smirk.
"Mmm." Emily sighed as she turned on the log and leant back to rest on his chest, "I really don't want to go home tomorrow, but what's the first thing you're going to do when we get back?" She looked upwards to catch his eye.
"Probably collapse onto my sorely missed bed." His lips quirked, revealing two dimples, "What about you?" Aaron couldn't help but smile wider when her lips pursed, deep in thought. She had no idea how adorable she was.
"Have a nice, hot bath." She concluded after many moments of wondering, "Not too deep, though." She added as an afterthought, wincing at the not too distant memory of her battle with water – and the water had almost won.
Aaron leaned down to whisper in her ear.
"Maybe a foot rub?" He offered, his husky voice making the brunette shiver…and it wasn't from the cold.
"Mmm." She almost purred, "That would be great right about now."
JJ approached Emily, and sat down on the log beside her. The campsite was finally packed up, and they were soon to be making their trek back to the SUV's.
"It feels weird to be leaving, doesn't it?" The blonde asked, looking around the small clearing that was almost completely clear of their belongings.
"It sure does," Emily nodded in agreement, "It feels like we've been here forever… No criminals or serial killers for miles…and miles…and miles…" Emily smirked as she left off.
"Yeah, but it'll be good to be home too. At least we have another five days off before we go back to work." JJ noted. Before she could answer, Aaron jogged over to them.
"We're all packed up, you ready to go?"
"Sure." Emily confirmed, picking up her large rucksack. She could have sworn that it was lighter at the beginning of the week. Jack ran up to her and Aaron and grabbed their hands as they began their walk into the woods, so they were walking in a line.
Because of the children they had with them, the walk was slow and steady, and they reached the two SUV's just as dusk was drawing down on them. By this time, Jack had taken residence in Emily's arms, and Aaron was carrying her rucksack as well as his own. Aaron could have sworn that he'd gotten the better offer because bags were easier to carry than a human being, but Emily turned him down when he offered, preferring Jack over some bags any day.
She carefully maneuvered the boy so he was sitting in the middle of the back seat, and then Emily and Aaron sat either side of him.
Jack was already drifting off to sleep when Rossi climbed into the drivers seat. Soon they were driving along the small wooded lanes, and then started to see some signs of civilization. Emily sighed softly. She'd just had a wonderful vacation with her friends, and her amazing boyfriend and his son. Soon she would be moving in with them. Life was looking great.
"Back to reality." Emily said; a smile on her face.
"Back to reality." Aaron repeated, then leaned over and kissed her.
The End!
A huge thanks goes to everybody who read and reviewed this fic – the response has been amazing!
Just to explain the first part of this chapter if Emily seemed a little OOC : Everyone is self-conscious about something. They could be the most confident person in the world, but I bet you that everyone at some point has thought 'This shirt doesn't suit me' or 'this makes me look fat'. Just something for everyone to think about;)
PLEASE follow me as a writer so you will get the notification for when I begin the next installment of this series!