Isono would not openly admit it, but he had taken to the clone almost from the earliest moments of their acquaintance. Having been a confidant and loyal employee to his Seto-sama for almost eight years and now entrusted with an exact likeness of him created with the sole purpose of becoming a faithful imitation of that beloved original, one may say that Isono had been somewhat predisposed to liking Seto. He was also, perhaps, the only one who approached the poor creature with anything like genuine affection. The medical team regarded him as a pinnacle of modern scientific achievement and an exciting specimen, but made no actual effort to emotionally bond with him as dictated by strict professionalism, and Kaiba had made it clear from the very beginning that he was only seeking a reliable substitute in his business affairs. As for Mokuba, he thought the replica an abomination and pointedly kept his distance, angered and confused by the idea of a permanent, resident impersonator of Nii-sama, some strange freak with cameras in his eyes.

Fortunately for Seto, he inspired compassion and kindness quite easily in a man who used to have no means of doting on the first but was now put in full custody of the second. Isono and Kaiba were escorted by the medical team to see him a few hours after he had been awakened from suspended animation, and the first sight of Seto sitting in the bed of his holding cell in nothing but an operating gown, one hand propping him up and the other gripping the sheets to his chest made a lasting impression on Isono's mind.

"Well, here he is," announced Hanji, lead medical engineer of the team who considered Seto their own personal pet project, with a strong emphasis on pet. Seto scooted ever so slightly backwards, his arm brushing the wall. "Hasn't said a word yet but I'm pretty sure he can talk, can't you?"

Seto seemed not to have heard Hanji, his eyes wide and completely transfixed on Kaiba. He had seen himself in the mirror shortly after his awakening and was told of what he was and what visitors were coming, but the shock of meeting his own reflection, or rather, the idea that he himself was the reflection would have silenced him even if he had been talkative before. Kaiba stood his gaze, his own expression carefully guarded. He had inspected Seto in the suspension pod several times and had seen his own virtual effigies before; and even if he had not, if this had been the very first occasion, Kaiba would have still been determined to keep his countenance and establish himself as the superior of the two. Hanji let out a chuckle.

"You had to get your good looks from somewhere," they said, obviously teasing and evidently failing to lighten the mood – Kaiba's stare grew colder and Seto tensed his shoulders.

"Well go on then, get up and say hello," pressed Hanji, moving closer. Seto swallowed, his neck stiff and his throat tight, but seemingly distressed by the idea of any physical persuasion to do as he was told, he softened his grip on the sheets and two long legs began to wiggle free from beneath, bare feet dangling awkwardly as he prepared for his first actual attempt to stand. Since his awakening he had either been laying on the operating table or sitting in a wheelchair to be carted from one testing module to the next; the sensation of now towering above all but the Other was new and, although strange, it was not unwelcome. Isono and Kaiba stood side by side, making the decision of which to approach easier – Kaiba was the more interesting of the two, but Isono seemed less intimidating than anyone else Seto had seen thus far. And so he made his first step towards the pair of them… and immediately came hurtling forward as his knees buckled under the weight they were now obliged to carry. Isono's reflexes were sharp as ever and he launched forward to catch him and spare him the complete humiliation of his first failed endeavor; Seto instinctively clung to him, eyes large and breath quick.

"Opp opp opp," chuckled Hanji. "Legs are still asleep, are they? You'll be fine in a couple of hours."

"Does he have anything acceptable to wear?" asked Kaiba in an even tone, allowing himself only a cursory glance at his clone as Isono steadied him. Seto tensed up completely, the first sears of shame keenly felt through and through. He turned his head sharply away from the others as Isono ushered him back to the bed, one arm gently wrapped around his slender frame.

"Are you alright, Sir?" he asked quietly. Seto's eyes widened.

Your name will be Seto. Nice name, eh? It belongs to Kaiba Seto, CEO of Kaiba Corporation. As long as you're alive, that's the only name you'll need. We originally called you HXC37-A001 but I suppose you're human now and normal people don't care to memorize strings of code anyway, aha ha. You'll get used to it. That's what everyone will call you from now on. Don't expect any grand titles, though. You're not Kaiba-sama, after all.

Kaiba was too preoccupied with arranging removal and last-minute details with Hanji to pay any attention to his clone's first words, uttered to Isono in a soft whisper with his eyes self-consciously lowered to the floor.

"No. I would like to go home," he said, hardly knowing what home meant but feeling, deep inside, that it was exactly the thing he wanted.