A/N: Don't forget to listen to the songs and review enjoy.
"There has to be something more interesting to be in New York than a financial assistant" the short girl patronised the redhead.
"It's what I've studied for, it's a really great job" defended the senior with a smile as she packed her clothes into a box "You just want me to stay around here"
"No…well not no but I, I don't want you to go but I understand you have to" the brunette sighed
"Beca, you know I love you, but we can't hold on to this forever even if we managed to last another couple of years there is no way we could manage when you move to LA" Chloe sat down on her bed next to her girlfriend.
"I know, I'm just sad to see you go" whispered the brunette before slowly kissing the girl next to her "Come on we better finish packing otherwise you will be late for the graduation ceremony" insisted Beca hiding her feelings away as usual.
After packing the girls parted ways to get ready for the ceremony. Beca struggled more and more as she got ready, she couldn't help thinking that every minute ticking by was just time that she wasn't spending with the redhead head and how much worse this pain would be when the redhead was really gone. Yes they would keep in touch but those kinds of plans always fade as people change and she couldn't bear the thought of not speaking to Chloe for more than a day. With tears welling up in her eyes she managed to find her way to Jesse's door step. He opened the door and was surprised to see the DJ stood there but immediately brought her inside and provided a tissue. He was already ready to go to the ceremony so had some spare time to deal with Beca. "Hey, it's okay? Is this about Chloe? It is isn't it? It's gunna be okay, you can still visit each other and talk" the boy said wrapping Beca in his arms to calm her down.
"I know I just… I don't want to be without her and every time reminds me of her and I just can't do it, she has a new life and I'm happy for her but I'm just left here" sobbed the short girl. Jesse sat her on the sofa and got her a soda to calm her down.
"Beca it's got to happen and you know that but why are you spending the time you guys do have left here when you could be with her?" Questioned Jesse which caused a moment of silence "It's time to go, we're gunna be late" he offered his hand to pull the short girl up.
They managed to get there just before the ceremony started which had unnerved Chloe. Everything went as planned and Chloe graduated with honours. The crowd was lively and the graduates all anticipating the lives ahead of them, it was a milestone in their lives though for some it was more bittersweet than for others.
After the ceremony finished Beca headed to the redhead's room as they had planned, with a deep breath she knocked on the door which was promptly answered by a happy Chloe "Hey Becs come in" but Beca just stood there in silence "Becs?" Chloe said in confusion. Beca took another moment of silence before quietly beginning to sing 'Reminder' by Mumford & Sons. By the end of the song both girls had tears in their eyes, neither spoke but both collapsed on the sofa, hand in hand they sat in silence as Chloe brushed her hand through the DJ's hair and the sun set letting darkness consume the apartment. Both girls knew what was coming in the morning and so just stayed by each other's side into the evening until they were disturbed by Aubrey stumbling in from a graduation party Chloe was supposed to meet her at but the Blonde soon collapsed on her bed. The two girls decided they should also sleep so after changing went to bed.
The next morning as they packed up Chloe's things into wherever they could fit them in the car they relived memories of the last year that had been the greatest of their lives. As they retrieved the last boxes from Chloe's flat the redhead grabbed the short girl round the waist from behind "I'm gunna really miss you, you know" she whispered in the DJ's ear
"Me too, but you are gunna visit all the time right?" replied the brunette
"Right" said the redhead with a smile as she turned the other girl around to kiss her "I love you"
"I… love you too" confessed the brunette with a sad smile just as the redhead started to softly sing the last song that Beca ever heard her sing 'Heal over' (KT Tunstall) a tear rolled down Beca's face as Chloe held her tight for the final time. When she finally let go Chloe took Beca's hand in one hand and a box in the other to lead her down to the car where she packed the box and opened to door with one final kiss the redhead was gone and headed for a new life while Beca stood with nothing but a memory.