Shizuo had been away for a few years and he wouldn't admit it out loud, but he missed Izaya a little bit. Well it was more a case of he missed sleeping with him. Another thing he would never admit aloud is that he was bottom, and he enjoyed it.

Izaya missed Shizuo in the same respects, and imagine his surprise when he found out he was back. As usual he would verbally tease him a little about something or other for that was a part of Izaya's nature. The teasing didn't stop even when they ended up back in Izaya's apartment.

"Hmph, and to think I was gonna let you fuck me to make up for lost time". Maybe Izaya had teased him a bit much, though hearing Shizuo be so blunt about sex was new. He used to try and avoid speaking about it, probably because Izaya could be very vulgar when he wanted to be. "We both know how much you would enjoy it Shizu-chan. In fact I remember the last time quite well, the way you were moaning loudly, the way you were almost begging me to fuck you harder~" Then with a smirk he added "Shizu-chan loves my cock~".

"Shut up…" a somewhat weak response from the ex-bartender. "More than welcome to make me~" said Izaya, as he decided to grope his blonde. Shizuo jumped slightly at having the raven grope his ass, he wasn't expecting it.

Shizuo thought of a plan, one to tease Izaya for a change. He made Izaya sit down. "I think I deserve a little payback for you teasing me" he began to take off his clothes, purposefully making a show out of it. The raven raised an eyebrow, wondering what the blond had in store for him. His other eyebrow joined the first when Shizuo began to touch himself with one hand, while sucking the fingers on the other. Izaya gulped a little, unable to look away. Not that he would want to.

Izaya couldn't help but stare as Shizuo began prepping himself with the fingers he was sucking on moments ago. "You are far too good at teasing, Shizu-chan…" The blond chuckles slightly before moaning, "Well, it wouldn't work otherwise". Izaya's self-restraint was diminishing rapidly. Soon he was either going to end up touching himself, or he was going to pull Shizuo's fingers out and ram his cock up there. He decided on the former, for now. Seeing as the latter would stop the wonderful show put on for him. He unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans before gingerly stroking himself through his boxers. Shizuo saw this and smirked a little, then he purposefully moaned izayas name. His smirk grew when he saw a pale hand delve into the raven's boxers.

As he touched himself at the sight before him, he bit his lip. The moans that could be heard from his blond were quite arousing, especially the way he called out Izaya's name. "F-fuck…it should be illegal to be that hot Shizu-chan~" like it would stop them if it were illegal anyway. "Heh, this is, ngh… payback". Izaya's self-restraint really was thinning at a rapid pace. "I think Shizu should come and ride me, because otherwise I might just snap. If I snap I am going to bend you over the couch and fuck your brains out, and I won't go easy on you~". That caused a small shudder to run through Shizuo. He wasn't entirely against the idea, but he did want to walk tomorrow.

He pulled out his fingers, trying not to whine at the loss before walking to Izaya who had now pulled his boxers and jeans down a little. He straddled the ravens lap before almost slamming himself onto his erection. Both males couldn't stop their moans if they tried. Izaya placed his hands on the blond's hips, helping to guide him up and down as Shizuo rode him. "See how hard I am, just from watching you touch and finger fuck yourself~" Shizuo let out a small whimper at Izaya's words. It was common for Izaya to talk like that to him, but having not heard it for a few years increases its impact. A small moan of appreciation was heard as Izaya kissed his neck "You're too hot for your own good…" He then took it upon himself to bite the spot he had just kissed and enjoyed the moan he received. He wanted to leave a mark, Shizuo was his whether he knew it or not.

Izaya began thrusting upwards as Shizuo came down; at this point a non-stop string of moans and mutterings of Izaya's name was all that left the blond's mouth. They both knew they were close, neither wanted it to end just yet but there's only so much they can take. Besides, they can do it again later; Shizuo was back for good after all. It took one more bite to the neck while thrusting for Shizuo to hit his peak. As he came he moaned out Izaya's name. Izaya followed shortly after, moaning into Shizuo's neck. "That… that was fun~" the ex-bartender could only nod in response. "I missed you by the way Shizuo. I'm not letting you go again."