Sonic: *looking over the chapter* huh... you know what... it kind of makes sense this way from the way he acted with Metal.

Glassplant: I know, it was not in the slightest my original plan but... I don't know what happened.

Shadow: probably had to do with the original idea making no sense and you writing most of this in a car or during a black out.

Scrouge: *sighs* I'm just going to start the chapter before they reveal something that happened. Chapter start.

Shadow and Metal zoomed over bare earth at speeds close to the speed of sound with Metal leading the way while Shadow following close behind as the chao hiding in his quills clung on for dear life. Neither one of them spoke a word, they were more focused on the mission ahead of finding the missing kit. Metal's sensors had quickly picked up the young hero upon grabbing the chaos signature and the two were quick to head out and try and find the wayward kit, leaving behind a very disordered Doctor Eggman who had just entered the lab after waking up to get to work on some of his new inventions to see the two hedgehogs in charge of his rival leaving at high speeds.

Sonic sat in front of Scrouge shaking in fear as the hedgehog walked over and picked him up as he chuckled saying more to himself then the frozen kit in his arms "Man, I got you good Blue. Who would have thought that you of all people would have this happen to you? Especially by that idiot Robotnic."

If Sonic wasn't still frozen with fear he would have groaned in annoyance. This was why he hated and feared Scrouge not because he was dangerous or anything, though when he wanted to be he was more than a challenge for Sonic to beat as well as very deadly in some situations. No, the reason he feared and hated Scrouge was because the inversed doppelganger of himself was a morbid prankster that caused trouble were ever he goes. He treats everything like a joke not taking it serious at any point, treating Everything like a game. Sonic had even had to deal with the Zone Cops on more than a few occasions because of Scrouge being in the zone causing havoc. Though Scrouge never went too far with his pranks that they could hurt anyone. He even intervened if something could lead to someone getting hurt.

Sonic had yet to figure out exactly why Scrouge was like this and he had a feeling that he probably never would unless something extreme happened to make him reveal exactly what went on he was never going to figure out what Scrouge went through in his world.

"I mean seriously, that Idiot can't even make a robot that can keep up with us on a constant basis much less beat us. And yet he somehow did this to you." Scrouge continues as Sonic slowly comes out of shock and starts pouting in Scrouge's arms.

Sonic's chao on the other hand slowly came around from the shock as Scrouge started walking out of the room and quickly flew after the two flittering around them trying to calm down the unhappy kit. Swift themselves was not very happy about what was currently happening either, but they were dealing with it so as the to not accidentally make their captor mad or to somehow make things worse.

Somehow all three missed the shadow of… something… following them before it darted off with a slight growl.

Metal kicked the chaos emerald they had just found into a boulder on the top of a cliff face in Splagonia, fracturing said boulder into tiny pieces as he readjusted his scanner to ignore emerald signatures for now. How he had forgotten that his charge and the chaos emeralds have a strikingly similar chaos signature he would never know, but oh was it making him mad. As of late nothing seemed to be going right for him in the slightest. First it was the blasted wrong coordinates to the emerald, then it was having said emerald stolen by the blasted green hedgehog and having to chase said hedgehog in a jungle for hours to get the emerald, them it was returning to the base just to find that kit he was in charge of was missing, and now they had been led on the completely wrong track because of a stupid similarity in chaos signatures he forgot about! What else was going to go wrong!

Shadow on the other hand was sitting on a nearby bolder with Maria in his lap, the chao attempting to regain their breath after having been traveling at near sonic speeds and holding their breath with their eyes closed in fear. Shadow's thoughts as he watched metal kick the emerald into a boulder before aggressively recoding his scanner were not entirely focused on finding the kit, that was the easier part in Shadow's mind. Once the scanner was properly calibrated they would find the kit and his kidnaper within a few minutes. The main question on Shadow's mind was what they were going to do with the kidnaper once they got there. Considering how mad Metal was at him when the mechanical mobian thought he had done something to the kit Shadow was fairly sure he knew what the automaton wanted to do to the person that stole his charge, but there were to many negative possibilities with said option. For one they didn't even have a clue who the thief was or if they were working alone. Plus knowing his luck and the fact that Metal was one of Eggman's robot's Gun was probably following them. He wouldn't put it past the "Gardian Units of Nations" to keeping track of one of Eggman's most notorious creations, as well as the one that went rogue more often than most people could count, as well as their most feared "weapon" in the form of an immortal hedgehog. Killing any of the kidnapers would put an even bigger target on their head And would not only make things much more complicated, but it would also put the kit in more danger since they would probably think the infant was a genetically engineered weapon made by Eggman, he was still a lot like his grandfather.

So, Yeah, Killing the idiots who Kidnaped the kits was out of the question. Sneaking in and steeling the kit back was also not going to work. Gun would think the kit was something dangerous that Eggman wanted in his possession to use as a weapon. Painting a target on the young hero's head. No, they needed to make it look like Eggman was working to take down a large threat and they just happened to stumble upon a kidnapped kid in the posses, deciding to take the kid back with them. They would have to make it look like they were purely the kidnaper and make it seem like there was a bigger group then what was there. It would throw gun off them for a while, long enough that Shadow could possibly trick Eggman into having Metal, Shadow, and the kit move a different base them the "genius scientist" for less distractions from his work.

Shadow was quickly pulled from his thoughts when Metal through the emerald at him and made a let's get moving motion. Quickly he put the emerald into his quills and got Maria back into his quills, noticing out of the corner a Gun observation drone following them confirming his suspicion of Gun possibly following them before the two set of at high speeds letting voice be lost to the wind to the drown as shadow told his plan to Metal.

Glassplant: and I'm back in the swing sort of! I have no idea what I am even doing any more and making this up as I go. sorry about the wait I had a serious case of over working, procrastination, and writers block for a good long while. but I think it might be over.

Sonic: you still have no idea how you are going to do this plot point though. *hands her a piece of paper she had written on*

Glassplant: right... that... I'll figure it out. any ways guys thanks for sticking around with me during this extended brake. I am warning you all now that I am still not going to have any form of up load schedule. I'm kind of to busy usually for that. any ways leave your comments below of what you think any what you would like to see happen in the future. also I am doing this because I get so many Spanish comments and I want to thank you all properly... with some help of google translate because I am rusty on Spanish and don't know a ton of it.

Glassplant in Spanish (with google translate help):Gracias a mis amigos y amigas por comentar que quisiera algunos temas yo tengo con leer que tu comentario pero trabajar duro para descubrirlo. Espero que puedo seguir para ofrecerle todo el entretenimiento para el futuro y llevar sus ideas a este puré para arriba ficción del ventilador.