Hello there! Glad to be back on track again with this story since I've got more time on my hands. It still takes me pretty long to write chapters (since English is not my mother language), but luckily my beta reader (gamegirl07) is helping me!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to DBZ.
Last chapter:
The older Vegeta whispered darkly in Bulma's ear. "Woman, you need to calm down now!" He looked warningly in the scared and questioning eyes of the younger version of his Bulma. He heard the heavy steel door open behind him and started loading his energy from almost zero to his normal state. He needed to have more energy to fend off a possible attack.
Before he could finish, he heard an all too familiar voice cutting the silence.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here." The younger Vegeta stared mockingly at the scene before him.
Chapter 9
The older Vegeta was instantly pressed against the wall by the throat, while Bulma was being pulled out of his arms roughly. He released her from his grip immediately, to prevent her from being ripped in half. In the corner of his eyes, he saw that Bulma was halted in the air, instead of slammed against another vault. He was relieved that his younger self had restrained himself a little, by not killing the future mother of his son.
Speaking of which, the bastard was trying to slowly strangle him. He smiled in his face, but his eyes portrayed a hatred that was deepening with every second. The older Vegeta saw the very few restraints he used to possess slowly dissolving in the onyx eyes he knew from the mirror. Despite the hands on his neck that were trying to squeeze the life out of him, he didn't feel threatened at all.
He answered the pure hate directed towards him with a stoic glance. His steadily started to charge his energy, albeit it seemed somewhat difficult to do so. Furniture around them started moving into opposite directions; luckily Bulma had fled the rooms he noted with slight relieve.
The younger Vegeta added more ki to his already dangerously high power level. Not only had this imposter infiltrated his territory, he also had tried to force himself on the woman that he unconsciously wanted for himself. He directed all the energy to his hands, because his enemy wasn't showing any signs of dying, surprisingly so.
The deceiver in his hands wrinkled his nose in disgust, and it was unmistakably directed at him. It was the sort of elitist disapproval he recognized all too well from the mirror. He wondered why his imposter wasn't trying to fend off his attack. He just stood there unmoving, sprinkling him with a heavy load of disdain. It made his blood boil.
He abruptly let go. "What kind of imitation trick is this? Explain who the fuck you are right this instant! How dare you imposter me and to enter these premises." The younger version started to gather his ki further to prepare for battle.
The older Vegeta cracked his neck to the side. "Are you done yet?" He acted nonchalantly, but he actually felt slightly on edge, because even though he knew that he was much stronger, he experienced great difficulty powering up due to his illness. That damn woman was right about that, he muttered.
He beheld his younger self getting more furious with the second. He saw the muscles clench in his face and neck, while he snarled to exert his illusion of dominance.
"I am you, you insolent fool," The older Vegeta said simply.
The younger Vegeta gritted his teeth. The imposter even sounded like him, how in the hell was this possible? How dare he! He slapped the imposter in a belittling manner, but the creature didn't seem fazed by it. The younger warrior screamed out of frustration and started to power up to his maximum.
Kami, I used to be kind of waspish, the older Vegeta mused while powering up as fast as he could. He didn't know why, but he felt the strange urge to mock his younger self some more.
"Aren't you done yet with your little temper tantrum? You must've been so blinded by your ego to realize that you are actually trying to kill your future self." He finally felt his temporarily lost power slowly bloom in his veins again. He closed his eyes, while he relished in the familiar feeling. He had been properly fed for a week and he could feel the enormous difference in power compared to the years he had been starving under the reign of the androids. Turning Super Saiyan used to draw an enormous amount of energy from his body, although he had been in that particular state for years. Now it felt like it only cost him a mere thought.
In an instant, his past self locked his hands around the older one's throat again, not caring that he was experiencing great difficulty not being blown away by the enormous other ki.
The younger Vegeta stalled his self-absorbed rage episode, when he saw flashes of golden light up the room. It took a moment before he realized that he in indeed was facing himself in the future, in a Super Saiyan state none the less.
"It IS me" the younger Vegeta whispered to himself in awe.
He did a double take and his demeanor took a drastic turn. He fell to his knees, while he laughed maniacally. "I did it! I am the great Super Saiyan! The prophecy has been true all a long! I don't know how the hell you got here or if it is even possible that you ARE here, but it is a fucking MIRACLE!" His pitch black eyes locked with a pair of emerald ones. He looked his future self over from head to toe. He seemed scrawny, chronically underfed, but he was a super Saiyan no less. His demeanor of distorted euphoria became one of cutting seriousness.
"Now tell me how you did it." He demanded with a low voice.
"No." he answered simply.
"What?!" he couldn't believe the older him would refuse to share this crucial information with himself.
"You wouldn't be ready to know how I did it if I told you."
In an instant, his past self locked his hands around the other one's throat again, not caring that he was experiencing great difficulty holding on.
"I demand you tell me how you did it, I demand that you tell me how to finally surpass that clown Kakkarot! It is my birthright! You have no right to stand here and allow that fucking third class to be better than me!" He growled incontrollably while he used all his strength to push back against the enormous ki, that was completely devouring his own.
It was subtle, but it happened. There was a small change in the exterior of the man he was trying to strangle information from. Was it sadness? It was difficult to assess the situation through his blinding anger. He felt the power increase of the man he would once become. Awe and anticipation filled his chest when he realized he would even surpass Kakkarot. This holy grale in Super Saiyan form was displaying the incredible power he would possess in the future.
The older Saiyan shook his head slowly. He averted his eyes and did nothing to deter the man who was trying to strangle information out of him.
"You disgust me, you ignorant fool." He steadily kept gathering ki. He wanted to vent his self hatred to the embodiment of the man he once was.
"You're wasting your time with focusing on that pesky pain in the ass. The androids are going to surpass you both." the older warrior snarled in his face. The mentioning of the androids triggered something in him. He could feel a dull pain exacerbating in his chest. His eyes started to roll back into their sockets. Dark memories started flooding his brain.
He walked into Capsule Corporation and found a disembodied arm around the corpse of his child.
Lightning bolts snaked around his body and the older Vegeta was pushed into the air by pure force. He tried to scream at the top of his lungs, but only a raspy sound escaped his throat.
He picked up the corps of his only child. It was the first time he had held him. Dirty blue strands between the rubble caught his attention.
The younger Vegeta needed to let go of his doppelganger because he could not withstand the pure force that he was emitting. He felt the ki before him skyrocket to a level he thought did not exist. He saw that the emerald in his eyes slowly disappeared and had turned to white.
The last time he had seen her alive he had turned his back on her and their spawn. She had cursed at him and he hadn't missed that she tried to hold back tears while she was rocking their infant in her arms with a certain urgency. Trunks cried in her arms when he realized his mother was upset.
His underused voice cracked when he cried out. His fists were squeezed into tight balls, while more and more energy started flowing into his body.
He hadn't been there when the androids had mercilessly slaughtered the woman and his only spawn. It was his fault. He was an ungrateful bastard that hadn't deserved them in the first place.
He had failed.
Vegeta cried out harshly again, while his head lolled back. This time more vibrant energy started building deep inside him and spread out to his limbs. It distracted him from the painful vision he was having about the woman and his son, for the moment. He watched intrigued as this new crackling electricity surrounded his hands in short jolts. He felt himself break through the plateau that had been holding him back in the past. Now his body was finally able to withstand such brutal force, he realized.
His ki still kept on growing exponentially. While he was curious to how far he could go, he vaguely remembered that he was on Capsule Corp. ground and that he needed to contain his aura. He halted his power right before he breached a second plateau.
His younger self watched in awe at the magnificant being before him. Through the almost blinding energy that shone into his eyes, he noticed that his future self had more hair sticking up the air, strangely enough.
The veteran Saiyan felt his body struggle to hold on to this new enormous power and the flowing energy died down abruptly. He fell to his knees, while panting heavily. He needed to support his weight with one hand, to prevent collapsing on the ground.
The younger Vegeta jumped through this window of opportunity and grabbed his future self by the shirt to make him look into his eyes.
"Tell. Me. How. You. Did. It." he demanded with a low voice again.
The veteran hung loosely from the hand that was holding him up. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a creature luxuriating in the prospect of so much promising power.
He decided to answer him truthfully. He had nothing to lose by it anyway.
"Your current self has to cease to exist." Numbness took a hold of him. He became aware of the nagging emptiness in his stomach again that he had carried around for years in the past. It was a void that had never been filled, but could have been, if he had opened himself.
Realization is a hurtful bitch, he thought bitterly. Maybe he had a second chance with the Trunks and Bulma he had just left. If they would let him.
"You have to tell me how. What is the exact catalyst?" The younger version licked his lips unconsciously by the prospect of so much greatness.
"Constant attack for more than a decade will prepare your body to cope with the strength, probably. Emotional loss is the actual catalyst." There. He had used the 'E' word. He had just realized this fact himself. He knew that his younger self would never understand. He wasn't even sure himself how it had triggered his ascensions.
The younger Vegeta grinned. "You liar. You're fucking with me. Now spit it out. Tell me how you achieved this power far greater than Kakkarots." He chook his older self for emphasis.
"So you've never noticed? You clearly were too busy focusing on that foolish clown that you have missed it. Haven't you been paying attention to his spawn?" He himself knew he hadn't done that from first experience.
Suddenly, something clicked inside the mind of the younger Saiyan. He widened his eyes and dropped the older image of himself to the ground. The brat had shown great potential by the age of five when he had been confronted with loss. He had witnessed so himself on Namek.
He was utterly repulsed by the fact that his future self might be telling him the truth.
"Fuck off, I refuse to borrow techniques from that pacifistic half breed spawn of that clown!"
"Good choice, if a life of insignificance suits you best." A cruel smile appeared on the slightly older face and his eyes bore into his menacingly. He knew from experience that this kind of mockery particularly would get under his skin.
His younger doppelganger crouched down to reach the neck of the older one again, but his attack was obstructed by a hand that pulled him hard into the ground. When he pulled himself up, he noticed that blood was steadily dripping from his nose onto the marble tiles.
The younger Vegeta snarled and took a couple steps back, as to distance himself from the one he would become. He spat some bloody spit on the ground next to him. His nose was throbbing painfully. He watched with disdain at how the veteran warrior rose to his feet exhaustingly and took a capsule from the half molten vault. His nose kept running with blood and droplets of crimson red accumulated around his feet.
The older Vegeta felt the eyes of his past bore into his back. But he coudn't care less.
"You disgust me." He heard from behind him.
The older Vegeta shrugged with his back to him, which earned him a hostile growl.
"I'm ashamed of you," he said.
He exited the building tiredly, a vague sense of relief momentarily overschadowed the biting emptiness in his core.
The younger Vegeta watched his doppelganger leave. Good riddance, he thought while he kicked some rubble mindlessly. Now that he had seen the face of what he could become, he vowed to never let himself go down such a pathetic path.
He hadn't even bothered to find out what his future self was doing in this timeline. He didn't care what the objective was of such a weak, miserable fool. Stronger than a Super Siayan or not.
But despite it all, his appearance had certainly served its use.
He was now in the possession of the secret to being a Super Saiyan and one or possibly two levels above that stage. On top of that, there was proof that he could reach this awesome power. The main question was, was it worth to sacrifice his character for such an objective?
Out of the corner of his eye, Vegeta saw the heir of Capsule Corporation prudently peek into the room. Maybe he could experiment with this 'caring' thing? What harm could it do? This exotic woman seemed to be the best suitor. She seemed desperate to form some sort of bond with him, just like she had tried with the weakling Namekians. Besides, he might as well get some sexual relief and some nifty technological gadgets out of it.
He wearily watched the pale woman approach him with trembling limbs. She was emitting fear pheromones, but not induces by him. Her synthetic skirt had ridden up her voluptuous hips when she had run out of the lab. He was shortly mesmerized by how her hips were beckoning him with slow motions. Her wide blue eyes, looked up to him for some sort of reassurance. She was one fine-looking creature, he concluded. Maybe she was not just a distraction and could be useful for a change.
Maybe, just maybe he could try to form some sort of attachment with this being, just to see if it was even possible. In the meantime he would train, to make his body more accommodating to the acquired power. Then he would kill her and start mourning the loss, which was perhaps going to be the toughest task from all these ascension-preparations. He had never really mourned from a loss before. He wasn't sure how that was supposed to feel. And how was he supposed to form some sort of attachment in the first place? The dreaded thought had always made him feel nauseous before. He found it hard to conceive that he might have to give up on some of his precious training time for this particular task.
But if it was to help him achieve far greater power than Kakarrot, than he was obliged to give it a shot. The end justifies the means, he mused.
He roughly pulled the bewildered scientist against his chest and she almost stung his eardrums with her high pitched shriek. He pressed her upper body tightly against his, so he could feel the softness of her mounds against him. He could feel her alluring flesh shake against his rock hard muscles. He didn't look her at her, but stared straight ahead into nothingness.
Bulma slightly looked up at the man who was holding her in a tight one-arm embrace. She hadn't expected this from the man that had thrown death threats at her every time their paths had crossed. And now, when she was being vulnerable and afraid, he tried to feed her some sort of assurance? She wasn't even sure. Of course they had shared some sexual tension, but this was an area they hadn't explored before with each other.
She squeezed her eyes to study the face of the man that had wound her tightly against his chest. His brow had softened, but his eyes were accompanied by emptiness while he stared over her head. The left corner of his mouth was slowly curling up cruelly, or was she just imagining things?
He wasn't speaking, which made her even more nervous. She tried to pull away softly, as to not offend the unpredictable and very dangerous man.
Then he knocked her out.
When she awoke, she felt fluffy pillows pressed into her cheek. She kept her eyes closed, because of the pounding in her head. Her blue eyelashes merely fluttered for a split second.
A minute later she discovered a dark presence in the corner of her room, hooded by the shadows. He was staring at her intensely, like a predator would observe a pray before striking.
The older Vegeta punched in the coordinations of the first time line he had visited. He would make sure NOT to arrive at the Capsule Corp. grounds again. Everything around him morphed into the familiar blinding whitness. It reminded him of the first time he had used the time machine and he had left the wastelands he had known for so many years. The deep seated hate towards the androids rose up into his insides for a moment.
And now he was likely going to face a much older and weaker nemesis, but a nemesis no less. His mood slightly lifted when he realized that he was now in the position to get revenge for his people and for twenty years of enslavement. The thought made him wonder. Wanting revenge for his people had been one of his long forgotten desires and maybe one of his more noble ones.
When he arrived at his destiny he was confronted with rummaged and scorched ground instead of the lush green forests he had expected.
Oh Nooo! Why is the forest gone? This doesn't promise anything good.
And the younger Veggie is pure evil! What will come from his new fixation on Bulma? You will have to wait and see ;)
Please review! They get me going writing this fic!