Chapter 1: The life of an outcast

Cocoa Island, a beautiful island once famous for its numerous active volcanoes and breath-taking sceneries, was reduced to nothing more than what one would consider a wasteland. Compared to its magnificent beauty the island once possessed, it was now a ruin, an uninhabitable environment. All of this destruction was caused when the Battle Bird Armada, a group of vicious birds equipped with state-of-the-art weaponries, came to the island in search of the Chaos Emeralds, an unfathomably powerful source of limitless energy. In order to complete their objective, the ruthless armada practically laid waste to everything in sight, be it organic or inorganic.

They destroyed the forests, burned down trees, blew up mountains, massacred the innocent, and many more hideous and unspeakable misdeeds. All hopes seemed lost to the inhabitants of the island as the Armada's violence ravaged the landscape, sparing nothing in their mad search. No one on the island was brave enough to tackle the threats of the malicious and murderous birds, and they just let them do as they pleased. However, there was one inhabitant who didn't give up, he refused to give up. It was the strangest of all who lived on Cocoa, a small, fluffy yellow fox who went by the name of Miles Prower, but other people called him Tails, due to his unusual and unique genetic mutation, his twin appendages.

Even when the odds were stacked against Tails, he fought bravely and relentlessly against the menacing birds. He went through situations that would have sent the strongest of fighters to their early demise, and sentenced the bravest of warriors to their deaths. Yet, Tails fought alone, without a single comrade. He used his special gifts with machinery to create useful creations that assisted him in his quest, one among the numerous was a little robotic fox, which he affectionately called T-pup.

Tails also used his unique ability to aid him in his battles. He could spin his twin tails together until they created enough force that allowed him to fly, like a helicopter's blades. His flight ability, along with his genius-level intellect and mechanical creations, allowed him to prevail. The Armada's attacks were fierce, their firepower greatly intimidated the fox, but with unwavering determination and bravery, he defeated the Battle Lord and his son, Speedy, undermining their plans and put an end to the fearsome Armada once and for all. Tails alone saved the entire island from destruction. He was, in every sense, a hero.

However, the inhabitants of Cocoa Island thought otherwise. They blamed the entire incident on Tails, because he was the one that had found a Chaos Emerald deep inside the forest and took it home. To them, Tails was the cause of all that had transpired. To make matters worse, the inhabitants never liked Tails because of his twin tails. They considered him a freak, a mistake of Mother Nature, something that shouldn't have been born. Tails had always lived in solitude, ignorance and prejudice. The people always beat him up, bullied him, neglected him, and mistreated him, just because of something he couldn't help. Life had always been unfair to the young genius. He was always alone, accompanied by his creations, mainly T-pup, his pet robot.

Ever since the incident of the Battle Bird Armada, Tails' life had taken a turn for the worse. The bullying and beating became more intense and more often. The people blamed Tails for everything, the destruction of the island, the deaths of their loved ones, everything. They even went as far as destroying the kid's cabin and lab, smashing all of his creations that he had put all his heart and soul into creating. Tails was stuck in a nightmare, but unlike other nightmares, this was one he could never wake up from, no matter how much he wanted to.

Eventually, even Tails' seemingly endless patience ran out. He couldn't stand living like that anymore, he couldn't put up with the people anymore.

"Why are they doing this to me, T-pup?" Tails asked his little, and sole surviving, robot, "The Chaos Emerald was here, so those birds would have come here in the first place. Why are they *sobs* doing this to me? I just don't understand."

Tails burst into tears after that sentence, releasing all his pent-up frustration and pain. After crying for a long while, he finally calmed down and looked at T-pup.

"We can't live like this any longer," Tail said with a resolve in his voice, "We have to get out of the island. Nobody cares about us, heck, they'll even be glad to know that I'm no longer around." He let out a sigh and continued, "They may have destroyed my lab, but they didn't look underground. The Sea Fox should have enough fuel to take us away from here."

After saying that, a smile crossed his muzzle, he forced his battered and wounded body to stand up. Tails picked up T-pup and flew back to the debris he had once called his home, and opened a secret door leading to his secret lab underground, where he kept the Sea Fox, his personal submarine that he had built by himself. The Sea Fox was a powerful invention that played a integral role in undermining the Armada's plans. Tails took out a map, checked the Sea Fox's remaining fuel, and calculated the distance from Cocoa to other nearby islands. After a few minutes, he had already mapped out his course. Tails circled an island on the map that was called Westside Island. It was the only island the Sea Fox could reach with all the fuel it had remaining.

Putting the map away, Tails jumped into the cockpit with T-pup, and started the engine. "Let's go, T-pup. To freedom!" Tails exclaimed as he raised his fist in the air in a childish manner. With that, the Sea Fox set sail. Tails was happy and sad at the same time. He was happy because he wouldn't need to put up with all the needless bullying anymore, but he was sad because he had to leave his home island, the one that he had risked his life to protect from the vicious invaders. Shedding a single tear at the thought, Tails quickly dismissed it, as quickly as it had occurred to him, and started to make his way to Westside Island. Hopefully, his new life would be much brighter than the one he had had to endure thus far. Tails was full of hope that he might be able to make some new friends on his new home.