Title: Night Shift
Author: Nbsiren
Rating: M
Pairing: Asami x Takaba
Spoilers: none
Warnings: Language, some smex of dub con
Summary: Totally AU. Werewolves, vampires, and other supernatural beings...
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Yamane Ayano. Other characters are mine.
"Takaba, the photos are amazing. You must have been real close and yet they never noticed you." "It was really dark down the alley, I just stayed still."
Leaving the newspaper building, Akihito takes off towards his apartment, ducking into an alley when he notices someone following him.
He watches as the person comes into the alley and starts to run thinking Akihito had run ahead. When the person runs out of sight he moves out of the shadows and makes his way out of the alley. Human...probably another pervert. Stopping at a fast food place, he picks up some food to take home.
Closing the door to his apartment, he puts the bag of food onto a table and goes to take a shower.
Clean, dressed in shorts and a tank top, he plops down into his chair and turns on his tv to watch the news while he eats.
Staring down at the pathetic vampire tied up in holy water soaked rope, Asami places a boot covered foot on his chest. "Endo, the Hunter's Association has been looking for you. Killing four humans...really Endo, thinking you could hide it?" Nodding to the giant blonde next to him, he removes his foot and lets the blonde pick up the vampire, hauling him over to a waiting van.
Looking at his other companion he asks, "Who's next on the list?" "Sanu, warlock, likes to summon demons but lets them run around when he can't control them. Latest caused damage to the shopping district earlier in the week. Last known location was Azabujuban."
Grabbing his camera bag Akihito heads out to look into the tip he had just gotten from a source at a newspaper. Buildings in the Azabujuban area are being destroyed but no info is being given on the cause. I'm going to have to be careful with this. That instinct is screaming supernatural at me. Running into other supernatural beings or even hunters would be bad. Getting onto his motorcycle, he shakes off the bad feeling and takes off.
Shaking his head at the body sticking out from under a collapsed wall, Asami says, "Looks like whatever he last summoned wasn't happy with Sanu trying to control it. Suoh we're going to have to find it before it causes too much damage." "Yes, Asami-sama."
Shifting form, Suoh sniffs the air, looking for the scent of whatever Sanu had summoned.
Looking through his viewfinder, Akihito swears when he sees a demon smash the side of a building. What idiot summoned that and let it loose? Damn, hunters can't be too far away, the association won't let this demon run around unbound like this. Snapping a picture of the demon, Akihito pauses as he senses another supernatural being approaching. Ducking into an abandoned building he uses the shadows to hide.
Finding the demon, Suoh shifts back and texts Asami with the location, staying quiet and just observing the demon.
When Asami and Kirishima join him, Asami looks at Kirishima and says, "Rank C level six demon, not anything we need, take care of it." "Yes sir."
Looking out through a hole in a wall, Akihito watches as a tall dark haired guy with glasses gets near the demon and begins to chant something. Shit, a magic user and whatever else I sensed out there before. Fighting the urge to run, he stays still, keeping himself hidden in the shadows.
Joining the others after banishing the demon, Kirishima gets out his PDA to scroll through the open bountys on the association's wanted list.
Eyes narrowing, "Suoh, that building over there. Check it out." "Yes sir."
Closing his eyes when he sees the giant blonde make his way over, Akihito makes his way to the roof and using the shadows he jumps to the roof of the next building. Speeding up he jumps building to building and uses a fire escape to get down, dashing to get to his motorcycle.
"Sorry Asami-sama, whoever it was managed to get away." "Must be fast to be able to get away from you Suoh. What was it?" "I don't know, the scent, I've never smelled that kind of scent before. All I can say is it's a male and he's young." "Hmm, he was this close and neither of you picked up his presence. I have the feeling we'll come across him again. Bring him to me when it happens." "Yes, Asami-sama."
Turning in the photo he had taken to the editor, Akihito goes down to the lobby, puts his sunglasses on and walks out into the early morning light.
Arriving at his apartment, he rinses off in the shower and falls into bed to sleep.
Drinking his morning coffee and reading the morning paper, Asami pauses as he sees a photo of the demon they had come across just last night. Making a phone call he learns the photo was taken by a freelancer the paper used at times. Hanging up he dials Kirishima, "Find out what you can about Takaba Akihito."
He's got a good eye. As he judges the photo he notices that the picture was taken not too far away from the demon. So he was able to avoid being detected by the demon. Not surprising since neither Suoh or Kirishima noticed his presence either. Managing to hide yourself from both of my top men has sparked my interest Takaba Akihito. What kind of hunt will you give me?
Carrying his groceries into his apartment, Akihito sets the bags down on his kitchen floor and starts to put them away.
Finished he plops down in his chair with a snack and turns on the news. Listening as the anchor relates the news from the Hunter's Association. Looking over at his desk his eyes stop on the two ceramic figures his mother had loved. Swallowing his snack he focuses his attention back on the tv, but his eyes soon drift back to the figures.
The Past
Walking through the crowds at the flea market and going table to table looking at all the different items with his mom was a rare treat.
Looking at her son looking around and soaking in the rare experience of being around other people brought a smile to her face. Watching as he points to a small ceramic figure and looks up at her. "Hmm, it's small, how about you pick one more, so it won't be lonely." Watching as his eyes go back to look at the other figures again.
After picking out another, they make their way home. Going to the kitchen she lets him arrange the two figures in the middle of the table. Looking at his mom she nods in approval and he goes off to his room to play.
A little tawny kitten and a big black panther... Tilting her head in amusement at his choice for a table centerpiece she smiles and starts getting stuff ready to make dinner.
The Present
Shoving the memories away, Akihito gets up to make some calls, looking for a tip on anything that he can capture in his viewfinder.
Sliding between two metal containers, Akihito inches his way through, stopping just before the ends of the containers. Lifting his camera he presses the shutter and gets several shots of a drug dealer and a politician making a deal.
Getting back to his bike he takes the memory card to a newspaper for them to print out. Finished, he drives to Tokyo Tower to get some pictures of the city at night.
Walking around the first floor observation deck he looks out and gets some nice shots for his personal collection. Going down he goes to one of the cafes to get a drink before leaving.
Closing the door after Asami got into the car, Suoh pauses as he catches a faint scent in the breeze that was blowing. Telling Kirishima he was going to check something out, he follows the scent.
Akihito leaves the cafe and starts to walk back to his bike when he's grabbed from behind. Struggling he manages to get some solid kicks in, but it does nothing to loosen the hold on him.
Tossed into the back of a car, Akihito moves to get out when he's grabbed by another person in the car. "Behave and you'll be fine." "What the hell! Kidnapping is illegal!" "Kidnapping humans is illegal. You're not human so making a complaint isn't going to happen."
Clenching his jaw in anger he stays quiet. "So tell me more about yourself...Takaba Akihito." Startled that the guy knows his name, he looks out the window determined to not give in.
"Takaba Akihito, 23 years old, mother deceased, father unknown, home schooled, good grades according to the papers, and freelance photographer." "I haven't broken any laws, you have no reason to detain me." "Human files have very little information about you and the Hunter's Association has nothing at all. Which means you're hiding something, and I as the Hunter's Association President, will take it upon myself to learn your secret."
Arriving at a building, Akihito is dragged inside after he tried to run after getting out of the car. Tossed over the shoulder of the giant blonde, he's taken down an elevator, down a hallway, into a room, and cuffed to a chair.
Wincing as charms embedded into the cuffs activate, he gives up trying to get out of the chair. Nodding to Kirishima, Suoh leaves to stand outside the door.
Stepping forward, Kirishima starts to chant. Looking at the boy cuffed to the chair, he takes a vial from his pocket and places a couple of drops on the floor. Stepping back he watches as smoke starts to rise and curl around the boy. The smoke slowly starts to change color. Looking at the colors, he looks at Asami then back at the smoke as if confused.
"What is it Kirishima?" "I've never heard of or seen this combination before. The red color signifies vampire, but the white color is human."
Eyes focused on the boy cuffed to the chair, Asami lights up a cigarette and surveys the rare gem before him. Half vampire, half human, it's exceedingly rare for it to happen. I wonder what his powers are.
Placing a hand under the boy's chin he forces him to look at him. "What? You know...so let me go." Leaning in he smirks at the boy's defiant eyes and takes his mouth with his own.
Savoring the unique taste of the boy, Asami swears to himself that Takaba will be his. I'll not share him with anyone, he'll be mine. Whatever his powers are he'll use them for me. I've found a rare treasure in the supernatural community. I'll learn all his secrets as I bind him to me.
Smirking at the blush on Takaba's face he says, "Come work for me." "What!? Why would I work for the Hunter's Association!? They murdered my father! There's no way I'd agree to it!"
"Tell me about it, so I can find out the truth. If what you say is true, I'll find those responsible and hold them accountable."
Tilting his head to the side Akihito looks at him and asks, "What are you? You have an elite magic user and an alpha pureblood werewolf following and obeying you."
Smiling at the revelation that Takaba can identify and rank supernatural beings he says, "What's in it for me if I tell you?"
"What do you want?" Smirking, he leans forward and takes another kiss, a hand going down to undo Takaba's jeans.
Breaking off the kiss he bends down to look at the prize he had revealed. Taking the length into his mouth he enjoys the cry of pleasure from Takaba.
Sensitive. Savoring the way Takaba would moan and gasp as he worked his length. Panting, slouched in the chair, Asami looks up as Akihito comes.
Cleaning Akihito up and redoing his jeans, he looks at the paleness behind the blush on his face. Eyes gleaming he offers his wrist to Akihito saying, "Drink, you need blood."
Head spinning from hunger he bites and drinks the blood offered. Moments later his eyes go wide and he stares at Asami asking again, "What are you?"
"Why I'm a demi god, my cute Akihito. You belong to me now. I'm the only one you will ever have."