When the Titans attacked Trost, hell, in its most pure form of pain and rage, broke out. Everywhere you could look was blood splattered; the miscellaneous body parts of fallen soldiers' littered the ground. There were only a few constant colours in this environment: the brown of the sand and the uniform jackets, the white of the pants, the colour of flesh from Titans and soldiers, both dead and alive, and dark red, which seemed, at least to Roy Mustang, to be the most horrifying.". He was afraid of the titans, yes, but not as much so as he was afraid of what they did. The way they could so easily pick up humans or how they could bit so mercilessly, sending limbs with nerves and bones to the ground or sometimes, most horrifically, heads, how they had no concern for other life forms, only scavenging and eating-killing their prey.

Though that day his fear would be accompanied by more hatred than he already had for those retched creatures.

Roy fought and he fought hard. He did it, of course, alongside his best friend, Riza Hawkeye. Times like this one, he would go after one while she was after one in the same area as they could prove to be back up for the other. Sometimes one of them would have trouble taking their Titan down and the other would always be there, ready to help. Or if one of them was injured it was easier to get the correct medical attention at that instant. This method has saved their lives so many times that it was deemed rather affective by the two of them.

Though something happened this time.

Roy was deep in action, cutting his blade into the nape of the Titans neck sending blood out when he heard a scream. A scream he knew well. Turning his head he saw what he never believed he would see. Believed isn't true- no it's what he never hoped he would see. No, he went over their plan, there was no scream involved nor the screams that followed as the Titan shoved her in his mouth meaning he was too late. He saw the Titan's jaw close- that wasn't supposed to happen either. He was never supposed to hear the raw crack of her neck being snapped in half. He was never supposed to see her head fall closer and closer to the ground, blond hair flying around her face getting caught in her own blood that had erupted on to her. Again he could hear her bones being ground into her flesh against the Titans teeth. Her eyes were never supposed to gloss over the way they did. There was never supposed to be a red liquid, shattered skull, none of her flesh was ever supposed to become loose, none of her bones were supposed to be falling, none of this. This. Wasn't. Fucking. Supposed. To. Happen. But that didn't change that it did.

Roy took the Titan down while it was still busy munching on his fallen friend and love.

Oh yes, when given the chance he was joining the Scouting Legion.

He would avenge her.

He would avenge Riza Hawkeye.

That's is, if he were alive long enough.

I'm gonna go write this fanfiction that I want to.

Thank you, Callie, for reviewing what I couldn't grasp.