Hey ^^ It's Midknightwalker! It's my turn, yay! Angel-chan did really well last time XD Hope this chapter's just as good! Haha…ha. I'm a bad updater.

gamergirl486: Sorry everyone... I'm out of the collab... Please don't hate me for giving up...

AngelXReaper: Hey, Knight-kun! I know how to pronounce "collaboration!" now! YEAH! And I DID NOT GOOD LAST TIME! T ^ T it was awful!

!Important if you don't want to be confused! I refer to the Earthland mages as normal. The Edolas people have something added to their names. For example, Earth-Lucy will just be called 'Lucy.' Edo-Lucy will be called 'Edo-Lucy,' 'Lucy Ashley,' or just plain 'Ashley'. And, I consider the Earthland people to be mages, since Edolas doesn't have any anymore. So if there's something like 'the blonde mage,' it means Earthland Lucy. Unless it's another blonde mage... But that's off topic.

P.S: It's me, Angel. And yes. There is a another blonde mage. Sting, Rufus, Laxus, who else?

Here you go~

"Hey. What are you doing? Inappropriate, I think."

Lucy woke up to a loud, demanding voice. She sat up, her covers falling off the bed. She put them back and remembered Hughes was still in her care. The blonde walked slowly to the living room's door. She stopped, worried something had happened to him.

"Why are you here? That's unsuitable for a lady, especially one of Lucy's class."

"I'm surprised Princess let you stay here."

Hughes had stammered an excuse, "B-but… I'm not even in her room…"

She walked quicker towards the door, realizing that that wasn't only Hughes's voice. Lucy stuck her ear to the door and tried to listen to what happened.

"I don't care if you were allowed, Hughes. I want you to get out and return to your friends. Don't come back to Lucy. And don't talk about this ever again."

"Especially to Princess."

She pushed the door open tentatively and peered inside, "Hughes?" She blinked at what was inside.

Loke was holding Hughes by his shirt (it was actually one of Gray's) and snarling into his face. Hughes was visibly shocked, eyes wide and Virgo was holding handcuffs. Loke looked up at the door and his expression turned into one of guilt. He released Hughes and the male staggered backwards. "Loke… Virgo…" Lucy said slowly, stepping into the room. "What are you doing?"

"Lucy, he's in your house!" The lion defended himself, but the guilt was evident in his eyes. "Who is he?" Virgo bowed and apologized.

"You damn well know," she sighed, stepping closer. "Don't try to deny it, I heard you."

Loke pouted, "Well, it's not exactly fair. You didn't tell me. He could've been a rapist for all I know." Hughes face contorted into one of disgust.

Virgo was stoic, "Indeed, Princess. We were just looking out for you. Your safety is our priority. But we will accept punishment."

"We?" Loke asked, skeptical. He smirked, "Actually, I wouldn't mind. Just another sign of our love, I believe." He cleared his throat, noticing Hughes was still in the room, "On the main point, we weren't aware that there was going to be someone—a male especially—staying here."

She asked, "Even though Natsu and Gray do all the time?" Lucy rolled her eyes, "Fine… But don't do it again, okay? Because I'm pretty sure Hughes was freaked out that there was someone in the same room as him." Hughes leaned against the wall and observed their conversation curiously.

"I won't do it again," Loke insisted. He faltered, "Probably."

"You need to do better than that," Lucy sighed. "Never mind. Just go back now." Loke opened his mouth to say something but closed it, thinking he shouldn't. He and Virgo disappeared.

"Uh, they just…went?" Hughes was shocked. "How?"

Lucy blinked, "Oh, that's right. You aren't from here. Well, um, that's my magic. I'll explain it…later." She looked down, realizing she was still in her pink, bunny pajamas. She flushed, embarrassed. "I need to change. Were you awake for long?"

"Kinda," he answered, averting his eyes. "They woke me up."

"Sorry," she apologized. "Loke does that a lot." The blonde stepped outside the door and told him, "I'll be quick. We get your friends after, and head to the guild."

(/^_^)/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"So, what's your magic?" Hughes asked, interested. "Can it make someone appear out of thin air?"

"That was Loke and Virgo," Lucy corrected. "And, sort of. They're Spirits, actually. My magic is Celestial Spirit Magic. I have keys which call out Spirits. Do you know about 12 Zodiac Spirits?" She unattached her key ring from her waist and held them up for him to see. Hughes nodded and opened his mouth but Lucy interrupted, "Hold on, I'll let you finish, but…where did you say the house was? We can talk on the way there."

"Near Fairy Tail," he answered.

"Do you have any other information?" Lucy questioned. "That's kind of…vague."

"Um, it's really big?" Hughes shrugged. "I don't know. Coco used to tell me I had no navigational sense, if that helps." Lucy started to laugh, attracting the attention of the public. She was panting by the time she'd stopped, and Hughes was looking at her incredulously, "What?"

"Never mind about that," she grinned. "We can just continue walking; it's bound to be somewhere. So, you had something to ask me about my Spirits?"

"Could you, maybe…" he quieted, "Could you tell me about them?"

"Do you want me to?" He nodded. She smiled and unattached one from her belt. "I have 10 of the 12 Zodiac Gates." He looked amazed. Lucy hopped onto the ledge by the river and balanced, while showing Hughes her keys. "This one is Taurus, the bull. He's one of my strongest spirits but he's very easily…distracted by women."

"He sounds like a pervert."

"He is."

Hughes stopped and stared at Lucy, "That's really disgusting..." He shivered unintentionally.

Lucy nodded, agreeing, "Yes it is. You have no idea." She shuddered as well and wrapped her arms around herself tightly, even though it threw off a balance and she almost fell into the river.

He tilted his head and continued walking next to her, but on the ground, "How do you stand it?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, "If you ignore him, it's pretty easy, actually." He raised a brow but stayed silent. Lucy continued, "And this is Aquarius. She's a mermaid, but she enjoys destroying the city and hurting everyone she sees."

"That's good," Hughes's eyes were wide. "So she's pretty strong."

"She hurts me and my friends too," she commented dryly, storing Aquarius's key back on her belt, wobbling and almost falling off the ledge.

"Oh," he frowned. "She's the one that tried to control the water at the amusement park, right? Before I…?" She nodded. He continued, "She yelled your name before that though, I think she cares."

"But she also ditches me in the middle of battles to go on a date with her boyfriend, as she likes to remind me," Lucy hissed, clutching her fists tightly. "That annoying little…" She realized Hughes was still listening to her mumble about her annoyance. "Anyway!" She ripped one from her keychain, "This is Virgo, the maiden, the one you saw this morning. She looks after me really well, like by supplying me with clothes." A soft smile appeared, "All my spirits look after me really well."

He laughed at the change in her personality. She lifted her arms for balance, "And then there's Capricorn, who's really serious! He's a goat who dresses in a tuxedo. He helps me train and become stronger because he knows a lot about the magic world."

"Wow, so Capricorn dresses in a business suit?" Hughes asked, looking at her as she scrunched up her face in concentration.

Lucy blinked, "Well, yeah. But that really wasn't the point of what I sai"-

Hughes leaned closer to her. Even though she was on a ledge, he was still a bit taller. His eyebrows furrowed, "So he's like a butler?"

"Not reall"-

"Or a bodyguard!" His eyes shined as the ideas ran through his head. She leaned back, trying to increase the distance between them, feeling uncomfortable. Lucy almost fell off the ledge and into the river.

"I don't thin"-

"Even a driver!" he announced, eyes wide. "Can he drive? Because that'd be nice, being driven everywhere by your own driver."

"Hughes." She stared at him, hoping he would go back to normal. "He doesn't do any of those things." Lucy couldn't picture Capricorn driving an SE cart.

"I know!" Hughes protested, "But it'd still be cool, right?"

"R-Right," she said uncertainly. "It would be." She continued to walk and Hughes quieted, back to normal. He gazed at her as she walked. She put Capricorn's key away and took out another one. "This is Cancer. He's the Crab, and sort of looks like one too. He uses his scissors to attack, and the blades are as hard as diamonds! He also cuts hair."

Hughes paused, "So he's like a hairdresser?"


"Your Spirits do a lot of things," he complimented. "It's really cool, actually."

"Yeah, they do!" Lucy exclaimed brightly, pride glowing at his words. "In fact, he cuts my hair whenever I need it." She twirled a strand and inspected it, "I think I need a trim though."

Hughes smiled, amused, "He did a good job."

She blinked, "Thanks! I'll tell him that, he'll be pleased. It's not often people comment on my hair, you know. It kinda gets him down but I think it's awesome." She released her hands from her hair as it was throwing of her balance. "And then there's Gemini," she held the key in front of him. "They can copy anyone, and gain information by doing that."

"What do they look like?"

"Alien…things," she replied vaguely. "I honestly don't know how to explain how they are." Lucy chuckled sheepishly. She put the key back, "This is Scorpio, he's the Scorpion. He's dating Aquarius, so he's the reason she always…you know." Hughes nodded, understanding. Lucy explained, "Scorpio uses Sand Magic, which he blasts out of his cannon, which is his tail."

Hughes's forehead creased, confused.

She moved on, "Sagittarius is supposed to be an archer, right? And half-man, half-horse too. Well, the Spirit is actually a man in a horse suit." Hughes didn't look impressed. Lucy pressed, "But he's a really good archer, one of the best ever! He can shoot things from really far away. Sagittarius is awesome with his aim too."

Hughes blinked, surprised that she thought so highly of her Spirits. He opened his mouth to speak but she'd turned away from him, distracted by something on the river.

"Lucy-chan," A boatman called out, rowing against the current. "Stay safe! Don't fall off now."

"I won't!" she waved back, throwing off her stability. Shaking, she pulled out her other key, "This is Aries. She uses Wool Magic, and can create it anytime she wants. It's usually pink but it's really soft! It can be used for heaps of things, like a barrier. Her wool also can attack but it makes the victim feel fluffy." He released a light chuckle.

"So Aries can create pink wool out of thin air?" Hughes questioned, staring at Lucy intently.

"Yeah," Lucy answered, her eyes focused on the path ahead of her as she tried to balance, arms out. "She saved me from falling to my death once by creating a cushion."

"Cool!" he exclaimed. Hughes expression converted from one of awe to a concerned one, "Who pushed you off the cliff?"

"I fell," she said sharply, not wishing to inform him of his counterpart's actions. "Nobody pushed me. Nobody at all."


She wobbled a bit and stayed on one leg, trying to stay upright. Lucy shook unsteadily before regaining her balance. An arm grabbed her wrist and she was pulled to the level ground, next to Hughes. He pulled her closer to him and muttered, "Don't stay up there. You'll fall."

She nodded slowly and went silent.

Hughes noticed and tried to drag her out of her quietness, "You said you had 10 of the Zodiac? You've only said 9 so far. Who's the other one?"

Lucy looked up at him, surprised he'd been paying that much attention. He stared back. She lightened up and mentally ran through the ones she'd already mentioned, "Oh, you saw him; Loke, otherwise known as Leo the Lion."

Hughes took time to react. He stood, gaping at her, "He's Leo?"

"Why are you so shocked?" she asked, amused. "He looks like one, doesn't he?"

One of his eyebrows rose, "He's not an animal like the others though."

Lucy laughed, "That's what Natsu said. But Virgo isn't an animal either though." She grinned, "He has a mane though. And lion ears too."

"True," he admitted. "But Virgo isn't supposed to be an animal." She nodded, agreeing. They continued to walk aimlessly around. He stared at her waist.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she tensed up self-consciously, "What?"

"You said you had 10 keys. But what are the silver ones?" he asked, gesturing to her chain. "They look different. Do they call out Spirits as well?"

"Yeah," Lucy nodded. "Silver keys hold other Spirits, not from the Zodiac. They're still really powerful, and specialize in other things, not necessarily atta"-

"We're here!" Hughes interrupted. He faced her, "Sorry for interrupting, we're close to it now though. I remember this sign post."

"But those signs are everywhere."

"Are they all blue?"


"Probably not in this shade," he reasoned, shrugging. "I'm positive."


"Here? Are you sure?" Lucy asked, staring up at the building. "It's huge!" The building was falling apart and loomed over the two of them, giving them a dark shadow. Windows were opened and smashed, the roof was breaking and the door swung open with a creak.

Hughes agreed, "Come in." He gestured for her to walk inside, following her.

The lights were already on, and it made the house look less scary, in her opinion. Lucy didn't get to observe much longer before someone bowled into her.

"Princess, you're here!" Arms wrapped around her waist.

Lucy smiled and hugged her back, "Nice to see you too, Coco."

"Great job, Hughes. Would've been nicer if you brought her sooner," a voice boomed above them. Hughes chuckled. Before Lucy could react, Erza Knightwalker was in front of them. She froze up, surprised. The scarlet-haired woman evaluated the blonde, an eyebrow raised. She let out a sound of approval and dropped to one knee. Lucy stepped back, shocked, and collided into Hughes. He laughed and steadied her with a hand. Knightwalker took no heed to their actions.

"We are sorry for all the trouble we caused you in Edolas. We hope you forgive us and put all of our mistakes in the past." Lucy swallowed, not expecting the conversation. Knightwalker went on, "However, if you wish not to…" Her eyes glinted, "I may hit you." The Celestial Spirit mage's eyebrows shot up.

Lucy shivered, "B-but you were the one w-who hurt u-us…" Knightwalker's lip curled and she smirked. The celestial mage stopped and stuttered, "I-I can't decide for my whole g-guild. I-I'll take you there?"

"Don't be so cruel to my counterpart, Erza," Lucy Ashley bumped against the stern woman's shoulder. A light smile appeared on her face, "Hey, Other-Lucy."

"Edo-Lucy," Lucy nodded as a greeting. "Where are the others?"

"Should be coming soon," Edo-Lucy answered. "I have no idea what's taking Natsu so long." She sighed overdramatically, "I'll go get him."

"I'm here already," Edo-Natsu shivered. "No need to do anything."

"Late though," she snarled and he stepped back in fear. She sighed, "Guess I can let it pass this time, we are on a tight schedule."

"What schedule?"

"Then where's Gray?" Edo-Lucy asked darkly, continuing as if she'd never heard her counterpart say anything. Dragion squeaked.

Edo-Gray, bundled up in his clothes, said, "I-I've been here all along?" It came out as a question, he was so afraid.

Ashley shrugged. "Then let's get going. Lead us," she commanded her counterpart.

Hughes offered a reassuring smile to her before stepping beside Knightwalker, conversing with her about the change. Coco was chatting to Lucy happily, almost admiringly, about Earthland. Natsu and Gray were shivering in fear of Edo-Lucy, who didn't even say a word to them.

"Are we close?" she asked impatiently. "Because I don't want to walk very long."

Lucy nodded, "Yeah, actually. We're really close."

She rounded a corner and Coco jumped up, excited and pointing, "Is that it? Is it? Is it?"

"It has our sign at the front," Edo-Lucy said bluntly, striding towards it. Her hands were on her hips, "If you paid attention to it, you would notice."

"Let's go in," Lucy suggested, but Edo-Lucy was by the doorway.

"Lu-chan!" Levy called out in greeting. She stopped and her eyes sharpened, confused, "…What's with the clothes?" Edo-Lucy glared at Levy.

"Is there something wrong with my clothes?"

"W-Well, no," Levy wasn't expecting her to snap. "I was just wondering what brought you to consider wearing that. It's certainly not like what you usually wear."

Gajeel yelled, "But if you want to act like that, we don't care."

"So you got your boyfriend to stick up for you, of course you did," Edo-Lucy snarled. "Of course you did, you good-for-nothing wrench." Levy would've said something if not for another Lucy appearing.

Lucy swung an arm around her counterpart's neck and laughed, "Sorry about that." Everyone's eyes bugged out. Lucy nodded, "Yeah, I know. I need Master."

"Edolas?" Erza caught on immediately. "I'll get him."

"Yup." The scarlet-haired mage started to walk to Master's office, smiling at Knightwalker. Hughes shifted uncomfortably as Gray and Natsu loomed over him.

Gray started, "So you slept at hers last night?" Hughes nodded slowly. "And she let you?" He nodded again. Gray gasped, "No. Way. Natsu! She willingly let him sleep in her apartment."

"You never let us!" Natsu accused, pointing a finger.

"Hughes doesn't cause total havoc," Lucy justified. "Besides, you have your own places." They shrugged.

"Still. It's just not fair, we've been friends longer."

"That's not really an argument," she defended. "And anyway, it was raining. Thundering, even." Hughes shuddered, remembering it. Lucy crossed her arms, "It was polite to let him stay over."

"You always make me go home even when it's raining," Gray shot back.

Lucy deadpanned, "Create an umbrella or something, Gray."

"Master wants everyone who was transported here in his room," Erza ordered, calling from the second-floor. "He also wants Lucy, Gray, Gajeel, Happy and Natsu." The gang agreed, walking up the stairs. The door was already open.

Erza, Edo-Lucy and Edo-Erza sat down in front of his desk. The rest were forced to stand, or—like Gajeel—stay by the corner. The man was covered by the shadows and Edo-Natsu and Edo-Gray shuddered as the size of the shadow was monstrous. Makarov wheeled his chair around and grinned, "Let's get started, shall we?"

Natsu Dragion and Gray Surge shrieked at his size. They went ignored. Makarov dove straight into business, not bothering for introductions. He didn't seem to mind the double copies of his children.

"Because of this incident Erza has told me about, a lot of complications have arisen, such as the Magic Council being informed," Master groaned. "But, as we have formed some…ties with you because of the incident, they have said for all of you to be put under our care. Therefore, all food, accommodation and other things for you are being handled by us. Every meal should be given here, unless you can pay for your own elsewhere, and as for accommodation…we should discuss that."

He looked up at them, smiling, "Where do you stay now?"

"It's somewhere along the market place? Near here," Edo-Lucy confirmed. "It was said to be a building of Fairy Tail or something? The words were smudged."

The small man knew what they were talking about immediately, shown by his stricken expression and stuttering, "S-sorry, c-could you repeat that?"

"Near market place. Near here. Building of Fairy Tail. Words smudged," Knightwalker repeated, somewhat changing the sentences to seem as if she didn't care.

"Is there a problem?" Edo-Natsu shakily asked. "Because we can move. We're sorry for using your building without permission; it took us quite a while to get into contact with you-OW!" Knightwalker stomped on his foot. Dragion's eyes were downcast and he whimpered, "Sorry."

"Well, you can't stay there," Master said wisely. At their faces, he added, "Don't worry, we have places for you. I'm sure my youngsters wouldn't mind helping, eh?" he guffawed, slamming a palm down on the table.

Gajeel stared at his hysterical Guild Master before standing up straight, "I'm out."

They all watched as the Iron Dragon Slayer exited the small man's office, making sure to slam the door on his way out. Erza's anger flared as she heard a guild-mate asked what was going on, and a thud, signifying Gajeel had engaged in a fight, "Hey, Gajeel! Come back here!"

"Forget him," Makarov waved a hand. "We should focus on the task at hand." He leaned forward on his desk and steepled his hands, "Accommodation." The Edolas crew looked at him oddly. Master smiled, "Now, let's hear what you all prefer for your sleeping requirements and we'll set you up with the most comfortable setting. Lucy Ashley." He gestured for her to start first.

She did so without any hesitation, "I prefer the quiet setting, a place where I can rest without worrying about security or anything trivial like that. I treasure my sleep." Makarov nodded and asked for Knightwalker to go next.

"Same as Ashley," she said curtly. The short man gave her a smile and requested for Coco to speak. Knightwalker intervened, "I think it's better if Coco stays with me, as she is younger than the others."

Makarov's forehead creased, "Oh, sure! Like, the same room, or just the same building?"


"That's fine then. Natsu." Natsu opened his mouth to speak but Makarov stopped him, "I meant Dragion."

"Oh. I'm sure he can stay with me!" Natsu grinned, swinging an arm around his counterpart's neck. Edo-Natsu flinched, probably thinking he was about to be choked. "We're best friends! Even back in Edolas, we were extremely close."

"Then Gray can stay with me," Gray said competitively. "I bet he'll be more comfortable in my home than Edo-you will be in yours!"

"It's on!" Natsu growled before turning to his Master. "Can he stay at my place?"

Makarov nodded, "Of course he can, Natsu. You too, Gray." They both cheered before sending glares at each other. "That just leaves Hughes then," Makarov leaned forward. "Go on, boy."

Hughes lowered his head, humble, "I-I really don't mind anything, really."

"Come on!" Natsu jostled him. "We don't mind."

Ashley stepped in, rolling her eyes, "He usually likes sleeping in quiet places. Whenever he sleeps, which is usually quite early, he has to yell at all of us to shut up." She crossed her arms, "And he's fussy about it too, even though he tries to play it off like he doesn't care." Hughes sent her a look.

Makarov shook his head, smiling, "That's fine. Okay." He cleared his throat, "Knightwalker, Ashley and Coco will stay in Fairy Hills, no charge." He looked at Erza, "I trust you'll show them around."

"Of course, Master."

"As arranged, Dragion with Dragneel and Surge with Fullbuster," Makarov smirked.

"You had too much fun saying that, didn't you?" Lucy muttered.

Makarov's smile dropped, "But Hughes… We would like to give you the most comfortable accommodation for you as possible, however, I really couldn't think of one. Natsu and Gray aren't responsible enough for two…"


"And Fairy Hills is only for females," Makarov continued. "Too bad Gajeel didn't offer…"

Lucy realized she was the only one who hadn't volunteered to help. The silence that followed Makarov's statement only made her guiltier. Hughes shifted uncomfortably, "It's fine, I can just"-

"He can stay with me?" Lucy said, but it came out like a question.

Makarov blinked, and a small smile appeared on his face but he looked concerned, "Lucy, we can find something else easily. Don't feel obliged"-

"I don't mind," she shrugged. "But if he wants to go somewhere else, that's fine too." Makarov looked at Hughes expectantly.

"Um, sure," he looked embarrassed. "If you're okay with it. Are you sure?"

"Yeah," she nodded.

Makarov clapped, "Done. All of you may go back to what you were doing. Edolas people can stay in the guild, unless anyone wants to take them sightseeing?"

"Oh, that's fine," Ashley shook her head. "We couldn't accept that much."

"Don't worry, you're family," Makarov reassured. They all stood to exit the room but the small man spoke again, "Hughes, I need to speak with you for a minute. About something."

The man's eyes glinted.

Review for updates! Yay! (Angel-chan will probably update quicker than, me haha. SORRY AGAIN.) REVIEW AND NO FLAMES!

AngelXReaper: Hilarious. I still have two other stories to update and beta reading to do. So it would take me a weeks to update this collab now...ßƴ the way, gamergirl-chan is out of this collab but me and Knight-kun still continuing this story since we like the idea. Right, Knight-kun?

Midknightwalker: Yup!

Gamer Girl: Guess I better get going... *Walks out door* Bye everyone... See you another story... *Leaves*

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