The next day came by quickly, there they were Jan Di and Ga Eul standing in front of a school, which they hated, but had to go to. Both of them enter the school; they looked around trying to find their way to their classes. It was a big school and for new transfer students it was very difficult to fit in so easily. Then a crowd forms around the front gate of the school and screams are heard all around, Jan Di and Ga Eul just stood behind the crowd and watched. 4 guys walked in with their cool walks:

The first guy was a guy with curly hair, first in the group.

Another guy behind on the right side of the first guy, he looked as an angel because he was in all white and not to mention really cute.

The third was behind the first one on the left side, he had red hair and by his appearance looked like someone who is always serious or in a bad mood.

The forth guy was behind the first one, he had black hair and he smiled for a few minutes from time to time which made many girl scream.

Then they stopped in front of a guy in the crowd and asked him to apologize, when he refused to, the first guy with curly hair took juice from his friend with red hair and poured it on the uniform of the guy who refused to apologize. With that act the 4 guys just leave.

"Who do they think they are"! Jan Di yelled out after they left.

"What horrible people, do they not have any sense" this time Ga Eul was the one to yell out.

Jan Di and Ga Eul decide to move on to their classes, they knew they couldn't do anything about it yet. Jan Di went to the swimming pool, and Ga Eul was heading to her dance class. Unfortunately Ga Eul`s class was on the third floor which was a lot of stairs, she was still weak with her legs when it came to climbing stairs, but she didn't know where the elevators were and she didn't want to be late so she tried her best to reach her class as soon as she could. The bell rang and Ga Eul panicked she was never late for class, she was a perfect attendance student, the bell stopped ringing and she had only gone 4 steps and there were still 10 to come. Ga Eul began to run up the stairs and she was in pain but tried to endure it. Then suddenly when she reached the 7th step her foot twitched and she fell back. She couldn't keep her balance, she was soon excepting to hit hard floor one after the other but someone managed to be there in time to catch her. She opened her eyes to find one of the 4 guys she saw earlier catch her. Ga Eul was in shock and quickly stood up. "You know, you are suppose to say thank you I just saved you from falling" the guy came closer to Ga Eul trying to flirt with her showing his deep smile which many girls seemed to fall for. "Yah! You were just going my way, I don't have say anything, it was just a coincidence"! Ga Eul spoke showing no reaction to the guy and began to walk up the stairs again. The guy stood in shock, it was the first time anyone had treated him that way. He continued to walk up the stairs, with an angry tone, and then he heard a cry. "Ah!" Ga Eul couldn't move her ankle hurt a lot. She was only 3 steps away from her class; no matter how much she tried she couldn't move anymore. Even though he didn't like the way he was treated by Ga Eul he still decided to go help her.

"Are you ok, do you need to go to the nurse"?

"No, I need to reach my dance class, and just sit and I will be better" Ga Eul spoke out she didn't like talking to the guy but she had no strength to put on a fight. Then with that the guy picked her up in a bridal style. "Yah! What are you doing let me go"! Ga Eul spoke out with the shock of what just happened.

"Yah! I am trying to help. Can you stop acting like I am trying to kidnap you? There is only one dance class on the third floor, and I am going to the same class, so its no trouble"! Ga Eul gave up; the guy smiled to her reactions, but Ga Eul didn't give much attention to it. "So you take dance class, and you have a bad ankle"! He spoke out slowly walking up the stairs on purpose. "Yah, I love dancing, I could dance, its just that stairs make my ankle weak I just got out of the hospital..." Ga Eul shut her mouth she didn't want the guy she hated to know too much. "Why were you in the hospital" He asked curiously. "That's none of your business. Why do you take dance class, you don't seem like a dancing guy"? Ga Eul spoke out. "Well, that's true. But many girls take that class so I just take it to spend time around girls" he spoke out with a devilish smile with that Ga Eul jumped out of his arms, she knew he didn't mean well, she also realized they had come up the stairs long ago. "Why didn't you let me off when we came up"! Ga Eul yelled out. "What I was just taking you to class". "Don't even think about it ok, that you will be nice to me and I will fall in love with you. I hate people like you"! With that Ga Eul walked to her class she still was in pain but she rather be in pain then be in that guy`s arms. She walked into her class with the guy coming into class right after her. The class was filled with girls and only two guys including the guy that helped Ga Eul.

"Class this is our new student her name is Chu Ga Eul, treat her well" the teacher introduced Ga Eul with a smile and she smiled back to the teacher and the class, but only the other guy looked at welcomed Ga Eul, the girls were too busy crowding the guy who had helped Ga Eul.

"Ok class, sit down, so our new dance performance is coming up soon and I need 4 four people who will be dancing together and the rest will be background dancers. So I need two guys and two girls, since we only have two guys in this class I will have them choose the girl they would like to dance with. Yi Jung do you want to go first"? Ga Eul was praying hard that she wouldn't be picked because she found out that the guy who had helped her and the one she was annoyed by his name was Yi Jung. Yi Jung looked around and then he smiled and spoke out "I would like to pick the new girl, Chu Ga Eul"!


So what do you guys think? What will be the outcome for Ga Eul and Jan Di?