Thanks so much for all of your guys' support already! All of your OC submissions have been amazing and I'm so excited to use them! Thank you toHoAMR, Neddie24Surviver, NicoleDWalker1, and from a hopeless teen for your follows and favorites, it means a lot since there hasn't even really been a story yet, also a thanks to KayBear365 for your review on the prologue, I'm really excited too:) DaddyDirectioner I'm glad you enjoyed the prologue, I'm sorry that the wait has been so long but hopefully this will work for a little while? I just know it's going to be harder and harder for me to update in short time spans, I'm really sorry, and no I don't have a beta, but thanks for the offer, I will let you know if I decide I need one. …And with that, let's do this…

Disclaimer: I do not own House of Anubis or anything else I reference, only Ruby and my OCs from my other story, and my storylines, credit for all other OCs goes to my lovely readers who submitted them!

Ruby's POV

"We've got to get going Ruby!" my Aunt said, poking her head in the door to her room. She was coming to retrieve me so that we could make the three hour drive to my new school, a boarding school near London. She and my uncle claimed I'd love it, but leaving them was bittersweet, it was exciting, there were new opportunities, but I'd never been fortunate enough to know my Mum and after losing my dad, they were all that I had.

"I know I'll…" I whined, quickly being interrupted by my ailing uncle.

"Esther, would you mind getting me a glass of water?" he croaked from beside me. He was bedridden the majority of the time now. It was hard to see him this way, the same way my dad had been. I'd watched him grow sicker as a little girl, he had passed just before my seventh birthday and it was unbearable to think that I could lose my uncle, my only blood relative left, the same way.

"Of course love…but when I come back…" she warned, pointing her finger at me jokingly.

My uncle leaned towards me, his side of the bed creaking, and whispered, "Ruby you must find me the cup…"

"What do you mean cup? What cup?" I asked, letting out a light quizzical laugh as I furrowed my brows.

"I will die without it," he stated bluntly.

"But what cup? What do you…" I wondered, trailing off, the questions beginning to swirl in my mind. What kind of cup saves a person's life? Why had he waited to tell me this until now? How am I supposed to leave him?

The word die had just registered in my mind when my aunt said, "All right c'mon Rubes." Walking over to the bed, she set down a red plastic tumbler on the night side stand, as she pecked my uncle's forehead. She snatched my rolling, white-polka-dotted, berry-colored suitcase from my hand. I got the hint and trailed behind her. I snuck a peek at my uncle, as I stepped through the doorway, but he just winked at me, weakly. I knew then that I needed to find this cup because I couldn't lose him too.

"We're here Ruby! Aren't you so excited?" My aunt squealed, snapping me back to reality.

I looked out the window to see an old Victorian style brick house, green ivy crawled around the porch frame and above the first level windows, a gold Anubis sign hung above the wooden door. "Yeah of course!" I lied, grinning. "Okay, goodbye," I said hugging my aunt.

"Good luck sweetheart! Remember to call," she encouraged as I stepped out onto the pebbly path.

I nodded, smiling as I wrangled with my suitcase that was on the back seat. I stopped, turning upon hearing bickering behind me. Two girls now stood on the front porch. One, a sassy brunette wearing a white denim mini skirt with a blue tie-front, collared, button up tank, with white-polka dots. The matching bow in her hair holding up the oversized pouf over the spiraled ringlets in her half-up hair-do. The other letting her natural chestnut wavelets reach the bow belt on the waist of her powder blue spaghetti strap sundress.

The second girl finally noticed me struggling. "Here you must need help with that!" she chimed, bouncing over to me. "I'm Vanessa! Shopper extraordinaire!"

"Ruby, uhh just Ruby," I greeted, meekly, and we both yanked the bag from the car to the ground. "Thanks."

"Of course silly!" Vanessa chirped, her green eyes sparkling. Slamming the car door shut, I waved to my aunt as she began driving away, the car tires crackling over the rocky drive.

Just then, two boys rushed past Vanessa and I, one stopped before stepping on to the porch, looking worn out. They both had the same mossy green eyes, and dark hair, though the one in the red, black and white plaid shirt and jeans had blackish hair. His twin, I presumed, with lighter hair wore gray sweatpants and a navy t-shirt and having kept running, slammed directly into to the girl in the polka-dot shirt. "Ex-cuh-uuse me-y!" she grouched, twangily, I recognized it as a southern accent.

"Man Stevie! A Texas girl," he noted eagerly, in his Irish accent, still not apologizing.

"Wait!" Vanessa whimpered, biting her lower lip, as if she were warning him, she must've noticed the same flirtatious glint in his eye that I did.

He turned back towards the brunette, "Do you believe in love at first sight?..." she raised her eyebrows, as if to say Seriously? "Or will I have to run into you again?" he attempted to be flirtatious.

"Don't..." Vanessa added as an afterthought, grimacing. Too late. She, the other boy, and I winced as the girl delivered a punch to him, straight in the gut, he doubled over and she paraded right past him to the other boy. "Robin Henny. I hope you weren't planning on trying the same thing?" she inquired.

He shook his head no furiously and extended a hand. "Steven Bone," he stated, "and that bloke is my idiot twin Logan." We all chuckled at that.

"What's your story carrot top?" he asked, I realized he meant me.

"I'm Ruby, Ruby Wright," I replied, blushing lightly as I twisted a lock of my natural rust-colored hair. I felt the urge to make sure my rosy-pink shirt still matched the color in my denim, pink, clay, and brown colored tribal print jeans.

"Nice to meet you Ruby Wright!" he said cheerfully, still looking at me.

"Robin you have got to quit doing that!" Vanessa said, running over towards her and opening the door to the house. We all followed in behind them.

"What do you mean quit doing that? It's happened more than once?" Logan grumbled, still clutching his stomach.

"You too?" Another voice asked, the four of us whipped around to see a black-haired boy with celery green eyes and a faux-hawk perched on the stairwell landing in an olive green tee and dark jeans with a black zip-front hoodie. "I'm Ashton, the first unlucky victim."

"Cool! I'm Logan, this is my brother Steven, then Ruby, the red-head, and then obviously Robin and uhh what's your name?" he introduced each of us, pointing to each of us, ending on Vanessa.

"Vanessa!" she told him perkily.

"Yeah I've known Nessa for years," Ashton informed us. Vanessa just rolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh lovelies, more of you are here!" An older darker-skinned woman twittered as she glided over to us. "I'm Trudy your house mother! Let me take your bags please."

"Thank you Trudy!" Steven piped up.

"Yeah thanks Trudy it's so nice to meet you!" I added as she dragged my bag behind her up the wooden staircase.

"It's wonderful to meet you too dear," she replied, breathily, "oh and food is in the dining room, please help yourselves."

"Mmm Trudy makes the best cookies!" Ashton told us, leading the way to the food.

We were walking past the sofa as a sword sliced down right in front of us, a chorus of "Whoas" and screechy "AHHs" erupting. "Sorry," the sprite-y platinum blond with silver-flecked gray eyes, snorted, her apology seeming insincere. Her light blue highlights were somehow brought out by the indigo tee-shirt she'd paired with a cotton a-line skirt and black knee high boots.

"What on God's green Earth is that?" Robin screeched, sounding like a stereotypical Texan.

"A Katana," she retorted icily, as if everyone knew.

"It's awesome!" A boy's voice exclaimed. Everyone turned to see a new face, his shaggy red-streaked black hair, brushing his eyebrows above his hazel eyes. He wore a black and white striped shirt with black jeans and a red belt. "Oh right, I'm Alec McCarthy."

"Hey dude what's up? I'm Logan!" he welcomed.

"Nothin'. I'm not really sure I want to be at this place but I mean…" Alec trailed off "So where did you learn to use th…"

No one had even realized that the blond Asian had up and disappeared, clearly Alec wouldn't be learning more about her or her sword. "And that was Ariadne," Ashton told us, matter-of-factly.

"Why didn't she stay?" Alec asked, anxiously.

"She just gets really quiet sometimes," Vanessa said, almost sympathetically, no one really knew how to respond. The room went still.

"Hello?" A deep voice called, before a head popped through the door, breaking the quiet. I saw dark hair and hunter green eyes. "Oh there are people here...I'm Nathan!"

"Hey Nathan!" Vanessa greeted, waving eagerly. I caught a glimpse of her clutching the hem of her dress, girlishly.

"Hi dude...but okay can we please eat?" Logan pleaded, "I'm starving!"

"Great me too!" Nathan agreed, I now saw that he wore just jeans and what looked like an old football jersey, with sneakers.

The eight of us tore into the food, easily eliminating half of what was originally on the table. We moved to the common room and congregated there, talking and getting to know each other. Soon after we'd settled, an attractive enough young guy waltzed through the door wearing headphones and frantically tapping the buttons on his PSP, completely zoned out. "Matthew! Matty!" Ashton yelled, waving his arms around, trying to gain the boy's attention.

He flinched when he finally looked up, seeing that other people were here. "I didn't even realize what time it was! I didn't think you newbs would be here so soon!"

He looked like the typical cute skater guy, black Vans, slightly saggy brown jeans, a black Quicksilver t-shirt, his messy brown hair covered my a gray beanie. His blue-tinged-brown eyes showed his slight Asian flare.

"Well we are!" Robin giggled, batting her eyelashes, I was wondering if this was even the same girl that had already beaten up two guys for hitting on her today.

"Umm okay…" he muttered, obviously feeling a bit awkward. "I'll just grab some food and come sit with you guys.

When Matthew sat down, Trudy re-joined us. "Does everything taste alright?" she asked.

Was that even a question? It's only some of the best food I've ever eaten! "Yes!" we all chorused.

"Good, I'm going to go clean while we wait for the others, then," she told us, sauntering off.

"I finally made it!" Someone yelled from the Entrance Hall. "Ahh here you all are!" The girl with shoulder-length brown ombré hair entered wearing a frilly, tiered white skirt, patterned with hot pink flowers and a pink bow in the front, which she paired with a white oxford and hot pink cardigan. She also had on pink high heels and a small pink clip pinning back the left side of her hair.

"I love your sweater!" I complimented.

"Thanks your pants are amazing too!...oh I'm Dani, well technically Katherine Danielle, but I like Dani," she squealed. Her eyes drifted all around with her changing facial expressions as she rambled.

"Thanks Dani! I'm Ruby!" I said with a smile, suddenly feeling a bit more sure of myself, even if it was short lived.

"I'm Stev…" Steven began, but was interrupted by the front door being flung open and smacking into the wall.

"Well you sure know how to make an entrance!" Ashton told the guy who crept in through the doorway. He wore a tan suede jacket with a black collar, over a white button up, with cuffed black pants, tan loafers, and black-framed hipster glasses. Even through the lenses, his piercing green eyes radiated kindness.

He tousled his lightly gelled auburn hair with his hand, before letting out an embarrassed sigh and admitting, "yeah I guess so…" in a thick Brooklyn accent. Still a little shocked, 9 pairs of eyes just blinked back at him. "Well...I'm Asther," he offered.

"What a great name!" Dani cheered, starting the round of introductions once more.

"Oh good, we're just waiting for one more!" Trudy interrupted. "Shall we do room assignments?"

We all reconvened for dinner at 6:30, after some unpacking. I was sharing a room with Vanessa and the other new girl who hadn't arrived yet. It was nice to have someone who'd already been going here for a while to talk to, plus someone else who I imagined would be going through the same feelings as me. I kept wondering how Ariadne, Dani, and Robin's roommate situation was working out because they seemed like the oddest combination of girls I'd ever seen in one room. The guys all seemed laid back and didn't really care who was put where; Logan, Ashton, Alec and Asther were all four crammed into one room, while Nathan, Matthew and Steven were together in the other boys room.

Trudy made homemade spaghetti for our welcome back dinner, complete with salad and cheesy garlic bread. Vanessa was particularly thrilled and Nathan was just happy there was no Alfredo sauce.

As campus veterans, Ashton, Vanessa, and Matthew were handing out all kinds of random advice and offered to give us new kids a tour tomorrow. "Ready for dessert lovelies?" Trudy wondered, beginning to clear empty dishes.

I heard several "Yes"s, "Please"s, and "Thank you"s. Meanwhile, Matthew, who had been too busy talking, began inhaling his food like a vacuum cleaner. We all watched in amazement that someone was physically able to eat that quickly. All of a sudden, we heard the front door creak open.

"Oh no it's not Damian is it?!" Dani whispered, shivering at the thought of the caretaker we'd been forewarned about.

Trudy poked her head out the door in the kitchen exclaiming delightfully, "Oh you've made it just in time for some dinner sweetie!"

We all shifted awkwardly, secretly awaiting the new girl's appearance, well except Matthew, who continued shoveling food into his mouth. She had pin straight, espresso colored hair, slid behind a plain black headband, she wore a long deep purple shirt over black leggings, with a denim vest and combat boots. She marched in announcing, "I'm Justine!" I guessed she'd left her bags by the front door.

When Matthew looked up and saw the girl, he literally spat pasta across the table. "Justine, what are you…I didn't know…I…" he rambled, we all held back our laughter.

"Hi Matthew," she said, softly, then sat down, diverting her eyes and seemingly feeling alienated. "Yeah, I didn't really find out I was coming until a few weeks ago."

The rest of us looked back and forth at each other, not knowing what to say or do. "So I'm Vanessa your roommate…" Vanessa rejoined the conversation.

The awkwardness began to drift away; we learned more about Justine and we talked more about school and the teachers, we even found out that Matthew's dad is a teacher here. I was a little confused why Justine was the one to tell us that, but I mainly wanted to know her and Matthew's connection. I figured everyone else did too, but none of us were about to be the one to ask.

We continued chattering over the sound of another door slam, but this was the time that we should've gotten quiet. Damian Gaspar, the hulky caretaker of Anubis, barreled into the room, his black hair slicked back, his yellowy eyes riveting us. "Enough! To bed!" he growled.

"Oh but Damian it's only 8:30 and it's their first night! They're not even being loud!" Trudy defended.

"TO BED! All of you little brats!" he exploded again, his voice booming. I couldn't believe this is how he acted when we weren't even in trouble.

Scared senseless, we jumped up, helping Trudy finish bringing dishes to the kitchen and clean the table, before sprinting to our rooms to start getting dressed for bed.

"And hence why we hate Damian," Ariadne remarked inside the door to the girls' dormitories, no one could disagree.

I quickly threw on my pajamas and scrambled to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. "Goodnight," I uttered to my roomies as I snuggled into my bed, I decided that I think I'd like it here. Though as i drifted off to sleep, a voice in my head repeatedly hissed Ruby! Ruby!

Yay! So first chapter, officially done! I know it's Monday but since it's a holiday, I'm still considering it the weekend. I hope you guys like it! Let me know what you thought of the presentation of your OC! I decided Trudy should stay constant for us in this too:) By the way, any new ideas of who people are? Do the voices mean anything? Love you guys!