It was a quite day at the Cullen household. Everyone was hunting expect for Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme. Esme was in her garden. Enjoying her plants and the sunny day. Carlisle like usual was doing work in his study. And Emmett well Emmett was in the kitchen.

"Mommy!" Emmett yelled.

Esme sighed and stop what she was doing to go see what her son wanted.

"Yes Emmett?" Esme ask as she enter the kitchen.

"Hold on." Emmett said. "Carlisle!"

Carlisle ignore him. He was busy and knew whatever Emmett wanted probably wasn't really important.

After waiting for a few minutes, Emmett decided to try something else to get him to come down.

"Carlisle hurry!" He screamed. "I THINK ESME DEAD! SHE WON'T MOVE! CARLISLE!"

Carlisle shot up from his desk and ran down the stairs. Esme was his love and he would go crazy if something happen to her.

"ESME!" Carlisle shouted.

He was relieve when he saw her down stairs standing next to Emmett. He took her in his embrace held her tightly to him.

"Emmett!" Carlisle hiss. "Why in the world would you scare me like that?"

"You wouldn't come down the stairs." Emmett shrug.

Carlisle shook his head and wrap a protective arm around his wife.

"So what's up?" Esme broke there silence.

Emmett grin went wider. It kind of made Carlisle afraid. His arm around Esme held her closer to him.

"I want you to try this." Emmett said as he handed them a glass.

Both Esme and Carlisle stared at the glass. Should they drink it? Both of them thought in there heads.

"Emmett before I take a sip what is this?" Carlisle ask.

"I have decided to make a drink for vampires. It's like wine for us but it has a mix of animal and a little human blood I got from the hospital." Emmett explain.

Esme and Carlisle nodded their heads. They turn there attention back to the glass in there hands. Then they drank it.

"Ew!" Esme spit it out. "Emmett that taste horrible."

"I have to agree with Esme." Carlisle said. "Uh, darling how about we both go laid down. I feel a bit dizzy."

"Ok." Esme said and took Carlisle hand.

Both went upstairs to there bedroom to relax together in bed. While everyone came from there hunting trip to see Emmett laying on the couch with a pout on his face.

"Emmie what's wrong?" His wife Rosalie ask.

"I tried making a alcohol beverage for vampires but Esme and Carlisle said it tasted horrible." Emmett pouted some more.

"What was in the drink?" Alice ask him.

"Animal blood, human blood, and I almost forgot! I put a secret ingredient in it!" Emmett said.

"Um Emmett?" Bella spoke. "What kind of secret ingredient are we talking about?"

"Something I found in Carlisle office in a box that said DO NOT TOUCH!"

"Oh great!" Edward said.

Everyone got up and went upstairs to Carlisle and Esme bedroom to see if they were ok. Instead hearing what they thought they would (moaning, groaning, lips touching), they heard crying. Getting worried, the Cullen kids busted the door and saw two crying babies.

"Oh my God!" Alice screech.

They were shock to see Esme and Carlisle as two year olds. But there hearts melted on how cute they were. Esme with her tiny curly caramel curls and sparkling green eyes. And Carlisle with his blond hair and big blue ocean eyes.

"There so cute!" Renesme squealed.

Esme let out a cry. Renesme walk over to her grandmother and started to play patty cake. Esme giggled in excitement.

"Emmett what did you do?" A shock Bella ask.

"I think I turn then in to babies." Emmett said.

"Great!" Jasper murmured.