It was a windy night in September. The bright light of the full moon pierced the darkness. A shadowy figure crept up Hogden Lane to number 7 and left a small white package, tied with a crisp red ribbon on the doorstep, before ringing the bell, and retreating to a safe vantage point. An elderly, portly gentleman with greying hair and spectacles opened the door. "Hello," he said authoritatively. His eye caught the package, and he harumphed curiously. "Wonder what this is." The gentleman picked up the package, and went back into the house, closing the door behind him. ' The shadowy figure pulled a small device out of his pocket and pulled the antenna up. A video screen lit up and he could see the portly gentleman beaming at the screen. "It certainly is a beautiful watch," the gentleman murmured to himself. The shadowy figure smiled to himself. The device was working perfectly.


As Mrs. Peel sat down in her favorite restaurant, she breathed a sigh of relief. Finally she could get some rest and relaxation. Especially after that trip to Gotham City. Smiling, she opened the menu. Printed in huge letters were the words, MRS. PEEL. She looked up questioningly at the waiter who had handed her the menu. It was no waiter, but Steed. "We're needed," he completed, smiling down at Mrs. Peel.