Author: ImmatureLittleGirl Email: [email protected]
Disclaimer: The characters in this story belong to the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Joss Whedon and maybe other people, I'm not sure, I just know that I don't own them...
Summary: Dawn goes to live with her father in LA and has to learn to live without her sister. Strange coincidences lead her to meet an interesting person. Dawn/Connor
Rating: PG-13 I guess.
Standing on Her Own
It's funny how the worst things happen as soon as you aren't expecting it. By now you would have thought I'd have figured that much out a long time ago, but every time something happens, it completely throws me. One of these days, I will learn to not let my guard down; to be prepared for anything. But how can I be prepared when the one semi-stable thing in my life is being taken away?
It had started as a fairly normal day, or as normal a day in my life could be. I had been running late again and Buffy was rushing me off to school. I was still giving her the cold shoulder about allowing Willow to get me into the car accident. Honestly, I knew it wasn't really Buffy's fault, but it made me feel slightly better to have someone to blame. As Xander and I were on our way out the door, a short, plump, woman with red, curly, hair arrived. I hadn't seen her before, so I carried on not really giving her a second thought. She introduced herself as Doris Kroger, my social worker. Ms. Kroger explained that she had an appointment with Buffy that day, but, not surprisingly, Buffy had forgotten about it. I continued out the front door, too concerned with my own troubles to care about whatever the lady had to say. Xander followed in tow, and off to school I was.
The school day went smoothly. I managed to get through it without becoming involved in any serious crises. A major accomplishment for a teenage girl in high school.
As soon as I got home from school, everything changed so quickly. The moment I stepped into the yard, I knew something was wrong. A terrible foreboding feeling came over me, and my stomach tied into knots as I ascended the stairs on our front porch. I stopped before opening the front door, almost afraid of what was going to greet me on the other side. Forcing myself to continue on, I opened the door only to find nothing. An intense silence filled the house, which was strange, considering how hectic everything had been lately. I stood in the foyer for a moment and just listened, taking in my surroundings. I felt as though something was waiting in the wings to attack as soon as I let down my guard.
"Dawn is that you?" a voice called from the kitchen. I knew it was Buffy, but something was strange about her voice. It was hoarse and weak, she sounded defeated.
"Yeah," I called back. Something inside me screamed not to go into the kitchen. There was something in there, waiting for me. I could feel it.
"Could you come into the kitchen?" Buffy asked as she came to the door of the kitchen. I could see that she was upset. Her eyes were bloodshot as though she had been crying and she was chewing on her bottom lip nervously.
"Yeah. What's wrong?" I asked, slowly walking down the hall to the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen, Buffy stepped aside to reveal the short, heavy, woman who had been there earlier that morning. She smiled sympathetically as I entered the room.
"Dawn this is Doris Kroger, she's your social worker," Buffy introduced. I could hear the bitter tone in her voice, which only intensified my anxiety.
"I remember," I replied coolly.
"Dawn, it's nice to see you. I have been reviewing your case recently, and I would like to sit down with you and have a talk," Doris suggested, gesturing toward the stool at the counter.
"About what?" I asked suspiciously, opting not to sit.
"About your living conditions. You see, I've put a lot of work and research into this case and I have come to the conclusion that your sister is not capable of remaining your legal guardian," Ms. Kroger answered. I stared at her dumbly for a few moments, unsure of how I should respond. My first reaction was to ask why? But it wasn't all that difficult to understand why. I looked to Buffy for help, but she just stared at the floor, twisting her hands together.
"I can't stay with Buffy anymore?" I asked quietly. Tears were pooling in my eyes, but I fought to keep them from spilling out.
"I'm sorry, but I believe that it is in your best interest that you not remain in your sister's care. You deserve a more stable, secure environment."
"But where will I stay?"
"I have spoken with your father. It has been agreed that you will move to Los Angeles and live with him. Arrangements have already been made for you to enroll in school in LA. Everything will be taken care of. Now if would please, pack your things together. Your father is expecting you. I'm sure Buffy wouldn't mind helping you pack while you say good bye."
"What? You're sending me to live with my father? And he agreed to it? He's never had the time of day for me before! What makes you think that he would be a better parent than Buffy?" I demanded, trying to control my anger. Who did this lady think she was? She knew nothing about my life, or about Buffy's life. So maybe Buffy wasn't Mother of the Year. She was doing the damned best she could, while only slightly preoccupied with saving the world and defending the innocent. And then there was also the whole returning from the dead issue. Buffy's life was just a bit more complicated than your average person's.
"Your father has said that he would gladly take you into his home, and that you would be able to see Buffy anytime you wished. He even offered for Buffy to live with him as well, but she declined the offer, due to commitments she had here in Sunnydale. I know that your relationship with your father has been strained, but he is completely capable of being a parent and is more financially stable and, in our opinion, more equipped to raise a teenage girl than your sister. We are only doing this because we feel it is in your best interest."
"Of course," I replied sharply. I glared at Buffy, astonished that she was allowing this to happen. She wass the slayer, for Pete's sake! She should have done something!
"I think that you should go pack together the things you would like to bring with you, now," Ms. Kroger suggested firmly. After a moment the situation began to finally set in and I couldn't feel the ground beneath me. Everything was wrong. I couldn't figure out how this could be happening.
I spun around and stormed up the stairs to my bedroom, slamming the door shut as I entered my room. I collapsed onto my bed and the tears I'd been holding back finally broke through, streaming down my face.
I wasn't sure how long I sat there just staring at my reflection in the mirror, but eventually I was shaken from my stunned trance when Buffy entered the room.
"Would you like help packing?" she asked, carefully sitting down a few inches away from me.
"No," I replied simply, trying desperately to hold in my anger and resentment.
"The car that will be driving you to Dad's has arrived. You should probably get your things together," she said quietly, avoiding eye contact.
"Why are you letting them do this? Don't you want me to stay with you? I thought you were supposed to be my protector? What if someone tries to open another hell dimension with me? What if Glory comes back? How am I supposed to live so far away from you? You're all I have!" I sobbed into my hands. I felt Buffy's arms go around me as she tried to provide some form of comfort for me.
"Shh, Dawnie. It will be okay. I did everything I could to convince them you were better off here. I tried everything I could think of! But they still insist that you are going to live with Dad. It won't be so bad, once we get used to it. I'll be able to see you whenever. And you'll get to spend some time with Dad. You know how he loves to spend money on us to make up for missing out on so much. And please don't worry about Glory. She's gone. Forever," Buffy assured me. "If you have any problems, you can call me and I'll be there as soon as I can. If its demon related, and I'm to far away to get there in time, you can always call Angel, who lives in LA. I know this all seems really bad right now, but we just have to make do with what we've been dealt."
"So, you're giving up, just like that?" I asked. I knew that whining wouldn't get me out of this situation, but I was still shocked that Buffy was not trying harder to keep me.
"Dawn, I really tried. I've spent all day talking to anyone that would listen. I just can't excuse certain things about my life that don't add up. And, honestly, they aren't all that wrong about my inability to provide a 'stable environment'. Maybe it's all for the best."
For the best? She couldn't be serious! And then I realized what she meant. 'The best' for her. No more kid sister to get into her hair. This was her easy way out of premature parenthood. I wouldn't be here to weigh her down anymore. I guess I couldn't really blame her; it seemed I was always in her way.
"Will you help me pack?" I asked as I resigned myself to the fact I was leaving. Buffy stood and walked over to my closet to pull out a suit case, and together we packed all my worldly possessions into my bags, in silence.
Dad greeted me at the door as soon as I arrived at his house. He looked older than I remembered him, but that was probably because I hadn't seen him in forever. He hugged me and told me how much he missed me as soon as I entered. I had to struggle to give him a small smile in response.
Dad took my bags and showed me to the room I was going to be staying in. It was Buffy's old bedroom. He told me that he prepared this room because it was bigger and it had its own bathroom, but I suspected it also had to do with it being farther from his room than my old room, which I didn't mind.
He rested my bags on my new bed and offered to help me unpack. I declined and he explained that he had to go finish up some work, but that we would have dinner together in a few hours. I gave him a weak nod and, with that, he left me alone in my new room. Sitting down on my bed, I tried to take everything in. The faster I adjusted, the easier it would be on everyone, including myself, Ms. Kroger had said. I was starting school at Hemery High School on Monday. They were just picking me up out of the life I was in and setting me back down in a new one. Yeah, adjusting, that'll be a cinch.
A few hours later, Dad and I ate dinner together in the kitchen. He asked me about my, and Buffy's, life and asked me about my likes and dislikes. I tried to keep my answers to one or two words. I didn't really feel all that up to conversation. After dinner, I retired to my room, opting to be alone rather than continue the awkward silences with my father. I unpacked my things and went to bed early, crying myself to sleep.
Monday arrived faster than I would have liked. I couldn't help but dread the first day at a new school. To transfer into a new school, in the middle of the year, was always the most difficult. Everyone already had their place and you were the only person left without their role. It could be weeks before a new person could finally fit into their new school, and even then, they were facing a huge chance of becoming a complete reject. And all because some stupid social worker couldn't give Buffy the tiniest bit of slack!
When I arrived at school, the main office had given me a schedule and a map of the school and sent me off on my not-so-merry way. I didn't even get a damn tour. They were too busy. The school was enormous, but, thankfully, a boy who appeared to be just a little older, stopped to speak to me.
"Hi. You're new aren't you?" he asked, giving me a friendly grin.
"Yeah. I'm Dawn Summers," I introduced myself, hoping he might be able to direct me to my first class. He was tall and muscular and had he not possessed one of the friendliest smiles I'd ever seen, I probably would have been intimidated.
"Well, welcome to Hemery, Dawn. My name is Tim. And judging from the look on your face, I'm guessing you're lost."
"That obvious? I don't know where my English class is. I don't suppose you have any idea what direction I should head in do you?" I asked, giving him the most helpless look I could muster, praying he would take pity on me and help. He reached out and took my schedule glancing over it quickly.
"Yeah, room 216. I can take you there. It's just right around the corner," he offered, handing my schedule back to me.
"No problem. So you're a freshman? Where did you transfer from?" Tim asked, making polite conversation as he led me down the corridor.
"Yeah. I'm from Sunnydale. What grade are you in?"
"Me? I'm a junior. I've heard of Sunnydale before I think. They have a lot of weird occurrences, don't they?"
"Yeah, you could say that," I answered, stifling a laugh. Talk about understatements.
"Well, here you are." Tim indicated the room in front of us. "Maybe I'll see you at lunch or something."
"Yeah, thanks for showing me around," I said, giving him a small wave.
"No problem. Good luck today." He smiled again before turning and walking in the opposite direction. Heading into the classroom I began my first class at Hemery, thinking maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.
My first few classes flew by and before I knew it, it was time for lunch. This was to be a critical moment in my high school career. If I were able to find a group of people who would let me sit with them, then they could quite possibly be my new friends in time. If I couldn't, I could be doomed to lonely lunches until graduation. I hoped that I would spot Tim in the cafeteria. He was the only person I had really spoken to all day, and hopefully he wouldn't mind if I joined him at lunch. Of course, I was still just a lowly freshman; it was possible he would not want to be associated with me.
As I entered the cafeteria, bagged lunch in hand, I didn't see Tim anywhere, nor did I see any empty tables. Gazing around the cafeteria, I tried to look for anyone that looked friendly enough to approach. It wasn't going to be easy to just invite myself to sit anywhere.
"Hey, you look lost again," I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I turned around to see Tim and his dazzling smile again.
"Yeah, I kinda am," I answered, never more glad to see someone in my life.
"Follow me," he instructed and walked down the isle to a table at the back of the cafeteria. There were three people already seated at the table, casually conversing with each other, while eating their lunches. Tim plopped down into a chair at the table and gestured for me to do the same.
"Hey guys, this is Dawn. She's new here. Dawn this is Josh, Connor, and Emily," Tim introduced, pointing to each person as he said their name.
"Hi Dawn, it's nice to meet you," said the girl sitting across from me, Tim had introduced as Emily. She twirled one of her blonde pigtails around her finger and gave me a bright smile.
"Hi, nice to meet you as well," I answered quietly.
Josh smiled and nodded to me in way of acknowledgement, as he ran his fingers through his tousled, light brown hair. "Tim we don't have a chem. test, do we?"
"I don't know. Do I normally keep track of those types of things?" Tim responded with a shrug.
"I'm telling you we do! You two are hopeless; you never study. Don't come crying to me when you flunk off the wrestling team," Emily said in an exasperated tone of voice. Both boys shrugged and dismissed her warning. I noticed that the boy who had been introduced as Connor remained silent. He didn't attempt to acknowledge me, rather eyed me suspiciously throughout the lunch period.
"So, where ya from, Dawn?" Emily asked, drawing my attention away from Connor.
"Sunnydale," I answered shyly. I could feel Connor's eyes still on me, and I was beginning to grow nervous of him.
"Why'd you move to LA?" Josh continued the questioning.
"It's where my Dad lives."
"Cool. Have you lived in LA before?" Emily asked.
"Yeah, but we moved when I was kind of young."
"Well, welcome back. We'd be glad to show you around if you want, wouldn't we guys?" Tim suggested, giving me a wide smile.
"Yeah, do you wanna hang out with us at the mall this weekend? There's lots of stores, but we don't normally actually shop. We just sorta... loiter, I guess. You in?" Emily asked, smiling as well. I beamed with excitement at the prospect of hanging out with them. I didn't expect to make friends so quickly, and was thrilled that I was actually fitting in with them. It seemed I had found a role on the first day. Today wasn't going as terribly as it could have been.
The moment I got home from school, I called Buffy to tell her about my first day at Hemery. I couldn't wait to tell her about the new people I met and my plans for the weekend. Buffy answered on the second ring with a polite "Hello."
"Buffy! It's me, how's everything at home?" I asked; my excitement clearly audible.
"Dawn? Everything is good here. We all miss you so much. How is it going with Dad? And how was your first day at your new school?"
"I miss you guys too. Dad's boring, but spending a good amount of money on me to make up for the lack of time he's willing to spend. School was pretty good. I met some new people and I'm not too behind in any of my classes. And since I got here I've been living the demon free life," I informed her as I strolled through the kitchen, searching for food to fill my grumbling tummy.
"I'm glad to hear everything is going well. Tell me about your new friends," I listened to her answer as I rummaged through the cupboards. Finding some tasty looking crackers, I slumped down into a chair at the kitchen table, and continued telling Buffy about my day.
"Well, they're not exactly my friends yet, but I hope, eventually, they will be. They invited me to the mall with them on Friday. And I exchanged phone numbers with this girl named Emily. She was really nice. They all were. Well almost all of them."
"Almost? Who wasn't nice to you? I can beat them up if you want," Buffy joked.
"No! Well, this one kid, his name's Tim, he kinda took me under his wing and introduced me to his friends and Emily and Josh were really nice to me, but his other friend Connor didn't talk to me much and I just got a weird vibe from him. It was nothing though. He wasn't, like, mean or anything," I explained between bites of cracker.
"So, is this Tim guy cute? Do you like him?" Buffy probed.
"Yeah, he's cute, but I don't like him. Not in the crush sense, anyway. Actually, it's just my luck that the cutest guy I met all day, probably one of the cutest I've ever met, is the one who refused to talk to me. Just typical."
"Maybe he's just shy. Give him a chance to warm up. Besides, Hemery is a big school. I'm sure there are tons of guys there for you to have nice, innocent, freshman relationships with this year."
"Actually, they're all juniors," I told her quietly.
"Juniors?!? There will be no dating of the older men, Dawn Summers! You don't know what goes through the minds of boys at that age," Buffy insisted.
"Oh please! When you were my age your boyfriend was, what, 240 years older than you?" I reminded her. Finishing off my crackers, I left a crumbly mess at the kitchen table for my dad to find when he got home that night. Wandering through the living room, I absently toyed with the figurines on the mantle piece as I awaited Buffy's excuse. She took a minute or so before answering, an obvious sign that I had indeed brought up a valid point.
"I was older than you! And that was a lot different. And need I remind you how well that relationship worked out?" Buffy retorted, finally.
"Okay, fine. It's not like Connor could even bring himself to speak to me, never mind date me!"
"I just want you to remember to be careful, no matter what. I have to go wrap some stuff up before patrol. Say 'hi' to Dad for me. I love you and I'll talk to you later."
"Okay, I love you too. Bye."
"Bye, Dawnie."
I plopped down on the over stuffed chair in the living room after placing the cordless phone back on its hook. Thoughts about Tim, Josh, Emily, and especially Connor streamed through my head. I was excited about this weekend, but at the same time nervous. I wasn't sure how I should act, dress, and speak around them. I wanted to please them and be accepted, but I also didn't want them to think I was fake. Ah, the trials and tribulations of being a teenager. I supposed that it was probably best to just be myself around them and hope that they liked me the way I was. At least I would be happiest that way and I hoped they would as well.