I Believe Today Is Your Lucky Day, Because I've Finally Updated This Story - A Pretty Lame Chapter But... Yeah, Whatever.
To say that yesterday was quite the day is just- Kairai sighed, throwing her blanket off of her as she laid back on her bed. She currently didn't have the strength to get up, neither did she want to continue living at this very moment.
She got back home but not without the whole gang following behind her, that is and...
There was a lot of explaining to do to Draden and how she has all these so called boyfriends and that- Draden was impressed, but not so impressed she lead a Uchiha to their home and then-
Yeah, they all got to see her house - or the front of it, Draden refused them to come in because Itachi was there.
"You better get up!" She hears her brother calling from downstairs, "Foods on the island and REMEMBER, no boys' in the house!"
Kairai heard the sound of the front door slamming, he was still in a foul mood from last night it seemed. I mean, it wasn't her fault and neither was it her idea for ALL of them to come home with her anyways. It was stupid Hidan that asked if he could come over and get to know her a little more-
Then Itachi said it would be a great idea to see their brand new members' house and maybe even get more acquainted with her...
The terrible part being that she had no say in the matter, they all wanted to come and well- Now it was plain to know she would be getting a new baby- a supervisor. This week was just horrible in general, she thought to herself as she rolled off her bed.
"Ow..." She mumbled, sitting up as Hayley opened her door, in the act of brushing her teeth.
"Kiddo, get up - you're going to be late for school if you- Stop being over dramatic and get up, you and Draden are so alike."
The teenager stuck out her tongue, getting up and rubbing her knee a bit.
After doing her usual morning routine and running downstairs, she heard the door bell ring and she stopped- having the feeling of ignoring it and just go and-
"Answer the goddamn door, Kairai!" Hayley shouted and the teen growled, cursing her older sibling.
"This is literally stupid, who even gets up and rings someone's door in the morning? Satan, that's who - fucking-" She opened the door, looking up and frowned at the sight of her second least favorite person.
He smirked, seeing her, "Hey there, doll face."
"It's too fucking early to deal with this bullshit..." She muttered, the palm of her hand meeting her face with a slap. The brunette closed the door, hearing cries of protest from the silver-haired one. "Too early."
"Who is it?" Hayley asked, standing on top of the stairs, currently drying off her hair.
"Nobody, it was-"
The doorbell went off again and she rolled her eyes as Hayley frowned.
"It seems like there is someone out there..."
"It's-" it rang again, "seriously," and again, "nobody."
"Of course, nobody." The older responded, continuing to eye the younger one.
Kairai opened the door, slamming it behind her - "Okay, okay, stop it, you're so annoying and it's so fucking early!" She yelled, pouting at the cheeky asshole.
"You were pretty rude, leaving me hanging out here, ya know." He answered.
"What do you want anyways?" She asked, looking away.
"What else? Came here to pick up my most favorite person in the world, obviously." He grinned as she looked at him with disgust, he didn't mind much.
"Ugh, fine, whatever... Just let me grab my stuff." She left the door open and ran to the kitchen, grabbing her bag and coat... She hungrily eyed the breakfast on the island table but ruled against eating it since Hidan was waiting outside. She could grab something along the way, probably.
Anyways, she closed the front door behind her, thinking to herself that she really, really dislike Monday mornings' more than ever.