Spencer woke up to the sound of her phone ringing like crazy, a barrage of text messages coming in all at once. Before she could even reach for her phone her bedroom door opened and her father came in with an odd look on his face. She was instantly worried that something was wrong and sat up.
"Dad?" she inquired quietly. "Wh…is…is something wrong?"
Peter Hastings sat down on the edge of her bed and swallowed as if he wasn't sure how to say whatever it was he had to say. "I'm not sure how to tell you this, Spence."
"Just tell me."
"It's about Eddie Lamb."
She felt the blood rush out of her head and wasn't entirely sure she wasn't about to faint. "They didn't release him, did they? They can't. He did it."
She was trembling and Peter reached out and patted her leg. "No. They didn't release him. He confessed."
"So he doesn't get a trial?" Spencer was stunned and disappointed. "That's not fair!"
"He will go on trial. He confessed to more than the rape."
Spencer couldn't help but notice the hesitation when he said rape and she knew it was because he was still having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that it had happened.
"What else did he confess to?" she asked.
"A lot." Peter said. "He killed Detective Wilden…and Melissa."
Spencer shook her head. "No. A killed Melissa."
"He was A, Spence. He confessed to that too."
"No. Cece is A." She argued. "How could he be A? How could he know all that stuff?"
"Apparently he managed to get it out of Mona when she was heavily medicated." Peter explained. "They're arguing a mental defect..."
"WHAT?" Spencer screamed. "A mental defect? That's impossible! He worked at Radley. He was perfectly sane."
"You thought Mona was perfectly sane too."
"She…" Spencer stopped, thinking that if she told her father that Mona wasn't insane he might turn her into the police. She couldn't do that. "How…"
"They're saying he developed an obsession with you because of the news coverage of Ali's disappearance and everything else."
Her father explained everything to her and she listened in stunned silence. She couldn't believe what he was saying. There was no way Eddie had any kind of mental problems. This had to be some kind of lie. And he certainly couldn't have been A. When her father left she checked the text messages. They were from Aria, Hanna, Emily, Mona, Toby, and Jason. One each, all asking if she had heard the news yet.
She asked all of her friends to come over. She needed to talk to them. She didn't know how much had been on the news, but she was certain her father had told her more. Her friends must be reeling as badly as she was right now, and they didn't even know everything.
When they arrived she told them everything she knew. It wasn't easy to repeat, but she had to.
"Apparently he convinced himself that we were in some kind of relationship and he was protecting me." She said. "He knew Wilden was more than likely a threat to me, and thought Melissa was."
"He may be a rapist and murder and crazy," Mona said. "But he is not A. There's no way. I don't think I was that out of it. I may have told Cece some things, but not Eddie. I'm sure of it."
"So…what do we do now?" Hanna asked.
They all looked at each other. No one had an answer. They half expected their phones to start ringing with a message from A. This had to be her work somehow. Eddie Lamb was guilty, but of what? How much of it was really on him, and how much was A? They all knew how good A was at twisting the truth to make things work out how she wanted them to. But no one's phone rang. The living room was eerily silent as they waited.
Finally Spencer took a breath and spoke. "I guess we wait."
And that's it for Spencer. I'm planning on taking another stab at Emily next, but I'm not sure when. It may be a while, but thank you so much for reading and enjoying Spencer's story!