AN: Hello, Fanfiction. Rick Riordan owns Percy Jackson!

Annabeth's POV

Seaweed Brain was offered to become a god. I can't believe that Perseus Jackson was offered to become a god. All of this information is too much to process in my brain.

Percy has been my best friend ever since we were twelve. I have to admit, at first I hated him for being the son of the sea god, but eventually, I decided to become friends with him, realizing that it's my mother's rivalry and that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy being in his presence. We've been through so much already. I am not ready to throw four years of friendship down the drain. I might not be able to see Seaweed Brain that often, but the thought of seeing him much less than I normally do just feels strange to me.

I wasn't even aware, but I looked scared and shocked and I didn't even realize it until I saw how he looked back at me. He looked at me like he was seeking advice from me, like he was worried on how his life would be without me. I felt broken, and he could sense it. I didn't want to be the one making his decision for him.

It seemed that I felt something different about him than I did when I first met him. I still remember the first words I said to him.

"You drool when you sleep."

Did all our friendship really matter? Did that deep look he is giving me mean that he cared, or did it just mean nothing? After all, I did feel like I was his best friend. Maybe that was an act, just like how it was with Luke. It hurt to think about Luke, but at the moment, it hurts to think of Seaweed Brain becoming a god. I had cared a lot about Seaweed Brain to take that stab for him. Of course he cared for me, why had he saved me so many times?

Why am I thinking of Seaweed Brain like this? When I was about to tell him my feelings when we were doing cabin inspection before Malcolm interrupted us, it made me rethink me loving Seaweed Brain. Did I love him? Will I be committed to a relationship with him if I do love him? I wish Silena were still alive so I could ask for her advice. I am so confused about if I love Seaweed Brain or not. If I do love him, I hope he loves me too.

The next thing he said shocked me. He turned down immortality. I cried tears of joy. He did care about me. And I realized that I did love Percy. I just hoped he loved me back. I'm sure he did, but if he didn't, I would just have to wait for another special someone like I felt for Luke before Percy came along.

AN: How was it? I just finished writing this at 11 pm, so it may not be my best writing. It was harder than writing a normal story like the ones I wrote in Creative Writing where I made up my own characters, instead of writing in Annabeth's point of view. Sorry if I made Annabeth OOC, but like I said before, it's late and I found it more difficult to write in Annabeth's POV, but I figured that it would be a tough moment for her anyway with so many people dead and possibly losing her best friend. Anyway, enough with the rambling and please read and review.