Headcanon 887:

Beastboy has come to hate the color green.

I disclaim ownership

He looked around the room. Green.

He looked at his bedsheets. Green.

He looked at his hair. Green.

He looked at his eyes. Green.

He looked at his skin. Green.

Garfield Logan had come to hate the color green.

One would assume he loved it, based on his skin tone, the monochromatic scheme of everything he owned, he even boasted that girls loved the green all the time. Lately, he had become rather sick of it. The green ruined his life; labeled him a freak among humankind. The green gave him powers. Powers that caused him pain whenever he went to fight. Pain that happened even as he changed into the different animals.

Of course, it wasn't just the bad things that the green had brought. The green gave him his job. The green gave him his family. He was occasionally grateful for the green.


Self-image problems were his department in the tower. He had struggled with depression for many of his early years as he became ridiculed by society. That had mostly gone away when the Titans gained fame, but not all of it. The green was covered in scars from his early years with his less-than-caring guardian, which were also an unfortunate shade of green.

Raven helped him with it, occasionally. Their relationship helped keep his hate in check. He felt it with every kiss, every touch and hold of the hand. Her love would flow through him and revitalize his tired soul, and he would momentarily forget his utter disdain for the green.

At those moments, his world was filled with beautiful purple.

And yet, it was not always that it was. In town, at a rally for something or other, the Titans had attended. They forgot about his superhearing, the citizens, and he heard it all.

"I would hate for my skin to be green."

"Do you think he can pass on diseases?"

"I wonder if they just keep it as their pet."

"How can such a beauty end up with him? He's green for God's sake!"

That day, the green was his worst enemy.

Raven had come home with him. He was in tears, and she was about to blow her top at the citizens for saying such things, so they had left. Her sweet nothings and soft kisses soothed him, but the feeling was still there, and it wouldn't leave.

He tore apart his room that night. Anything bearing the color green was destroyed. Robin would yell at him, but he didn't care. Paint was haphazardly splattered on the walls in an attempt to cover that dreadful color, his furniture and clothing and bedsheets torn to shreds.

That night, the green had him crying.

The next day found Raven still consoling him. She tossed Robin away after he came in angry, and they hadn't been bothered since. After a while, she decided to show him something she had been working on. For the first time since he had awoken, he got a good look at her hair, which boasted green streaks in a few places, and the tips were fully dyed with the color. She had known no other way to help him cope, and it had worked. He smiled, kissed her, played with the strands before sighing and accepting fate.

That morning, he grew to appreciate the green.

Once again, I fail at these headcanons, but they're giving me something to do. I would be updating, but... procrastination kinda sucks.