Author's Notes: Hello everybody! this is my first fanfiction! Woo! And what better thing to write a fanfiction about then the greatest thing of all time: Pokemon! So I hope all who read shall enjoy it! Now I do not own Pokemon or am associated with Pokemon. Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. ALRIGHT, with that out of the way, read and enjoy!

Chapter 1

The Journey Begins

My name is Jake. I'm just your average 16 year old kid with a dream of being a Pokemon master, like every other kid in the world. My story starts in Twinleaf town; my hometown, located in Sinnoh. Yeah I know what you're thinking: Why is this kid 16 and still hasn't started his Pokemon journey? Well for that you can thank my lovely, and as you could probably guess, overprotective mom. "Pokemon are too dangerous." Or "Raising Pokemon is too big a responsibility for a 10 year old kid." Blah blah blah... I've heard it a million times. And let's not forget about the great encouragement from my friends when I talk and video chat with them on the machines at the Pokemon Center. "Ha! My *insert Pokemon name here* is so strong now! How's your Pokemon? Oh wait, you still haven't left Twinleaf!" Yeah, GREAT encouragement…. BUT, that's all behind me now; for today is the day I finally set out to fulfill my dream of becoming a Pokemon master!

"…and it is a beautiful day in Sinnoh! We have clear skies all across the region! It's a great day to go outside to take a walk, hang with friends or just to enjoy Pokemon and their beauty! Why just this morning…" Click! I turn off my alarm, hop out of bed, stretching and rubbing my eyes.

"Today's the day! The day you've waited 6 agonizing years longer compared to everyone else to start your adventures. But today is the day!" I rush to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dressed. After I finish I take a look at myself in the mirror to make sure I look as good as I feel. I put some stray hairs back in their place and make myself look as awesome as I can. I finish my morning routine with a snap of both fingers toward the mirror. "Lookin' good!"

I rush downstairs to find my mother cooking breakfast. I could smell it all the way upstairs. Eggs, toast and bacon were perfectly arranged on a plate with a glass of orange juice next to it. I sit down and start digging in. "Don't eat too fast, or you'll choke!" I let out a sigh.

"Yes, mother…" And I continually demolish the food she has prepared. Even if my mom is overprotective, she's still a great cook.

As I finish the last drops of orange juice, I tell my mom thanks for the breakfast and head for the door.

"Wait!" My mother said in a saddened tone "Do you have your-" Interrupting her sentence I say confidently

"Mom, before you ask, I have everything I need. I have my money, six Poke Balls, and all of my clothes in my backpack. I'm a young adult now and I can take care of myself." Although I knew it made her sad to see me finally go, she still managed a faint smile to know that her 'little boy' was confident and off on adventures of his own. She leaned down and kissed my forehead and said goodbye to me, with tears forming in her eyes. I start to head for the door again, and as I walk out I turn around and waved goodbye.

Well, off I go! I felt great; on top of the world. Instead of going straight to Professor Rowan to get my first Pokemon, I decided I'd visit Verity Lake one last time. I had many memories of that lake... My friends and I would play down by the lake all the time in the summer. I used to go fishing with my dad before he… before he passed away. So I thought I might as well visit it one last time before I set out. I walked up to the lakefront and it was just beautiful. The waves gently hitting the rocks, how the water was shimmering in the morning sun. I took a deep breath as I looked out over the lake. I stood there a moment when some rustling in the bushes snapped me out of my thoughts. I curiously walked over to see what it was. It didn't seem like a Pokemon, I didn't know what it was, it was just strange. So I just slowly crept over, scanning the area to try to determine what it was, but to no avail. Once I was only about two yards away, I heard a deep and raspy voice. "Now!" And before I knew what was happening I had my arms and legs were restricted by two men while a third man put a sack over my head and threw a single, solid punch to the side of my head, then started carrying me somewhere. The blow to the head caused me doze in and out of consciousness. During the moments I was conscious, I could hear the men talking but couldn't make out what they were saying. Something about money? I don't know, it was all fuzzy. I finally blacked out as I was continuously carried to an unknown destination…