Dedicated to Swagalious, who requested a Jade/Kung Lao pairing fanfic. It is also my first, and I apologize if I disappoint.
I have been given the go-ahead and freedom to "come up with something" regarding this story, and have decided to use my own personal life experiences to set up the framework of this fic, just as I did with Kitana's Heartbreak.
Enjoy Swagalious.
Jade promised herself she was never going to be in a relationship again. If the Edenian wasn't going to be with Tomas "Smoke" Vrbada, she wasn't going to be with anybody. No matter who, or how charming and good-looking the guy was, Jade wanted no part of any man. Nobody. The sultry Edenian didn't care if even the richest King of some realm desired her, she wouldn't even bat an eye towards him.
After ending a very serious and long relationship with Smoke, the sultry Edenian was downright jaded. That's not to say that what she shared with Tomas was a nightmare, because they did in fact, had been madly in love, and loved each other well.
Unfortunately for them though, not all good relationships go on to have a fairy tale ending.
Smoke insisted that he and Jade remain friends post break-up, but the Edenian found it too difficult to do so, at least for the time being. She wanted to disconnect all ties she had to her former lover, and hoped that she would one day find the strength to be able to have him back in her life again.
After so many years of having Smoke just completely take-over her life, Jade finally tasted the freedom of being single again, and loved every bit of it. The Edenian had forgotten what it was like after so long, and really enjoyed just being by herself. She got to go out more, spending lots of quality time with friends and family, and just finding herself all over again.
Jade's new relationship was life itself, as she had never been one to sit and mope around. The Edenian could actually think just for herself and nobody else, enjoying the lack of responsibility that being single had. She also stayed fit and active, keeping her already well-toned body in tremendous shape.
While this was good for her and all, it also meant bad news for someone like Kung Lao, who always had his heart set on Jade the moment he first laid his eyes on her. She was the Shaolin Monk's dream girl. Everything Kung Lao wanted in a woman Jade had, and more. He believed that she was the perfect fit in his life, and knew that if he were to one day have her, his life would be set.
Being best friends with Liu Kang, the monk often saw how happy the first tournament champion was with his woman, Kitana. The two of them were the happiest, most in-love couple Kung Lao had ever seen, and he often fantasized what that joy would be like for himself. It didn't help that Kitana and Jade were also best friends, and that the sultry Edenian had always brushed Kung Lao off as just another "nice guy."
The Shaolin Monk had always been somewhat jealous of Smoke when he and Jade were together, but due to the nature of their close friendship, Kung Lao respected what they shared and never pried, always just admiring them from afar.
The happiest day of the monk's life was when he found out that Smoke and Jade had ended their relationship, giving him hope that he could somehow be there to comfort and console her. Although Kung Lao never made a move, he was crushed when he heard that Jade was happy being single and free, wanting absolutely nothing to do with any man. Kitana told Liu Kang - who relayed the message - that Jade had no interest in seeing somebody new anytime soon.
Still unbeknownst to her, the Edenian had occupied ninety-nine percent of Kung Lao's mind.
He sighed as he watched her and Kitana sit on the grass field and chit-chat, while enjoying the sun.
Liu Kang placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Do not worry pal, I am certain that one day Jade will eventually cave, and will want someone to be there with her on a cold lonely night."
"It still doesn't guarantee that it will be me to keep her warm during that time." Kung Lao replied.
"Well, you have to make a move my friend. Sitting around and dreaming about her isn't going to help you court her."
"I can't. Jade has already stated that she is very happy being single and free. Besides, you were the one who told me that she has no interest in seeing anybody soon."
"Just saying what Kitana had told me. It was never meant to deter you from anything. Besides, Kitana and I want to set you two up. Wouldn't it be such a perfect double date for the four of us?"
"It would. I guess we'll just have to wait until she gets over this novelty of being single and free. Then, if I am lucky enough, I may finally find an opportunity to let Jade know how I feel about her…"
"That sounds like a good plan."
"I am concerned with how Smoke would take it though, with me trying to court Jade. They did just ended a very serious relationship, and I am certain that there are still some left over feelings between them."
"Of course there will be. However, eventually they will both need to move on with their lives at some point. And if Smoke truly does care for Jade, he should be happy and respect whatever future decisions she decides to make, regardless of who she makes them with."
"You are as wise as you are skilled, my friend." Kung Lao smiled, patting Liu Kang on the back.
"Only sometimes. Kitana would surely beg to differ…"
The two warriors shared a laugh as the two Edenian women approached them.
"What's so funny, boys?" Kitana asked.
"Oh nothing…just a little joke between two monks." Kung Lao chuckled, before glancing at Jade. She looked so stunning and beautiful, even when she just stood still.
Jade spoke up. "Care to share?"
The Shaolin Monk immediately got all tensed up and nervous, as his dream woman had actually spoken to him. "Uh, uhhhhh…" he trailed off, trying desperately to come up with something smart or witty to say. Kung Lao had absolutely no game.
Liu Kang saw that his wingman was starting to stall and needed to be bailed out fast.
"Uh, how bout over dinner ladies? Kung Lao and I were just talking about how hungry we were before you two showed up." he interjected, rescuing his buddy.
"That sounds like a good idea. I'm starving. What do you say, Jade? Care to join us?" Kitana said, rubbing her well toned abdomen.
"Um, sure why not…" The sultry Edenian replied. Although she was not particularly hungry, it wasn't like she had any other plans or place to be.
"Great. Kung Lao's buying." Liu Kang exclaimed, slapping his hand hard on his friends back.
Chapter 2 coming soon.