The Interrogation Specialist 35

Logan is standing in the living room looking out the window into the front yard. He smiles at the picture of his beautiful pregnant wife and two year old son playing with the new pit bull puppy. The puppy is from Back Up's blood line and Veronica's eyes teared with happiness when she opened the door to the laundry room and saw the puppy in his crate. She fell to her knees and gently opened the crate door, pulling the excited puppy into her arms. The love and the gratitude in her eyes was more than enough thanks for the man who only wants to see her happy.

Looking around the yard, Logan sees that Casey's threesome must have gone home early today. Veronica, in her usual forthright manner, decided that twice a week the children would come over and stay with them for part of the day. They go to Grandma and Grandpa Mars one day a week as well. This gives Casey three days per week to go to work if he needs to.

Casey has not regretted his decision to be an instant father. He made his mansion a real home for the children. He has been able to successfully balance work with his home responsibilities. He is quiet, caring and surprisingly is bringing the children up with chores and teaching them responsibility. Yet there is no doubt that he loves them and they love him. He has recently started dating the social worker who helped him get the children. Veronica believes that they are in love and thinks that Casey may end up with a large family because Ellen wants to have at least four children. She was an only child and she doesn't want that for her children.

Watching the fun in the front yard, Logan laughs when he sees the puppy knock down Evan and then turn to lick his face as if to apologize. Veronica goes over and helps him up. They are both laughing hard.

Sometimes he can't believe this is his life. He is a successful writer and it fills him with pride. In his head he always felt he was a good writer but there is a difference between thinking one is good and actually having critical success at it. He will admit that he can see why his father and even his mother enjoyed the awards they received for acting. There is nothing like the recognition of your peers and critics to reassure one that you are good at what you do. Now he is not only the son of two famous actors, he is a successive screenplay writer and a bestselling author. He is currently editing his second novel and he hopes it does well but he is more concerned in getting it how he wants it to be. If the public doesn't like it, he can live with that. His writing is his outlet and he has become more confident in what he is trying to say and with this novel, he is sure about what he wants the final product to be. His career does more than support his family and allow him to spend quality time at home, it nourishes his soul. The release he gets from putting his thoughts and ideas to paper, is cathartic.

He hears horror stories of dealing with the in-laws but Logan knows he has been absolutely blessed with a strong, loving extended family. He has a father, mother and two brothers who he loves with all his heart. They don't treat him like Veronica's husband; they treat him like he truly belongs. He is also thankful for the handful of close, trustworthy friends he has gained in his life now he is with Veronica.

He looks out at his son who is throwing the ball. At times he wants to pinch himself that he is a father to a stubborn, active, healthy, wonderful son who tests his patience; his relationship with his son is close, loving and absolutely violence free. That part of him deep inside that was paralyzed with worry that he would become abusive like the long line of his ancestors is now confident that won't happen. He is still aware of his reactions but he has support and a strong belief that he can react positively to the stressors in his life. In four short months, his daughter will come into their lives. He has been so excited since they found out the newest addition to their family is going to be a girl. Although he doesn't care what she looks like, he wonders if she is going to be blonde and blue eyed like her beautiful mother or perhaps dark haired and dark eyed like his elegant mother.

He watches as Veronica manages to get the ball away from the excited puppy and she hands it to Evan to throw again. Watching Evan's reactions to his world has been awe-inspiring. His curiosity and excitement has allowed Logan to see life through hopeful eyes again.

Seeing Veronica's joy and love at being an active mother has touched the last dark place in Logan's soul. She reminds him of his mother at times. The way her whole body radiates happiness at each new discovery in Evan's life amazes the man who didn't think he could be amazed anymore. He feels a twinge in his chest as he watches her. She is flushed from the exertion; a beautiful smile lights up her face and her laughter mixes with the happy barks and excited shouts. He knew the first time he saw her playing soccer when she was twelve years old, that there was something special about her. The romantic part of his nature will tell you that he must have known she was the woman for him but the truth is, she is more than that. She is more loving, more fun, more nourishing, more sexy, more beautiful than he honestly ever dreamed. Sure, she can be stubborn, frustrating, worrisome and downright annoying but she is his soul. This pocket sized, fireball is everything to him and he couldn't love her more.

When Veronica didn't want to go back to work after Evan was born, Logan encouraged her to stay home. He was touched that she didn't want to leave their son but he felt that eventually she would feel the pull back to work. She surprised everyone by not showing any desire to go back to work. She has made being a mother her career; putting the same thought, drive and energy into it that she put into classes or her job. She has set up one of the rooms at the front of the house as their art studio. The kids all have aprons they wear and they all explore a multitude of different mediums together. Each month they learn new music and dance steps from a country on Veronica's list and a performance is scheduled for the family to attend before they have a dinner with dishes from that country. The cabinet in the living room is full of musical instruments that the children use when they sing and dance. They have Spanish hours and everyone must learn a new word or phrase and must speak only Spanish for that hour. Late afternoon is story time. Veronica or Logan read a chapter from a book they feel is important for the children to have read. Right now they are reading the children's version of Tom Sawyer. Logan loves to watch Veronica read aloud. She puts a lot of emotions into her words and makes the story come alive. The children are on the couches relaxing but it is clear that they are invested in the story and like to look at the pictures when Veronica holds them up. Logan absolutely loves the look of excitement in the children's eyes and hear their innocent comments. Living so close to the beach, Veronica mixes time outside with time indoors. Veronica rounds up helpers and she takes the children to the zoo, aquarium, museum or whatever else she feels they need to see. Casey laughs that he never has to worry about having trouble putting the children to bed in the evenings they visit the Echolls.

As much time and thought as Veronica puts in to being the best mom she can be, she puts equal and time and energy in the other relationships in her life. She is diligent about calling her family and friends. She is involved in their lives and ready to be there if they need her.

The relationship she thinks about the most is her one with Logan. She loves to surprise him with baked goods, arts and craft projects she and the children make, letters she has written, books she found that she thought he would enjoy and music that reminds her of them. She gives him the looks, the touches and the words. For Logan, the thought that this special woman loves him is something he can't really express in words except to say it fills him with utter joy. He is deeply grateful to have her next to him in his life and be her mate. At first he was insecure about his ability to be in a solid, loving relationship and truthfully he was not sure she would stay. He didn't know if his insecurities about being able to love or her own demons would drive her to leave him but deep down, he was worried he would end up alone. Now he knows that he can sustain a real relationship; he is capable of being a good husband, father, son, brother and friend. He understands he will make mistakes but his family and friends will help guide him through them. He also knows that Veronica will be there. He guesses if he has to pick one word that describes him best now, it would be secure. He is secure in his relationships and he is secure in his own self. Who would have ever thought he would feel secure? His childhood was filled with fear, worry and darkness. At first he tried to be good enough that his father would be proud of him and not need to punish him. He tried to keep his mother happy and away from the alcohol and pills. Later, he knew only survival and hopelessness. It was Veronica who helped pull him from the darkness and now it is with her that he has learned he deserves to be loved. Maybe that is growing up; maybe it's just part of being human but whatever words one chooses to use to describe his life and his feelings, Logan Echolls is happy.

Thinking about the deadlines he is facing, Logan contemplates going back to his office. The truth is he is often pulled from his office by the music, laughter or joyful noises he hears throughout the day. It is surprising that he gets any writing done. He is drawn to the activities during the day and of course doesn't want to miss the evening family time and Evan's bed time rituals. Then he is alone with Veronica and he doesn't want to go to his office when he could be alone with her. Thankfully Veronica understands and she takes Evan away to visit family or schedules blocks of time that Logan is alone at the end of the house where his office is. When he is facing a deadline, she usually shoes him to his office for a few hours after Evan is asleep. She is never upset if he doesn't go to bed with her or he wakes her when he comes to bed.

He walks over to the door, opens it and steps outside to enjoy the day, enjoy the love, enjoy life. Veronica sees him first and smiles. She quickly reaches down getting a hold of the puppy as it runs by her towards Logan. She scratches him behind his ear. She has seen what can happen when the excited, muscular puppy and her son run towards the same place. Little Evan hearing the door open looks over and a huge smile lights up his innocent, loving face. He starts to run towards the door and yells, "Dad!" Logan crouches down and opens his arms.