My first Hetalia fic submission to this site. Please be gentle.

The bond I share with China is pretty deep.

I refer to him as 'GeGe', which is the Chinese version of 'older brother'

And yes, I do have a heart condition, in case you're wondering.


China and I

Chapter I - Homecoming

"You okay? You don't seem very relaxed." His voice was concerned and soft, careful not to startle me further.

"I-I'm fine…" I managed weakly and sat up on the couch. "It's just that illness of mine acting up again."

"Aiya, seriously? On the day I come visit you? How very impolite of the illness!" He said with annoyance, causing me to giggle.

The way he spoke really tugged at my heart strings at times. I shook my head slightly to clear it.

He's my older brother, nothing more. I told myself. Besides… I already had someone.

"Is the hammer treating you good?"

"…What? Hammer? Oh. You mean…right. Yeah, he's fine." I recognised my boyfriend's internet name a second too late, but he forgave me instantly.

That's how warm China is.

He seemed to read my mind.

"Very ironic, is it not? For Shanghai is so cold in the winter. But here we are in your home during it and feeling nice and cozy.

"Yeah…" I smiled and crawled closer to him, I didn't understand why I had to… I guess it was just because it had been so long since I saw him.

"What is it, Chihiro?"

"…Don't call me that, not you of all people." I murmured and leaned against him wearily. My heart chose that moment to throb once more and made me cringe.

I really hated this illness.

"Alright…what is it…佳韵?"

I flushed a little, not expecting him to go straight to Chinese. "…It hurts…" I said simply.

"I see…Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He murmured, patting me gently on the head.

"Just…stay with me, Gege."

"Of course." He replied with a smile. "I'm here to look after you whilst you have the house to yourself after all! I hope you have a big appetite tonight! I'm cooking crab!"

I beamed, my eyes glistening. "I haven't had crab in ages! I love crab."

"I know you do, that is why I buy from best seller!"

His awkward grammar made me giggle once more and I hugged his long sleeved arm tightly.

It was his turn to flush this time, but his amber eyes remained warm.

"How long I stay, 佳韵?"

"…As long as you can, please…Gege…"

"Well, that will be long time then." He said and looked up at the stars outside the black sky. Like tiny diamonds shimmering against an endless dark carpet that was the night. "Not that I mind."

"….! Xie xie…"

And he surprised me with a proper hug, resting his chin on the crown of my head. "Mei guan xi." He replied gently and let me sob softly onto him.

I really hate being an only child.

If my parents need to go out. I stay in.

All because of my illness.

It's so hateful. I hate it.

Which is why I'm so grateful…

To have my older brother here with me.

To bring out the side of my heart that doesn't hate.

The side that loves...even if there is only a tiny portion remaining.

It's enough to let me understand that I love my older brother.

And he loves me back just as much