It had been a few day since the accidents and it was very awkward indeed.

Tigress and Po had gotten their personaltities and voices back which was bad for Tigress because she refused to leave her room looking the way she did.


"Come on Tigress come out please". Viper pleaded outside Tigresses room. "NO IM NOT COMING OUT LOOKING LIKE THIS". Master shifu came to see if Tigress had came out. "MASTER TIGRESS I ORDER YOU TO COME OUT". Master shifu said sternly. "I SAID NO AND THAT'S FINAL UNTIL YOU FIND A CURE I SHALL HIDE". Master shifu sighed rubbing his temples clearly fustrated.


Po was not that happy with his figure. "I BELIEVE I CAN FLY". He sang. "PO YOUR NOT A BIRD". Crane stated anooyed. "I KNOW BUT I FEEL SO WEIGHTLESS IM USED TO MY WEIGHT BUT SERIOUSLY THOUGH I FEEL LIKE IM FLOATING". Po thought that it was kind of cool with his new figure but the only thing was that He WAS STUCK WITH A GIRLS FIGURE.

Master shifu was meditating trying to figure out the cure for their current situation. He thought hard until it hit him. The soul gem was a mystic ornament used to make contact with other souls and swap so they would appear different on the outside but being the same on the inside.

He snapped out of his meditation and walked to tell his students the good news.

When he got to the kitchen they were all there except for Tigress. Po and Monkey were laughing at one of Mantis's jokes and Viper and Crane were talking and smiling.

"Come Students I have some good news". They all looked at eachother curious and followed him. He stopped outside Tigresses bedroom. "Tigress I have found the cure". "Well what is it then?". She questioned in an emotionless tone. "You and Po have to enter eachother". They all burst out laughing rolling on the floor except from Tigress,po and master shifu.
"WHAT!". Tigress and Po shouted.

Master Shifu looked confused for a moment then he realised what they thought he had said. He face palmed at his students immature mind. "NOT LIKE THAT YOU IMMATURE CHILDREN". Master shifu shouted. He held out a stone which was ruby red and had letters engraved in it.

"This is a soul gem..It allows us to enter eachothers souls So po and Tigress you must repeat after me while holding this then hopefully that should turn you back to normal". He explained.

"Tigress come out so we can try it". Master Shifu commanded. "I CANT WALK I KEEP ON FALLING DOWN FROM THE WEIGHT". Master shifu sighed.

He opened the door and saw a black blanket with someone under it. "Im under here but Im not coming out". "You dont have to come out you and po must grip on to this gem together". They both nodded. Po grabbed the stone and then Tigress grabbed it from under the blanket.

Master shifu started to speak frantic words in a different language which po and Tigress repeated. When they spoke the final words a blue light erupted like a volcano. Once the light had died down Po and Tigress looked at eachother and realized that they were back to normal.

Outside of Tigresses room they all waited anxiously hoping that the cure had worked. They heard happy screams from the two warriors. They burst in to the room to find the two masters back to their normal sizes.

"LETS ALL GO AND CELEBRATE AT MY DAD'S NOODLE SHOP". They all agreed and payed a visit to the old eccentric goose.

When they got there Mr ping asked alot of questions. "Po why havent you been here lately and Why do you all look so happy?". Po smiled. "Basically dad Somehow Tigress found this thing that made you swap bodies then me and Tigress swapped bodies which was kind of awesome for me Not so awesome for Tigress though. The master Shifu found the cure so yeah happy endings". Po explained.

Master Shifu explained the process of the cure. The goose eyes widened. "YOU HAD TO ENTER EACHOTHER". Mr ping started to talk about the whole process of 'the talk' again. Everyone put their faces in their hands annoyed by the gooses rambling. "Dad I am clearly aware of the whole thing and I know that the stork doesn't put babies in women but seriously dad we didn't mean that It waS THIS MYSTICAL THING THAT REVERSED THE SPELL".

"Ah well! One day it will happen". Mr ping sighed dreamily. Po groaned. This was the most un awesome Idea ever. Po thought. "Um okay Dad why don't you start Um making the noodle soup". Po led the avian out of the kitchen.

"So Po what did your dad mean about one day it will happen?". Crane questioned. Po put his face in his paws hiding his red face. "You don't want to know".

Mr ping came with 7 bowls of noodle soup. They all ate and talked about things. Mr ping showed baby photo's of Po as a little cub. "AW PO YOU WERE SO CUTE I COULD JUST EAT YOU". Tigress pulled his cheeks. Po stuck out his tongue childishly. "So who wants to hear about the time when Po-". "NO DAD SERIOUSLY LET'S UM ALL GET SOME SLEEP". "Um Po it's only 6:00". Mantis reminded.

After some more discussion they finally went home to Po's delight. Before they went to bed Po and Tigress looked in the mirror happy that they were back to normal.



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